Anonymous ID: 08479d Sept. 15, 2023, 4:12 p.m. No.19558125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8161 >>8223 >>8292 >>8370

>>19556224 (pb)


Seen hundreds of documentaries on the Great Awakening/The Plan since being introduced on 4chan via MegaAnon, but none better than this. Great work.


At a huge crossroads. Had success and blew it all, now I'm ruined. No good jobs out their for someone like me because I was stupid and didn't get a degree, now I'm engulfed by debt. Should've joined the military when I was still able to do so, too old to qualify now.


Pleaded with Jesus to give me a direction forward and give whatever time I have left meaning. Immediately saw the link to The Greatest Show On Earth and watched it. Probably delusional, maybe it was a sign from Him. Really need to be involved in this plan to defeat evil and use what I've learned to help people see that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.


In short, need a miracle. Q-team, very willing and able servant of Jesus at your disposal. Trust you'd know where to find me.


Please pray for me frens, though I don't deserve it. God bless all of you OGs, and God bless everyone involved in fighting evil. O7