Anonymous ID: c8c477 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:41 p.m. No.19545302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What are the takeaways from the

high-born political elitist governor making an obvious

unconstitutional and illegal order and

then having it shot down by everyone on the right, and

almost everyone on the left?

and then so quickly to have a judge say 'no, you can't do this, this is an illegal order'?

did some faction of the democrats think that they could

play their weak hand of going rouge and doing the 'dictator' bit?

was it to demonstrate that forces on the left and right both don't want a

dictatorship or should I say a 'potatorship' of some small group of obvious

communists and people black mailed by them using the sexual methods of drug-slave bait children to get those to do as they are told?

have democrats finally figured out that the CCP ando ther Marxists have really taken over in many states? and the governor is sending a message?

did she know full well what would happen and did this to send a message to those who have no real loyalty to the states in which they are governors?

she's a long term aristocratic democrat in New Mexico. Many other states have carpet bagging marxists pulling that same 'it's an emergency, I'm the dictator now, give me all the money, lets do all new process, by executive order' (Healy in Massachusetts for example, is said by some accounts to not even be effeciently useing the infrastructure that has been in place for years, and she's doing the rule by executive order bit, and saying 'crisis, emergency')


anyone care to speculate?

the NM governor? used to send a message, as a pawn, so that the carpet bagger governors without real loyalty to their states understand 'we do rule of law here'?

Anonymous ID: c8c477 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:47 p.m. No.19545327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5340


Some in Mexico believe that Quetzalcoatl would eventually return. Should we also investigate that?

the board isn't supposed to be for just one religious belief system.

PS: the board doesn't work in unison even during times when major habbenings occur.

each person does their own thing.


if you want to do a dig about who you think you mention might be . . . no anon will stop you.

they might ridicule you and call you superstitious.

Anonymous ID: c8c477 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:52 p.m. No.19545355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


supposedly Drew Barrymore was made to notice.

when it was announced that she'd restart he talk show Hollywood suddenly had a lot of people saying that she was a turncoat.



Anonymous ID: c8c477 Sept. 13, 2023, 2:54 p.m. No.19545366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


one nice thing?

He finally got his hooks out of Massachusetts.


He's a person who optimized the cash flow so it would go to him, and then as soon as he did what he needed to do to profiteer, he was on to his next job for another looting of some other governance.

do you know what Bain was and what they did, and how many companies they destroyed and how?