Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.19556216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469 >>6773 >>6904

Cary Cheshire On Ken Paxton's Impeachment Trial: "No Evidence Ken Paxton Did Anything WrongBush pretorian guard lawyers opposing Paxton…



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.19556264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469 >>6773 >>6904

MeAgain Kelly Interviews President Donald Trump


September 14, 2023 | Sundance |


No matter how much time passes since that day on August 5th, 2015, when it became crystal clear that Megyn Kelly was working with Fox News VP of Political content, Bill Sammon, to construct the targeted hit against Donald Trump, I will not forget it. Bill Sammon and Rupert Murdoch were working to elevate Marco Rubio. Sammon’s daughter Brooke, was Rubio’s campaign communications director. Yet, it is part of Kelly’s current brand to stand back and pearl clutch at journalists with agendas.The sanctimony reeks from her eyes, her face, her wherever.


I will not forget it, because CTH was the only voice calling out two days earlier that it was going to happen.I will also not forget it, because Megyn Kelly showed the true nature of her characterand then later took the $15 million from Rupert Murdoch (book deal) as payment for the hit job.


Unfortunately, people have really short memories – andsomehow permit the MeAgain Kellys of the world to pretend they have evolved into a better moral character. The one positive thought about an otherwise repugnant woman, is thatshe subjected herself to the COVID vaccine. KEK


That said, here’s President Donald Trump giving her his time and attention. WATCH:


(Sundance is so right, I watched her in 2015 on FOX a couple of days before the debate gleefully announcing the questions she was going to ask Trump, to “Get Trump”. I stopped watching her and mostly FOX after that! I really wonder why Trump did the interview, it was definitely a strategy, but what was the goal? To expose her as still a tool of Fox? Or the Bush family, DS, what strategies she will use now, etc)

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:15 a.m. No.19556271   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Speech to Patriots! Steve Bannon: We Refuse To Allow Globalists Destroy American Sovereignty



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:19 a.m. No.19556287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469 >>6773 >>6904

It will not be easy to save this nation. Steve Bannon Calls Out "Bush Apparatus" Manipulating Texas And American Politics


Bannons War Room



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.19556314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6318 >>6469 >>6773 >>6904

Murdoch Fox News Poll – Trump Continues Massive Dominance, DeSantis Loses Ground Again


September 14, 2023 | Sundance |

Despite the best efforts of Fox News and Rupert Murdoch, their own pollster Daron Shaw duplicates an identical polling outcome from the most recent three. [Poll Data Here]


President Trump is growing his support base, and Ron DeSantis is losing even more ground.


It’s important to keep in mind that Fox News has been desperately trying to prop up the campaign of Ron DeSantis, giving him soft interviews and pushing his infomercials every week. Yet even Rupert Murdoch is now having to admit DeSantis just doesn’t have the support of the base Republican voters.


FOX NEWS – Three weeks after the first Republican presidential primary debate, the latest Fox News survey finds Donald Trump has increased both his lead in the race and his strength of support.


Sixty percent of Republican primary voters back Trump in the primary race, up from 53%in the Fox News pre-debate August survey. […] At 13% support, Ron DeSantis sees a downtick of 3 points since the debate, while Vivek Ramaswamy holds steady at 11%. Next is Nikki Haley with 5%, Mike Pence and Tim Scott at 3% each, and Chris Christie at 2%. All remaining candidates receive 1% or less. (more)


BIG SMILE – The RNC is in a very weak position ahead of the September 27th Fox Business News debate at the Reagan Library. President Trump has already said he will not be in attendance, and the remaining candidates look silly as they prepare for a debate with zero relevance to the voters.


The GOPe was looking to use the Reagan Library debate as a great opportunity to undermine President Trump and position him as the radical candidate. However, the debate itself is increasingly irrelevant. As this dynamic unfolds, the RNC is weakened in an almost delicious way.


As noted by Politico:


[…] The RNC required candidates only to hit 1 percent nationally to make the stage for the first debate. For the second debate candidates need to either hit 3 percent in two national polls or in a combination of one national poll and polls from two early states.


The lack of clarity around upcoming debates is a sign that the RNC is walking a delicate line as it tries to maintain neutrality in a primary field that is decidedly lopsided. Former President Donald Trump has a wide lead over the rest of the field, but he did not attend the first debate and has no plans to attend the second.The RNC is likely hoping to lure himin with a setting he might find more appealing for the third — or the organization and its events look increasingly irrelevant. (read more)


Nothing is better to see than the RNC becoming irrelevant.

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.19556335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6348 >>6469 >>6773 >>6904

Morning Mika and Joe lying about patriots, and saying democrats are dedicated to the law and constitution! KEK Steve Bannon: The Administrative State Just Told Joe Biden To Not Run Again


This is really funny, Bannon says, no one in the media is defending Bidan, it’s obvious where this is going.



