Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19556526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6904

WATCH: Arrogant Executives of Radical Non-Profit Group Reveal How They Are Sneaking Woke LGBTQ+ Curriculum Into Elementary Schools and Indoctrinating Children WITHOUT Parental Knowledge


An alarming video has emerged showing arrogant leaders of a radical New Jersey non-profit revealing how they sneak sick sexual and LGBTQ+ content into children’s classrooms without parental knowledge.


The group in question, HiTOPS, has burrowed its way into schools in New Jersey and across America to indoctrinate kids as young as second graders in the radical left’s LGBTQ+ lifestyle which includes gender identity.


According to its website, HITOPS seeks to foster “strong and healthy young people of all identities by providing inclusive and youth-informed sex education and LGBTQ+ support for young people.” Moreover, they seek to create a world “where young people are able to flourish because they are at home in their bodies, supported in the development of their sexual and gender identity, and equipped with an understanding of how to have safe, consensual, and healthy relationships.”


Investigative journalism group Project Veritas managed to speak with both the HiTOPS executive director, Lisa Shelby, and Hannah Wiers, a health educator for the non-profit. They posted the full video on Wednesday.


During their conversation, the journalists managed to get them to reveal the deceptive tactics they use to brainwash children and admit a key goal of theirs is to eliminate the opt-out clause for parents when it comes to the curriculum they push.


“That’s our real, I guess, that’s our, like, real sort of goal would be to remove opt-out class, or like, opt-out policies,” Wiers told Project Veritas.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.19556545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6552 >>6593

Document Dump On “Boneface”, Faux Nazi Confidential Informant For U.S. Government


In the aftermath of the staged American NAZI protest in Orlando, Florida a couple of weeks ago, one of the prominent shouters of hate, Mr. Kent “BONEFACE” McLellan was outed as a U.S. Government informant (he reportedly worked under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security aka DHS) and booted from the real NAZI organization. Laura Loomer’s work in exposing him made that happen. The initial scrutiny of Boneface surfaced a video where he claimed he was working for the CIA and getting paid to fight in Ukraine. Turns out that is a lie. There is zero evidence that Boneface has seen any action in Ukraine.


A friend of mine — an intrepid miner of social media and public documents — scooped up some pretty damning evidence that exposes the tawdry history of Mr. McLellan. As I noted in my previous article it is not unusual for law enforcement (both Federal and local) to recruit criminals as informants in order to penetrate subversive groups. I think American skin-heads and Nazis qualify as subversives. What is both unusual and outrageous is that McLellan’s DHS handler (or handlers) have allowed him to engage in criminal and political conduct that falls outside the duties of a traditional snitch.


So let’s go thru the evidence. I will start with McLellan’s arrest on 1 April 2022 by two police officers in Escambia County, Florida (that is where the city of Pensacola is located) for felony battery. Here’s a portion of the Arrest Report:


The arresting officers also filed an Incident Report. The full version is below. Note, the folks at XRVision obtained the original police report and the report that is available to the public. The words highlighted in red in the document below indicates the verbiage that was scrubbed (i.e. deleted) from the public report.


It appears he has some anger management issues. So Boneface is identified by the FBI as a member of a “terrorist” group and he is arrested for felony battery, which can earn you up to five years in prison. Did he get locked up? Apparently not. A little over a year later he is back on the streets and engaged in more criminal conduct. This time he was nabbed in Volusia County, Florida for “Burglary with Assault/Battery.” Here is the charging affidavit:

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19556559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apple Tells Support Staff To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concern


Apple plans to issue an over-the-air update in the coming days for iPhone 12 users in France after regulators ordered a halt in sales over concerns the device emits too much radiation.


"We will issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocol used by French regulators," Apple told Reuters in a statement.


The company continued, "We look forward to iPhone 12 continuing to be available in France."


Earlier this week, French regulators ordered a ban on iPhone 12 sales after a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) test - how much radio frequency is absorbed into a body from a device - exceeded European radiation exposure limits.


Besides the iPhone 12's radiation levels, another controversy is brewing as Bloomberg said Apple instructed employees to stay 'mum' when customers ask about the radiation issue:


If customers inquire about the French government's claim that the model exceeds standards for electromagnetic radiation, workers should say they don't have anything to share, Apple employees have been told. Staff should also reject customers' requests to return or exchange the phone unless it was purchased in the past two weeks — Apple's normal return policy.


