Today was a good day.
Yeah, I didn't understand it until an Anon mentioned earlier in the bread it's probably to distract from FingerButt. Look to me like just the amorous "feeling like a teenager" part of a new romance, done in the dark in a theater. Night probably ended well for both of them, so what's the problem? I like seeing people happy.
Lied about what?
Oh no. I guess everyone should grab their pitchforks, huh? You present a mountain, I see a molehill.
Let's just stop and think about what that video of Boebert represents: Wandering hands dark movie theaters have been weaponized politically. It'd be a shame for the public to know about the kinds of wandering hands that certain politicians have when they're not working, especially the ones whose hands touch kids.
I looked at the issues and I see moar egregious offenses to be concerned about rather than her getting her tit felt in the dark, as if that is the bigger violation than FingerButt. It's a nothing burger.
And I couldn't care less for your hyperbole.
Her tit grabbed in public, in the dark, when she's not working, is not reason to tear her down. That is just desperation to distract from FingerButt.
Sure you don't want FingerButt? Betcha she'd be into peanut butter. Finger lickin' good.
I don't even know her name to be honest, she's just FingerButt from Virginia.
FingerButt Gibson.
Black triangle in 2005.
It was a black triangle in the sky, daytime, hovering in place. Was driving truck and had a helper with me and pulled the truck over on the side of the road to get out and stare at it. Didn't look too long as I had a job to get to and miles to make.
Along the Rockies somewhere.
Your comment makes me want to shoop a bow tie onto the neck of his happy face.
Yeah, there was no sound. It was high up, over one of the peaks, just hovering in place. Didn't freak me out at all, I was moar concerned about the job I had to get to. Didn't have an explanation for it, but was familiar with TR3B stuff so I just filed what I saw into the "possibly but can't be proven" category in my head.
Space X has an interesting new logo. Goes with last year's Halloween costume.
I'd be moar interested in the prototypes that aren't deployed yet.
>infiltrate them and that's it.
That goes against my grain.
>otherwise you'll likely never know.
I don't need to.
Um, I never asked, I made a statement about what I would like to know about based upon what another Anon said. Learn to read.
Oh, you're playing this game now, are you? Run along, l'il guy, I'm not interested in any of your magazine subscriptions. How come you're not baking tonight?
You keep retarding on, retard. Don't forget your helmet.
Smoke then sleep.