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19556348   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bannon is fiery and inspiring today! We are in a war that is political and we must fight them to stop them and their plans to destroy Trump and our country. We will win!

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:34 a.m. No.19556362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6393 >>6469 >>6773 >>6904

Rep. Rosendale: The United States Debt Service Bill's On Path To Reach 50% Of Annual Revenue. No one in the government can explain how we will incur a $2 Trillion into perpertuity!

Bannons War Room



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19556393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469 >>6773 >>6904


"His Position Is In Jeopardy": Rep. Rosendale Discusses Future If McCarthy Works With Democrats. We are walking into debt slavery if McCarthy pass the CR. We are in $33 Trillion today. Congress is not serious about the National Debt



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.19556575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6580 >>6773 >>6904

'Equitable Weeding' in School Libraries and Replacing History With Perversion

Milt Harris September 15, 2023

1/2 or 3

It’s easy to get weary with the liberal left. They clearly have an agenda and their prey is obviously our children. The left can’t win an argument on merit, they don’t follow science, they hate tradition, and they live in an altered state of reality. They have abandoned life as we know it, and are choosing instead to poison societal structure and morals, all for the sake of power.


Libraries, both public and those found in schools, have been a global source of education for centuries. School libraries in particular are sacred because all of the searchers of knowledge in those are either children or young adults. The books found in those libraries must evoke interest and provide knowledge. Ideally, the information should be geared to match the study criteria of the student and any interests that they may have, such as sports, hobbies, history, etc. Very importantly, the information must always be age-appropriate.


The saying “let kids be kids” isn’t just some old knock-about cliché. It is steeped in reality. Every one of us goes through a childhood phase, adolescence, and then adulthood. Each one of those phases is unique and necessary, which is in direct contradiction to what the left is trying to do. Young minds, when properly guided, are inquisitive and full of promise. They’re playful, gregarious, and at times perhaps a little cantankerous. They are also inevitably naïve, innocent, impressionable, and vulnerable — traits that just come with the territory of being young.


It’s those latter traits that the left seizes on. Instead of nurturing these young blossoming minds and feeding them knowledge that will enable them to live healthy, happy, and productive lives, they burden them with concerns that are overwhelming for a child. In far too many cases, teachers have become activists. Instead of educating, they are preaching the gospel of the left. A gospel that is not based in any type of reality. A gospel that the left is using to turn children into tools of anarchy.


These activists are a despicable breed. Self-righteous to the core, they smugly spew out their agenda daily to these young, impressionable minds. Can you imagine being a child and instead of just dealing with normal childhood issues, you are burdened with the thought that you may not be what you are? It’s a dilemma that no child should have to consider. It’s the fabrication of a cruel and wicked part of society that is not looking out for the child’s welfare; they simply want another notch in their woke belts.


What better way to reinforce the agenda you’re preaching than to back it up with the written word? So these radicals are infiltrating school libraries with smut containing very explicit sexual acts, sexual deviance, and transgenderism. As they force these handbooks of perversion into libraries and children’s lives, parents and those with a moral compass push back and protest. Which of course results in the left screaming that books are being banned. These claims are obviously invalid, but they are still exploited by a complicit media.


The result is a battle that leaves bewildered children in the middle. All they want to do is go to school, learn, and enjoy their classmates. Instead, the left uses them as chess pieces, hoping to eliminate their parents from all decisions concerning their sex and gender, thus creating a mentally imbalanced social warrior.


In one of the most egregious acts of deliberate grooming, the Peel District School Board in Ontario has removed all books that were not published within the last 15 years. So, all books published before 2008 have been removed. The board also removed any books that they deemed to have “racist content,” stereotypes, or didn’t affirm students identities [sic].” Even books such as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games were removed.


The district refers to this mind-numbing purge of history as “equitable weeding.” A group of fascists that sit on the board gets to decide what is offensive and then remove it. They claim that removing these outdated books will limit “the harm caused by outdated and oppressive resources that remain in circulation.”


In an internal memo, the board directed the staff to “affirm identities,” stating that using “anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and anti-colonial texts is crucial.”…

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19556580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6601 >>6773 >>6904




There are several steps involved in this decimation of the past, which includes in many cases not just removing the books but throwing them away. Step number one was referred to as the “equitable curation cycle.” This included removing any damaged, outdated, and uncirculated books. The group then moved on to step two, which allowed the board to conduct what in their minds was an “anti-racist and inclusive audit.” The misguided attempt here was to ensure that books didn’t “perpetuate or reinforce racist content, stereotypes or promote deficit-thinking.”…


Step three encompassed what the board determined would “intentionally affirm students” identities, such as “Black, Indigenous, 2SLGBTQ+, Muslim, Latinx, Jewish, and South Asian identities.”


