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jUKrain buys hunter biden butt watch putin border laptop CP
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kuh coup
people that dig a spammy hole
eventually fall into
the musubi
can survive emp
an prol laserGAHY too
goldman sachs teabagger moustache rider berliner dreams pride can still polka like french border after emp or laserGAHY
1984 plans
starlink haz ju caca implant lies for lithium fires
gentrified ramen border
can be lubed with LARD too
hetero wheat from chaff polka
crankcase holds about two gallons of crisco
and if you use one of those seperator filters, the crisoco does not spoil
those things got like 28mpg at 55
marfa still in barbed wire closet bout jfk
could prol do better than that with some of the new injector tip tricks
monarch inector tips can make the five cylinder get 40mpg and the four cylinder over fifty
https://mercedessource.com › store › 615-616-617-monark-diesel-fuel-injector-nozzles-10-pack-instructions
615 616 617 Mercedessource Diesel Fuel Injector Nozzles 10 Pack with …
These injector tips are made in Germany and they are designed with a finer mist pattern than that produced by the Bosch tips. My experience has shown that these tips work better (fuel burn) especially on higher mileage diesels with less than perfect compression numbers.
its actually pretty damn good snek oil
send a quart through a crckcase before changing it
a quart to a quarter tank seems about right
a quart on an empty tank might send too much sludge at once
it does wonder on sticky lifter and egr valves and pcv valves
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>suckin fruits and panicking pills
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