Customers asking if the phone is safe should be told that all Apple products go through rigorous testing to ensure that they're safe, according to the guidance.


Apple dismissed the radiation claims, indicating "this is related to a specific testing protocol used by French regulators and not a safety concern" for customers. "The ANFR [French regulator] is preparing to quickly test this update," Noel Barrot, France's digital affairs minister, told Reuters.


The timing of the iPhone radiation concerns comes the same week Apple announced its all-new lineup of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro… Coincidence?


We've told readers over the years about radiation risks while using smartphones:


How Much Radiation Is Emitted By Popular Smartphones?

These Phones Emit The Most (And Least) Radiation


In today's digital age, handheld devices are brought everywhere, from the bedside to the kitchen table to the office and even to the bar. One has to wonder if radiation exposure from smartphones is supercharging certain types of cancers.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19556653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6659 >>6773 >>6904

EU Hands TikTok $386 Million Fine for Child Data Breaches


A European Union regulator hit Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok with a 345-million-euro fine over child data breaches on Friday, in the bloc’s latest salvo against the business practices of tech titans.


The fine, equivalent to $369 million, is the culmination of a two-year inquiry by Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC).


The Irish watchdog, which plays a key role in policing the EU’s strict General Data Protection Regulations, gave TikTok three months “to bring its processing into compliance” with its rules.


The DPC in September 2021 began examining TikTok’s compliance with GDPR in relation to platform settings and personal data processing for users aged under 18 years old.


It also looked at TikTok’s age verification measures for persons under 13 and found no infringement, but found the platform did not properly assess the risks to younger people registering on the service.


The regulator highlighted in its ruling Friday how children signing up had TikTok accounts set to public by default, meaning anyone could view or comment on their content.


It also criticised TikTok’s “family pairing” mode, which is designed to link parents’ accounts to those of their teenage offspring, but the DPC found the company did not verify parent or guardian status.


Ireland is at the centre of the GDPR regime because Dublin hosts the European headquarters of TikTok and the likes of Google, Meta and X, formerly Twitter.


In May, the DPC fined Meta a record 1.2 billion euros for transferring EU user data to the United States in breach of a previous court ruling.


TikTok, a division of Chinese tech giant ByteDance, is extremely popular among young people with 150 million users in the United States and 134 million in the EU.


– TikTok ‘respectfully disagrees’ –


In response to the fine, TikTok said it “respectfully disagrees” with the verdict and was “evaluating” how to proceed.


“The DPC’s criticisms are focused on features and settings that were in place three years ago, and that we made changes to well before the investigation even began, such as setting all under 16 accounts to private by default,” a TikTok spokesperson told AFP.


The platform insists that it closely monitors the age of its users and takes action when needed.


TikTok says it deleted almost 17 million accounts worldwide in the first three month of this year due to suspicions that they belonged to people under 13 years old.


Earlier this month, the social media giant opened a long-promised data centre in Ireland, as it tries to calm fears in Europe over data privacy.


GDPR came into force in 2018 and was the EU’s toughest and most famous law on tech, ensuring citizens give consent to the ways in which their data is used.


Friday’s fine comes after the EU last week unveiled a list of digital giants — including Apple, Facebook owner Meta and ByteDance — that will face tough new curbs on how they do business.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:22 a.m. No.19556658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6904

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Court Orders Arrest of Zelensky’s Covid-Era Health Minister


A Ukrainian businessman who became the nation’s health minister at the beginning of the pandemic has now had a warrant issued for his arrest, with a $12 million embezzlement alleged.


Ukraine’s Higher Anti-Corruption Court ordered the detention of former health minister Maksym Stepanov on Thursday, they said in a statement, noting the businessman could not be arrested as he has already left the country.


Ukrainian state broadcaster Suspline reports Stepanov is suspected of having embezzled nearly half a billion hryvnias ($12 million) during his time as the director of a state-owned business that printed, among other documents, passports and driving licenses for Ukraine.


It is said he used a private business to sell the raw materials for these documents to the state company he led at grossly inflated prices, pocketing the difference and that the embezzlement was detected with help from colleagues in Estonia and France. These allegations have yet to be proven in a court of law.


A video publicising the order by the Anti-Corruption Court claimed the proxy company supplying inflated materials was acquired in 2013 and asserted the money was sent abroad, to Stepanov’s own accounts and those of his family members, including to the United States. “Ukrainians were forced to overpay for documents due to a corrupt scheme for several years”, the video asserted.