In defense of the book culling, PDSB released the following statement: “Books published prior to 2008 that are damaged, inaccurate, or do not have strong circulation data (are not being checked out by students) are removed.”


The statement went on to say that if damaged books have strong circulation, they may be replaced regardless of the publication date, and older titles can stay in the collection if they are “accurate, serve the curriculum, align with board initiatives and are responsive to student interest and engagement.”


“The Peel District School Board works to ensure that the books available in our school libraries are culturally responsive, relevant, inclusive, and reflective of the diversity of our school communities and the broader society,”


Following widespread media attention, Ontario’s Education Minister Stephen Lecce wrote a letter to the school board instructing them to immediately cease the practice.


“Ontario is committed to ensuring that the addition of new books better reflects the rich diversity of our communities. It is offensive, illogical and counterintuitive to remove books from years past that educate students on Canada’s history, antisemitism, or celebrated literary classics.”


In a memo received and reviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the entire book purge apparently originated from something called Directive 18 from the Minister of Education. The directive was based upon a Ministry review in 2020 that documented widespread cases of systematic discrimination within PDSB.


Directive 18 instructs the board to complete a diversity audit of schools, including libraries.


“The Board shall evaluate books, media and all other resources currently in use for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences for the purpose of utilizing resources that are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant and reflective of students, and the Board’s broader school communities.”


The equitable weeding process begins with teachers and librarians focusing on books published before 2008. The librarians then go through each book and consider the acronym MUSTIE as a criteria guideline for which books can stay and which must go. MUSTIE stands for:


Misleading – information may be factually inaccurate or obsolete.

Unpleasant – refers to the physical condition of the book, may require replacement.

Superseded – A book has been overtaken by a new edition or a more current resource.

Trivial – of no discernible literary or scientific merit; poorly written or presented.

Irrelevant – doesn’t meet the needs and interests of the library’s community.

Elsewhere – the book or the material in it may be better obtained from other sources….

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19556601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6904




When the time comes, the books that are weeded are disposed of because they are causing harm, either as a health hazard because of the condition of the book orbecause “they are not inclusive, culturally responsive, relevant or accurate.”


For those reasons, the documents say the books cannot be donated, as “they are not suitable for any learners.”


Removing history is fine. Replacing it with perverse smut — that’s okay, too. However, the PDSB wants to make sure that the discarded history doesn’t anger any tree huggers. So, a PDSB spokesperson said the board supports its schools “in the disposal of books in a responsible manner by following Peel Region’s recycling guidelines.” Peel Region allows for the recycling of book paper, as long as hard covers and any plastics are removed first and put in the garbage.


It’s been reported that in some of the district schools, over half of the books have been removed.


Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it, goes the old saying.


Those who attempt to destroy history and replace it with fallacy are eternally damned.


(Apparently our country didn’t learn from the Bolshevick Revolution, the Cultural Revolution etc, so did this happen because “they” removed this history in our schools in 50s and 60’s. I certainly did not hear about just the American Revolution. What generation was taught about this? Do they even teach it now?)

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.19556629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6641 >>6650

BREAKING: Ken Paxton's Sham Impeachment Trial Approaches Its Final MomentsThey are losing the case and its all falling apart. KEK

Dan Patrick said these Senators are not going home until this is finished.


TX anons call your Senators office today, and call every single Senator in your state

Bannons War Room



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19556664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6723 >>6773 >>6904

McCarthy is losing it! Steve Bannon: The Administrative State's Hitting The "Panic Button" and the Media is absolutely losing it, their lies and emotions are spilling out like a dying dragon. YES! More of this, losing control is something they really hate!



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19556723   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is funny to watch, this is what Q said “PANIC looks like”



17-Oct-2020 12:47:14 PM EDT






24-SEP-2020 (THU)


24-Sep-2020 5:52:19 PM EDT


These people are stupid!




29-MAY-2020 (FRI)


29-May-2020 1:46:30 PM EDT





Loss of narrative control.

You are the news now.





20-May-2020 1:53:32 PM EDT




Fear [vote-by-mail] and obey [stay inside or face death or arrest] tactics push will end +1 [election day].


Release of convicts from prison [evil releases evil].

Do these people care about your well-being?

Do these people love America?

Do anything to regain power?




