Anonymous ID: abc90b Sept. 11, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.19529702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9738

I am working on a hypothesis about vaccine injury. I've seen people, usually very well informed, getting critical of regular people who very obviously might be suffering from vaccine injury and yet in social media they never own or admit that possibility.


What I am thinking is this: If you are a regular person who needs to get well enough to go to work, you may not really think it important to be declaring what you think the shot may have done to you. Instead, you seek care however you can get it.


In the last few weeks I've seen a couple of things that make me think regular people are just trying to get along with life. No doubt Big Pharma drugs like Ozempic can have bad effects. However, the major symptoms of vaccine injury don't look that different to me, from the complaints following Ozempic and other weight loss drug use. Going back years, Andrew Wakefield saw gut issues in children who may have been injured by MMR vaccines. Also, it seems that gastric paralysis could be related to Gardasil injections.


I have now heard of "autoimmune" diseases being related to tick bites. That makes sense also, especially given the plausible Plum Island research center and Lyme disease connection. However, when considering people's typical exposures I would guess many people, especially in cities have had more vaccine injections in the last two years than tick bites. If I was ill however and could get help in some fashion just by avoiding the vaccine-illness connection I might just go along with the "tick" explanation whether or not it ended up being true.


Where it gets dicey is if we hope to prevent future harms to people. In that case it is 100% necessary to have a literal come to Jesus moment over vaccine injury.