After running the state printing plant, Maksym Stepanov became a government minister for Volodymyr Zelensky’s ‘Servant of the People’ party in March 2020, taking on the health position just as the world was plunged into coronavirus lockdowns. One of his major responsibilities was the rollout of Ukraine’s vaccination programme, but he was fired in May 2021 over the failure of the programme.


At that time, less than one million Ukrainians out of a population of 41 million had received a coronavirus vaccine dose, a rollout that was seen as unacceptably slow domestically. Weeks before he was fired, Stepanov said claims there was corruption in his department slowing the importation of vaccines were due to “dirty information attacks”.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.19556686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6691 >>6773 >>6904

The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled


If you take an honest look at the numbers, the obvious conclusion is that the U.S. economy is rapidly going in the wrong direction. Delinquency rates are soaring, sales of previously owned homes have declined by more than 32 percent over the past two years, inflation is starting to rise at a frightening pace again, large companies all over America are laying off workers, and we just witnessed the largest decline in real median household income in more than a decade. Sadly, it is often the most vulnerable members of our society that get hit the hardest when economic times get rough. According to the Census Bureau, the child poverty rate in the United States more than doubled from 2021 to 2022…


The U.S. poverty rate according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) was 12.4% in 2022, a rise of 4.6 percentage points from 2021. The poverty rate for children more than doubled year over year, from 5.2% to 12.4% — a record increase.


There is no way to spin that number to make it look good.


So why did this happen?


The Census Bureau is blaming inflation and the end of emergency programs that were instituted during the early days of the pandemic…


Inflation was a factor, but Census Bureau officials said the spike could largely be attributed to the expiration of pandemic programs: There were no stimulus payments last year, and the enhanced child tax credits expired in 2021.


Those stimulus checks were nice while they lasted, but they also helped to fuel the horrifying inflation that we are experiencing today.


Inflation seemed to cool off a bit for a few months, but now it is starting to accelerate again.


According to the Labor Department, we just witnessed the largest monthly increase in the consumer price index so far this year…


The Labor Department said Wednesday that the consumer price index, a broad measure of the price for everyday goods including gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 0.6% in August from the previous month, in line with estimates. It marked the steepest monthly increase this year, underscoring the challenge of taming high inflation.


If prices were to rise 0.6 percent every month, the official rate of inflation would be over 7 percent for the entire year.


Of course if inflation was still measured the way that it was back in 1980, we would still be well into double-digit territory right now.


Over the past several years, inflation has been rising much faster than our paychecks have, and this has had an absolutely devastating impact on the middle class.


Millions of U.S. households are being pushed to a financial breaking point, and as a result delinquencies are spiking. The following was recently posted on Twitter by the Kobeissi Letter…

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19556694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6904

$300 weekly checks for illegal immigrants approved by Calif. Senate


In a move that has mostly escaped national attention, the California Senate took a controversial step earlier this year toward providing massive unemployment benefits to illegal immigrants.


In May, the California Senate voted to provide $300 weekly checks to unemployed illegal immigrants, according to The Free Beacon. The decision comes at a time when the state is grappling with a $31.5 billion deficit and heightened concerns about mass illegal immigration.


In May, Democratic state senators led by Sen. María Elena Durazo passed Senate Bill 227 with a 30-7 vote, sending the legislation to the Assembly for further deliberation. The proposed law aims to provide undocumented workers up to 20 weeks of $300 weekly unemployment checks, contingent on meeting minimal work requirements.


According to The Free Beacon, critics have pointed out that the unemployment insurance fund slated to administer these payments is already mired in $31 billion of fraud losses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, California employers, who are burdened with the fund’s $20 billion debt, face the prospect of increased payroll taxes, which is a point of contention for small businesses and restaurants, as both sectors have already been strained by stringent COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by state Democrats.


The proposed law has a unique stipulation, as it would prohibit fund officials from asking claimants for their social security number eligibility or from verifying their employment status with past or current employers. Applicants would self-certify their qualifications using documentation such as tax returns or payment app logs.


The legislative development comes shortly after California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed concerns that the rising influx of undocumented migrants could “break” California.


Additionally, when President Joe Biden lifted the Title 42 health order restricting immigration earlier this year, Democratic San Diego mayor Todd Gloria noted that his city was ill-equipped to manage a new wave of immigrants, stating, “We lack the resources to address an influx of migrants,” according to the New York Times.


