Anonymous ID: 923dc8 Sept. 13, 2023, 1:05 p.m. No.19544724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Looks like I may finally be starting to reach the densest of retards, but they still appear to be wholly dedicated to their bullshit so I'm not sure how well they're going to take reality.

Anonymous ID: 923dc8 Sept. 13, 2023, 1:55 p.m. No.19545037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Modern religions focusing on texts are like bird watchers who are more interested with their binoculars than the birds.

Anonymous ID: 923dc8 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:04 p.m. No.19545089   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I would ask what kind of psychopath it takes to spend money to prevent people from being capable of using a self service atm outside, without driving up to it, but we are talking about bankers here.

Anonymous ID: 923dc8 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:14 p.m. No.19545155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Check out the Gnostic scriptures, "On the Origin of the World."

>Before the consummation of the age, the whole place will shake with great thundering. Then the rulers will be sad, […] their death. The angels will mourn for their mankind, and the demons will weep over their seasons, and their mankind will wail and scream at their death. Then the age will begin, and they will be disturbed. Their kings will be intoxicated with the fiery sword, and they will wage war against one another, so that the earth is intoxicated with bloodshed. And the seas will be disturbed by those wars. Then the sun will become dark, and the moon will cause its light to cease. The stars of the sky will cancel their circuits. And a great clap of thunder will come out of a great force that is above all the forces of chaos, where the firmament of the woman is situated. Having created the first product, she will put away the wise fire of intelligence and clothe herself with witless wrath. Then she will pursue the gods of chaos, whom she created along with the prime parent. She will cast them down into the abyss. They will be obliterated because of their wickedness. For they will come to be like volcanoes and consume one another until they perish at the hand of the prime parent. When he has destroyed them, he will turn against himself and destroy himself until he ceases to exist.

>And their heavens will fall one upon the next and their forces will be consumed by fire. Their eternal realms, too, will be overturned. And his heaven will fall and break in two. His […] will fall down upon the […] support them; they will fall into the abyss, and the abyss will be overturned.

>The light will […] the darkness and obliterate it: it will be like something that has never been. And the product to which the darkness had been posterior will dissolve. And the deficiency will be plucked out by the root (and thrown) down into the darkness. And the light will withdraw up to its root. And the glory of the unbegotten will appear. And it will fill all the eternal realm.

>When the prophecy and the account of those that are king becomes known and is fulfilled by those who are called perfect, those who - in contrast - have not become perfect in the unbegotten father will receive their glory in their realms and in the kingdoms of the immortals: but they will never enter the kingless realm. For everyone must go to the place from which he has come. Indeed, by his acts and his knowledge, each person will make his (own) nature known.