Anonymous ID: 0b0f45 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19545257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5276 >>5345



The expert for plaintiffs, Dr. J. Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan, was then allowed to examine the new Dominion touchscreen Ballot Marking Device (BMD) systems. His report, however, finding multiple vulnerabilities, was said to be so damning that it was sealed by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and kept from both plaintiffs and the public for the past two years.

Anonymous ID: 0b0f45 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:43 p.m. No.19545313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5321 >>5326

We allege Rothschild’s BI Agent Obama used Biden’s Musk’s 𝕏-Change, Trudeau's red-team impulse labs and a RICO association of Delaware-registered corporations for the electronic standdown of blue-team defenses on 9/11, the 5G triggers of impulse control disorders in BI pedo-net communities, the 5G electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballots in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and the 5G electronic ignition of modified ‘dragon’s eggs’ in ‘red-team’ attacks on Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA, West Kelowna, B.C., and Yellowknife, N.WT.


We allege BI sponsored Trudeau's Serco FMEP ChildBase labs allegedly use 𝕏-Change to drive family members into ‘red-team’ impulse control disorders associated with ≈ 3200 unmarked graves at Indian Residential Schools and the 330 million abortions (mainly female) fetuses, the 196 million sterilizations of men & women and countless infanticides of the One Child policy in China.

Anonymous ID: 0b0f45 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19545321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5326


Our avatar AI Bond (see sign off), ties a "Sign of Treason”—© 2023 David Hawkins" podcast docuseries to Victor Rothschild’s alleged use of Business International Corp to trap Trudeau, Biden, Clinton and Obama families with ‘red-team’ [tainted-blood?] impulse labs for blackmail of the Five Eyes patentees.


Tweet sent 8:54 AM September 12, 2023 “We aim Trump at BI-Rothschild's Clinton Covid blood, Biden's Obama 𝕏-Musk traps and Trudeau's red-team impulse labs. We track Victor Rothschild's apparent use of Business International (BI Est. 1953) to build pedophile-honeynet ('PH') traps for population control with lipid prison blood. We tie BI's Serco-FMEP (Est. 1988) ChildBase (Est. 1998) 5G impulse labs to China-Gates patentees—WO2007143011A2, WO2018081318A1, WO2022137133A1, WO2008024753A2, WO1991015505A1, WO1996040718A1, CA3188661A1, CA2910997A1, CA2187704A1, CA2902756A1, CA2703398C, CA3129725A1, CA3102135A1, CA2959541A1, US6226615B1, US20170128761A1, US8844813B2, US6363321B1, CN105917404A and CN111656410A.”