Anonymous ID: 58bf43 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19571891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913

>>19571863 (pb)

>What were the Nazis actually?


the actual question should be:



Nuremberg was a show trial, pure BS.

You get 3000 psychotic Einsatzgruppen, who murdered tons of people in Eastern Europe including Jewish people.


You would expect that every single one of them would get a trial, but that didn't happen.


They went from town to town and simply killed civilians left + right.

Why would you not prosecute that?


Also why were the ones funding Hitler not prosecuted (Wall Street, Bush family etc.)?


Funding the enemy should be high treason, but nothing happened. Why?


Why were ultra rich German families not prosecuted either, despite being directly involved in forced labor, that cost tons of people their lives.


Judges not getting executed either.

Their excuse "well muh it was le law"


But at the same time they blamed regular Joe Germans. How does this make any sense?


…unless it was all a play…

Anonymous ID: 58bf43 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.19571928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1937


the invasive quick tests had a cancer causing substance on it, which is not a problem for single tests, but they demanded to test at least once daily, or even multiple times, for weeks.


If you do that, the daily allowed dosage is way lower and if I remember correctly, in these non-stop testing cases even one test is too much for a child.


Look upEthylenoxide (EO)


(EO wait a moment, executive order, maybe time to re-read drops)


Anyway, there are basically 2 methods of sterilizing such tests. EO is the cheap one, but you can't get rid of it all, which means some of the EO goes into the patient.

There is also a way of radiation, but that's more expensive, and thus it's almost always not used.


If the test has "EO" in big letters on it, it's that poison and you shouldn't do these invasive tests.


There were non-invasive tests, that didn't have these problems, and they were even cheaper, but hospitals typically did not get these, despite that not really making sense.


Of course that's assuming that what's written on the box is actually in the box.


PCR test - no clue, maybe pure bullshit. Maybe they test for something else.

Anonymous ID: 58bf43 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19571937   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>PCR test - no clue, maybe pure bullshit. Maybe they test for something else.


Or maybe they wanted to put something INTO the body.

It's weird that they said that it has to be used exactly under the brain.