Anonymous ID: 85c657 Sept. 13, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.19544642   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4654


>even Welfare language is more comprehensible.


Jesus fucking Christ it's bad enough you retards lie about the Earth for attention and paytriot larping, but you gotta take Q posts with zero relevance out of context too?


FUCK I hate you all so damned much and I don't hate anything except evil. Let that sink in.

Anonymous ID: 85c657 Sept. 13, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.19544777   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4790 >>4800 >>4801



Don't confuse Bible and Gospel types with Flat Earthers. That's just downright insulting. I never said it was "my" board, either. Read, fren.


No, it isn't Flat Earth specifically that pisses anon off, it's the fact that Flat Earthers lie, and deceive, and manipulate, and cheat often times solely for attention or money, which is inherently evil, especially when they are willing to do these things to young and impressionable children. They say it is liberating to believe there is a dome and that we're all unable to leave it, but in truth that gave way to some of anon's worst months in life when anon fell for their tricks. Anon was depressed to the point of suicide because anon realized in this view that life meant nothing, as we were all trapped inside of a cage and would never amount to anything other than a glorified pet or showcase. Anon was an adult. Imagine what this might do to a child. This is why anon hates Flat Earthers with such a fiery passion, and why anon lumps them up with the monsters depicted in Q posts.


Anon has sought to understand their points and seek answers even with the presupposition of a flat Earth, yet, no one provides the data or numbers or stats which prove anything except a misunderstanding of basic physics, or ultimately prove a globe.


tl;dr, anon's hatred for Flerfs is 100% organic after THEIR calls to "do anon's own research".