Dutchsinse did a live feed about the Hawaii volcano this AM.
Dutchsinse did a live feed about the Hawaii volcano this AM.
what a lot of fear porn
'never forget'
'wounds that never heal'
when you do that you rip the scar off and make it bleed again.
you want people to feel pain.
the whole 'you can never heal'
and 'you will never forget' is a psyop.
people do heal
people do forget.
it's ok to remember and to feel that it needs to be dealt with, justice still denied.
but the 'I tell you how you heal and you can't' bit is manipulative shilling, and not done by friendly people, but by manipulators.
and having a 'blood tear' coming down from an eye ball is icing on the cake-of-manipulation.
there must be real news today.
don't get stuck 22 years in the past.