So you need to remind yourselves as often as you can that you are a Source Energy Being, and you can repeat mantras to yourselves such as, ‘I am Source Energy,’ ‘We are all one,’ and ‘We are all love’ to remind yourselves of the only truth that really matters. You see, you get to decide what you believe and therefore create in your experience to a certain extent, but you will never believe yourself out of being who you really are as an eternal, infinite being of unconditional love.
You will never do anything that is so horrible that you would not still be who you really are upon your death experience. And hopefully, a person who has done horrible things could still realize while in the physical body and in the lifetime that they are a Source Energy Being. And that same person could then choose to forgive themselves and make amends for the things that they had done before they were awake. You know that these people exist in your reality, and because you know that, you must also be able to recognize that you can get from wherever you are right now to where you are going. And nothing and no one can stop you