Anonymous ID: 050919 Sept. 13, 2023, 3:31 p.m. No.19545576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800


was thinking along these lines, Though I have to see more evidence. and need to do my own work here; take practice notes.. etc. learn to bake, though they don't want me to…

anyway, when it became obvious before the site was comped, it took a while to straighten out, "Q team" wrote it was to be expected, And so we would move on with Q" and then once,by miracle, we got rid of OSS.

It's not as bad as with OSS

You can just screen shot and repost.

but Q would have to come back to straighten it, I think

you never know.

I have sympathy for the BO, since the shilling is very unhealthy, and he and his team have to put up with that shit.

I'd lose patience.

so Hail to the B.O.

Hopefull ship will right itself

Maybe they were all given roofies. Or maybe under electronic attack

So many possibilities.

But here we are; q research still up and running


Anonymous ID: 050919 Sept. 13, 2023, 3:44 p.m. No.19545660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they are worried about children harmed / killed by gun fire




O SHIT o shit o shit


At least some people have normal common sense?

crowd for Trump


Anonymous ID: 050919 Sept. 13, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.19545791   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so "lil fighter" is gone?

One does need some R & R sometimes?


unsure why this is worthy to be posted, It's just news crap you can see anywhere.

Tabloid fodder

this is drivel, isn't it?


more drivel, admittedly lame

Why not deleted?


Do we really need the weather channel here?

Is that part of "Q reseach"

does "Q " metnion hurricaines?"

anon thinks it's more drivel


maybe, maybe not.

sucky performance art by satanists.


i'm wonder if laser printer hooked up to wi-fi with Lithium batteries could be triggered remotedly to explode?

Part of a "smart home" ?


The sites I'm banned from all suck. This site can't ban me

So there you have it

The most they can do is delete. And I can screen shot.


don't some people have unstable IP's?




There just weren't that many austistic children back then. Actually there were none until a certain year.

look it up.


test balloon.


this is BS, just so you know.


probably. it's anther world. You don't want to get stuck there when you re on "this side of the veil?"



She just looks very tired and disgusted with the people there. It's India - there's Jet Lag. Maybe some culture shock if she's never been there?

Anonymous ID: 050919 Sept. 13, 2023, 4:35 p.m. No.19545941   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hides behind God, just like the other crazy failed Catholic (couldn't become a priest, his case of pedophilia was even too bad for the Church?)

anyway same eyebrows.

involved with JFK murder

perfect name Ferrie "Fairy"

Creepy. Also involved with the research to create a shot to give someone cancer

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" is the book which relates the history of this

Ferrie was involved with the group who did that.

Anonymous ID: 050919 Sept. 13, 2023, 4:48 p.m. No.19546019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this one is fake

the originals were fake too, so there ya go.

they just wanted to refresh it. Reinforce it. They did that periodically.

so close to the material have no sense of what's best to post.

maybe start "continuous pieces 1 " and work your way through

Jims is so generous with the Tiger Platform.