Thanks bakes
Careful what you wish for
Preyed upon
Faith healer
Just being facetious
Really don't matter
What make it is
It's about to disappear
By a gun that didn't make any noise
Wonder how many immigrants want to go home
Found out
Land of the incarcerated
Home if the silenced
Feel like a number….
You don't listen do you
Drug charges and gun ownership
Convicted drug guns for you fiend
New way to take guns from opioid med
We are getting fucked
You either have forgotten all the times they pulled this shit
Or your a politician…just dumb as fuck
That is a weapons under disability charge at best
It's the drug charges that started it
Seen air guns that are lethal
Can't own guns if on drugs ?
What about all the peeps on script narcotics
Guns for drugs that peeps are now addicted to ..
Expand. Your.
Not sure of gun laws where gun was acquired
And if its and airsoft gun
It becomes the
Itaintmyshit 007
And self destructed
As. i am also an. Exconvict
I know exactly what I am supposed to do
I can own lots of things
Not supposed to be in same building
With firearms
I can own
Compound bow
Air nail