As God is my witness and I am His, this is the truth about 911 coming from a ground zero worker and a previous top tier Wall street information technologist.
The 911 attacks were planned in advance by a combination of foreign and domestic criminals working together in orchestration. Cantor Fitzgerald was the target, as it was in the first failed attempt to take down the Towers; with the van bombings. I was warned not to work in Manhattan in the first two weeks of September the following year, back in 1999. When I asked why, I said jokingly in disbelief, why is there going to a nuclear bomb or an alien invasion? I was told sternly, just do it, and the person warning me said something to the affect "All I can tell you is there is a lot of noise and chatter". Nothing transpired in 2000 and thank God I wasn't able to take a lucrative unsolicited offer, to work there the following year from a manager who worked for Salomon Brothers (Citicorp owned); starting September 10th as I was delayed by construction work that I could not leave unfinished knowing confidently I could join at a later date. Right after the first attempt, I heard someone tell me after being fired by Cantor Fitzgerald, in a defiant tone "Don't worry, these people are going down,… and I mean it, literally." I didn't think much of these things at the time for various reasons; having worked with hundreds of thousands of corporate personnel. Within a few years after 911, as I interviewed and did small consulting gigs in NYC, I heard a re-occurring theme from 3 different people, in 3 different places, at 3 different times; all echoing the same thing as I spoke to them about the aftermath and that was "The Irish have to know their place in finance". There are no coincidences. I won their confidence because I understand and have read just about every online book or paper at and Guttenberg many years earlier. I do not think any of those people had anything to do with 911 except that they knew about the cabal plans did some mafioso-cabal local business owners alluded to. So why Cantor Fitzgerald? Because they were beating Wall st at their own scam. At the time, Foreign exchange made million if not billions in trades by finding anomalies between two exchange rates of the currencies. They knew computers could be off by a fractional of a percent, but that was enough to trade billions daily and then to swindle foreign currency difference. Cantor was faster than all and was taking over ForEx which impacted all the banks but Citi in particular. After 911 all stocks tanked but whereas banks like JP Morgan and others lost about 25% valuation, down from $110 a share to about $75, Citi took a bath. Their stock went down from $120 to less than $2 a share, I think $1.57. Cantor had to go because unlike Jane Street, they did not feed Israel kickbacks. Never let a crisis go to waste. Citi was owned by the Saudi Prince Alaweed and the Saudis were BFF with the Bushes who took over control of security for the Towers beforehand. I interviewed in those buildings after the first attempt. I counted 22 Id checks and rope maze navigation's to get to an interview. Nothing got in or out without extreme security checks, opening laptop bags, turn on, empty pockets conveyors, pictures, fingerprints, licenses, etc… They obviously knew about the gold in the basement as it was already retrieved before anyone could search for it. They even killed the employees at the Pentagon that helped them steal the 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon. The only thing more disgusting then collecting the remains of innocent American citizens is the authorities that covered it all up. Two planes cannot take down 3 buildings, we do not even have missiles that can do that. That was the smoking gun of an inside job because there are over 1 million buildings in NYC and there has never been 1 in it's history that has ever collapsed for no reason at all, more less predicted 20 minutes too early.