California, known for its liberal policies toward undocumented immigrants, already provides free healthcare and driver’s licenses to this population, according to The Free Beacon. The bill is heavily backed by a range of Democratic-aligned interest groups, including those focused on immigration, LGBT rights, environmental causes, and labor unions.


While the Assembly’s approval is anticipated, it remains uncertain if Gov. Newsom will sign the bill into law, given that he vetoed a similar proposal last year, citing “operational issues and fiscal concerns.”

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19556712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6721 >>6773 >>6904

Bank of Russia Chief says cash will not disappear from circulation


Elvira Nabiullina noted that the Bank of Russia was still developing cash and creating a new series of banknotes with a fresh design


Cash will not disappear from circulation and the demand for it does not go away, Governor of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina said at a press conference following a meeting of the regulator's board of directors.


"Our fundamental position is that people should be able to choose how to make payments. We are presenting choices. We are still developing cash, and we are even creating a new series of banknotes with a fresh design. So cash is not going away, there was and still is a demand for cash," she said.


Head of the State Duma Committee on the financial market Anatoly Aksakov said in early September that the digital ruble can be used in international payments by 2025.


The Bank of Russia said earlier that the digital ruble will not be a substitute for bank accounts and deposits: interest will not be charged on balances in the wallet, moreover, it is planned to introduce a limit on the amount of funds stored in them. This is needed to prevent an outflow of liquidity from banks and a decrease in lending.


Paying for goods and services using the digital ruble will be similar to paying with a QR code through the Faster Payments System. It will be possible to pay with the digital ruble offline, without access to the Internet. The client will transfer part of the digital rubles to a separate offline wallet. Its use will be similar to paying in cash, where credit cards are not accepted. The launch of the offline mode of the digital ruble is scheduled only at the second stage of the project, approximately in 2024. It is also planned to launch the exchange of the digital ruble for foreign currency and open wallets for non-residents.


Bank of Russia’s Chief Elvira Nabiullina stated at a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the government on July 19, 2023, the mass introduction of the digital ruble could happen at the beginning of 2025.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19556722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6744 >>6773 >>6904

Windows 11 ‘ThemeBleed’ RCE bug gets proof-of-concept exploit


Proof-of-concept exploit code has been published for a Windows Themes vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-38146 that allows remote attackers to execute code.


The security issue is also referred to as ThemeBleed, and received a high-severity score of 8.8. It can be exploited if the target user opens a malicious .THEME file crafted by the attacker.


The exploit code was released by Gabe Kirkpatrick, one of the researchers who reported the vulnerability to Microsoft on May 15 and received $5,000 for the bug.


Microsoft addressed CVE-2023-38146 two days ago in the September 2023 Patch Tuesday.

ThemeBleed details


Kirkpatrick found the vulnerability while looking at "weird Windows file formats," one of them being .THEME for files used to customize the appearance of the operating system.


These files contain references to ‘.msstyles’ files, which should contain no code, only graphical resources that are loaded when the theme file invoking them is opened.


The researcher noticed that when a version number “999” is used, the routine for handling the .MSSTYLES file includes a major discrepancy between the time a DLL’s (“_vrf.dll”) signature is verified and when the library loads, creating a race condition.


Using a specially crafted .MSSTYLES, an attacker can exploit a race window to replace a verified DLL with a malicious one, thus allowing them to run arbitrary code on the target machine.


Kirkpatrick created a PoC exploit that opens the Windows Calculator when the user launches a theme file.


The researcher also notes that downloading a theme file from the web triggers the 'mark-of-the-web' warning, which could alert the user of the threat. However, this could be bypassed if the attacker wraps the theme into a .THEMEPACK file, which is a CAB archive.


When launching the CAB file, the contained theme opens automatically without serving the mark-of-the-web warning.


Microsoft fixed the issue by removing the “version 999” functionality completely. However, the underlying race condition remains, Kirkpatrick says. Additionally, Microsoft did not address the absence of mark-of-the-web warnings for themepack files.


Windows users are recommended to apply Microsoft's September 2023 security updates pack as soon as possible, as it fixes two zero-day vulnerabilities that are under active exploitation, and another 57 security problems in various apps and system components.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19556749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6904

Judicial Watch: Documents Reveal Photos, Conditions in Illegal California Medical Labs Owned by Chinese Company


Judicial Watch announced today that it received 29 pages of records through the California Public Records Act that confirm illicit labs owned by Chinese nationals housed biologicals in hazardous and non-compliant conditions, multiple infectious agents, and starving and dead mice. Judicial Watch investigators also uncovered court documents which detail the deplorable conditions at the lab (which conducted “COVID” research), including photos of dead mice.