14-Apr-2020 4:30:20 PM EDT




Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19556789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6807 >>6829 >>6904

Steve Bannon: Bannon starts out with, “I can listen to Mika losing it, all day long”! Mika's In FULL MELTDOWN Because She Knows They Are Losing



Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19556811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

15 Sep, 2023 16:40

Kiev’s threats against media are terrorism, Dutch journalist tells RT

Ukraine’s transgender spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo has threatened reporters worldwide, Sonja van den Ende says


Kiev’s pledge to hunt down Russian media figures echoes its infamous ‘Peacekeeper’ kill list and is a threat to all members of the profession, independent Dutch Journalist Sonja van den Ende told RT in an interview on Friday.


The warning came after American transgender Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who currently acts as a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Military, on Wednesday issued a threat to kill Russian “propagandists.” Ashton-Cirillo later predicted that “next week, the world will see a favorite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes.”


“It’s a threat to us all, to Western journalists, and all who are already on the Peacekeeper list, which is actually a kill list,”van den Ende said, adding that despite Kiev’s attempts to insist that the database only refers to trials, it’s clear that these are death threats, in light of the assassinations of Russian journalists Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky.


Van den Ende stressed that these threats are plain “terrorism” and pondered what the reaction would be if something like this were happening in Europe. “It would be terrorism. They would say ‘this is a crazy guy, or a woman.’ She’d be jailed or at least tried.”


Asked to explain why Western media has remained silent on Kiev’s blatant threats to kill journalists, the reporter stated that “the West has adopted an agenda to wipe out Russia,”noting that this has become clear to“everybody.”


As an example of this, the Dutch journalist pointed to an attempt in the EU to shut down Ukraine’s notorious Mirotvorets website. “They voted against it. At that time, they already had some sort of an agenda,” she said,pointing out that European leaders don’t care about what happens to Russian journalists or Western journalists working in Russia.


Ashton-Cirillo’s threats have been heavily condemned in Moscow, where Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova pledged to forward Kiev’s words to international organizations as an example of the terrorist nature of the Ukrainian regime.


Russian Investigative Committee chairman Alexander Bastrykin has also confirmed that he has already instructed his service to investigate and provide a legal assessment of Ashton-Cirillo’s statements.


On Thursday, however, Ashton-Cirillo attempted to backpedal on her statements, issuing an update on X (formerly Twitter). In it, the spokesperson explained that her threats referred to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s so-called Ten-Step Peace Plan, which calls for “Russian war criminals and propagandists” to be “brought to justice” and only after Kiev restores its 1991 borders.

Anonymous ID: afdf9a Sept. 15, 2023, 11:59 a.m. No.19556821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904

15 Sep, 2023 15:39

Lithuania revokes Russian-born figure skater’s citizenship

Vilnius’ decision comes a year after Margarita Drobiazko participated at an event in Sochi


Lithuania has revoked the citizenship of Russian-born figure skater Margarita Drobiazko. The move came shortly after President Gitanas Nauseda announced his intention to do so based on a recommendation by the country’s Citizenship Commission.


The Lithuanian head of state told the Baltic News Service (BNS) on Thursday that “the question [to revoke her passport] is completely clear to me.”


A representative for Nauseda later confirmed to the same media outlet that he had signed a decree to strip Drobiazko of her citizenship.


“I think that people who want to spread the light of culture and goodness in the skin of an aggressor can continue to do this without Lithuanian citizenship,” Nauseda added.


The remarks appear to be a reference to an open letter issued by Drobiazko to “fellow Lithuanians” this week, in which she addressed speculation surrounding her status as a citizen. “As far as I understand, I am charged with not publicly expressing my political opinion,” the retired Moscow-born athlete wrote.


Along with her husband, Povilas Vanagas, Drobiazko is considered to be one of the most decorated figure skaters in Lithuania’s history. Both formally retired from the sport in 2006, and now work and reside in Russia.


Drobiazko also said that she does not promote Russia’s foreign policy aims, but only spreads “the light of culture and goodness.”


On Wednesday, Lithuania’s Citizenship Commission recommended that Drobiazko, 51, be deprived of citizenship “due to her publicly expressed support for the Russian Federation, which is interpreted as a hostile state towards Lithuania, the states of the European Union and their allies.”


In August 2022, Drobiazko and the Lithuanian-born Vanagas participated in an ice-dancing event in Sochi which was organized by Tatyana Navka, the wife of Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.


Following her appearance in Sochi, Nauseda claimed the decision to award Drobiazko Lithuanian citizenship “looks like a miserable farce.” Lithuania’s deputy minister of internal affairs, Arnoldas Abramavicius, argued in July that Drobiazko was not “some kind of terrorist” but that “support to the aggressor state can be both moral and financial.”


The move to revoke Drobiazko’s citizenship comes after Lithuania introduced a law earlier this year which permits the removal of passports previously issued by virtue of contributions to sport or culture, should the person be suspected of opposing the country’s security interests.