The documents were produced by the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH) in response to a request for:


Records and / or communications maintained by the Fresno County Public Health Department, including emails, email chains, email attachments, text messages, meeting minutes, interviews, voice recordings, video recordings, photographs, correspondence, statements, letters, memoranda, reports, briefings, affidavits, inspections, presentations, notes, or other form of record, regarding Prestige BioTech and Universal Meditech Inc.


Prestige Biotech reportedly runs Universal Meditech, Inc.


The records show that, on May 31, 2023, Dr. Rais Vohra, then-interim health officer for the Fresno County Department of Public Health, had issued an order to Prestige to close its operations in Reedley, CA, and clean up dangerous materials at the site:


This Order is issued as a result of the City of Reedley’s attempts at gathering authorized representative contact information, repeated requests of complete lists of biologicals present, and an inspection pursuant to Health Officer Order dated April 21, 2023, which revealed biologicals in hazardous and non-compliant conditions, the presence of multiple infectious agents and pursuant to Title 17 California Code of Regulations Section 2500, and multiple City of Reedley building and fire code violations, including but not limited to, failing refrigeration, and documented out of compliance electrical additions.


The records include an August 2023 PowerPoint presentation titled “Healthy Fresno County, Better Together, Reedley Lab Update,” written by Fresno Co. Asst. Dir. Joe Prado. The presentation includes a section titled “City of Fresno Chronology of Events,” which includes:


August 26, 2020 – Universal MediTech location experienced a small fire.


August 31, 2020 – Environmental Health CUPA inspection performed at Universal Meditech at 1320 E. Fortune Ave #102 in Fresno.


EH Inspector conducted onsite visit and noted violations: failing to prepare and implement a hazardous materials business plan (HMBP) for storage of hazmat (ethanol) over state thresholds


Permit was completed and valid from 9-1-2020 through 8-31-2021. Inspections are every 3 years from initial inspection, unless complaint is received.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 11:52 a.m. No.19556798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904

Government reports confirmed COVID-19 vaccination has caused Cancer at an unprecedented rate


Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States.


Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination is 1433x greater than the background risk.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States of America.


A quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections since they were first rolled out in the USA, reveals that from December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.19556923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932

Toxic lead found in MAJORITY of Americans' tap water is killing 5.5million people globally - more than smoking or obesity, study of 183 countries claims


Researchers at the World Bank estimated fatalities using a model

They found 5.5million heart disease deaths were linked to lead every year


Water contaminated with toxic metals is killing millions of people globally every year, a study suggests — and the majority of Americans drink it.


Researchers at the World Bank claim that lead in drinking water is responsible for more heart disease than smoking or bad diets.


Using blood tests from thousands of adults in 183 countries, they simulated the number of deaths from heart disease caused by lead — with their model saying 5.5million were caused by the heavy metal.


For comparison, smoking was linked to two million deaths from heart disease worldwide, while high cholesterol contributes to 2.6million.


Researchers based in Washington D.C. said their study was a 'wake-up call' to get lead out of the water supply, with 56 percent of Americans still drinking water contaminated with the heavy metal.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.19556936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We're Coming to Tear Down Australia's Corrupt Regime!


While Australia is distracted with the Voice Referendum that is on track to fail in the coming 4 weeks, there is a silent revolution is happening underneath the feet of Australians.


In just 10 weeks, the new National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has received a flood of referrals regarding specific current and historical acts of corruption across the Australian Government. Over the past 5 weeks, these referrals have been increasing in volume on a weekly basis!


Adams and North go through the latest statistics from the NACC and call out the implications for Commonwealth agencies such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).


It would appear that Australia is going to witness shocking acts of corruption being exposed in the coming 12 to 18 months.


The implications for Australia are very likely going to be profound.

Anonymous ID: fb6177 Sept. 15, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19556977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Providence Hospital Network announced employees have until November 30 to roll up their sleeves for the updated mRNA COVID-19 'vaccine' that was recently approved by the FDA or submit a medical exemption.


According to Wikipedia, Providence Health & Services is a not-for-profit Catholic healthcare system operating in seven western states: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, New Mexico, and Texas. The health system includes 51 hospitals, more than 800 non-acute facilities, and numerous assisted living facilities.