Anonymous ID: aec8b2 Q Research General #24036: Retaliation - 'Horizon' active Edition Sept. 18, 2023, 8:27 a.m. No.19571865   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: aec8b2 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.19571869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#24035 >>19570717

>>19570735 The Clinton Global Initiative will announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits…

>>19570838 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>19570854, >>19570860, >>19570861 anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

>>19570870 More Hospitals Across the US Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates


>>19570907 Russell Brand: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military…

>>19570967 Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

baker change

>>19570895, >>19571482, >>19571494, >>19571686, >>19571720, >>19571763 AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

>>19571023, >>19571118, >>19571242, >>19571254, >>19571277, >>19571324, >>19571341 Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

>>19571039 Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

>>19571047 Hunter Biden is suing the IRS.

>>19571064 Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black Men in Prison

>>19571093, >>19571104 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>19571105, >>19571174, >>19571207 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

>>19571137 Full Interview Between President Trump and NBC Narrative Engineer Kristen Welker

>>19571151 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023

>>19571219, >>19571234 A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

>>19571233, >>19571261 Tim Ballard stepped down OUR started new trafficking org w/new partner named Jessica Munoz?

>>19571330 Joint Press Statement for the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

>>19571397, >>19571503 Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

>>19571412 The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Blow-Up Is the Mess That Just Gets Messier

>>19571420 Police: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing, mother found dead by homicide near a creek

>>19571493 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 18, 2023

>>19571599 African nation denies claims of coup attempt

>>19571612 Kennedy Space Center post office closing after 58 years of postmarks

>>19571671 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols w/out flinching

>>19571743 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician

>>19571801, >>19571802 @elonmusk: Artificial intelligence discussion with PM Netanyahu in an hour

>>19571818 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM

>>19571855 #24035



>>19569897, >>19570346 War is the only way for Pence (Cap 0:17)

>>19569910, >>19570032, >>19569936 Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

>>19569912, >>19570306, >>19569954, >>19569992, >>19569995, >>19570463, >>19570476 US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

>>19569939 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!

>>19569956 Rep. Boebert raises Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor

>>19569999 Two random dudes walking outside during Trump's interview at Bedminster

>>19570017, >>19570035 LAST YEAR: Lockheed Martin cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end

>>19570040 A Ferro Max train is headed to the U.S. packed with illegals

>>19570046 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The United Autoworkers are being sold down the “drain” with this all Electric Car SCAM.

>>19570053, >>19570075 "When I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis"

>>19570214 Multiple of Russell Brand’s Ex-Girlfriends Confirmed They Were Pressured By The Rape Squad To Create False Accusations

>>19570253 Ivanka Trump's secret trip to Maui to give meals to families devastated by wildfires

>>19570313 PF reports: Ukrainian Military Airbus flying from Krakow, Poland back to Ukraine

>>19570340 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Fatally Shot in Ambush Attack in Palmdale, CA - Manhunt Underway

>>19570377 Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’

>>19570389 German comedian Carolin Kebekus, shapeshift eyes multiple times (Cap 0:25)

>>19570559, >>19570570 Pennsylvania judge rules Trump has presidential immunity, cannot be sued over statements on 2020 election fraud

>>19570677 Who controls the corrupt NCGOP?

>>19570708 #24034


#24033 >>19569041

>>19569098 PF update

>>19569093 Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

>>19569096 "In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary.

>>19569119 End Times News

>>19569120 So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina After Pilot Ejects

>>19569122 Heartbeat law a terrible thing???

>>19569126 Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive

>>19569133 CT: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle…

>>19569134 Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show

>>19569174 Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

>>19569180 Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted

>>19569183 Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island

>>19569200 Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

>>19569231 Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution, The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

>>19569239 “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems

>>19569243 The Left Will Devour Itself — Just Ask Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

>>19569252 Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

>>19569253 Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

>>19569264 Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

>>19569273 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery/loop capital???

>>19569277 ‘Prepare For a Long War’ – NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning

>>19569287 General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From?

>>19569312 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran

>>19569326 The Demons of Davos

>>19569352 2022 President Trump's 1776 Report

>>19569357, >>19569372 AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

>>19569364 trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton

>>19569380 Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation

>>19569394 GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine

>>19569405, >>19569421 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

>>19569438, >>19569591 Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

>>19569482 For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

>>19569499, >>19569500, >>19569528 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

>>19569509 Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

>>19569514 The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

>>19569547 Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

>>19569553, >>19569639, >>19569652, >>19569820, >>19569837 F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

>>19569572 Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

>>19569582 Australian workers extend gas strike

>>19569601, >>19569623 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

>>19569732 You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold– ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

>>19569748 The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>19569849 #24033


Previously Collected

>>19567502 #24030-B, >>19568238 #24031, >>19569033 #24032

>>19565822 #24028, >>19566718 #24029, >>19567409 #24030-A

>>19563460 #24025, >>19564274 #24026, >>19565052 #24027

>>19561161 #24022-B, >>19561895 #24023, >>19562667 #24024


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[(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻]*****m4xr3sdefault ID: 1e0744 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19571888   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>> big is alec baldwins butt


>>> big is alec baldwins butt


Ua hoʻokumu ʻia ka magic texas mai ka bullshit no laila pono ʻoe e hōʻoiaʻiʻo iā ʻoe iho a kapa ʻia ʻo ia he bullshit



>all cause fudgepacker not called back




>ritual public chockin chicken crimes of vanity festival holiday


>publicly chocking chicken crimes of vanity holiday


>choking chicken law


>lurn mo bout fleshy sacrifice bribe lies


>mcdonalds farmers


>how chick fil a is made


>where tendies come frum



>oh magog


>oh magog


>>trillion dollar kiss my butt joke

>>19541127 jesus christ, call your sponsor


>duke of nothing


>>>>>>>>>big nosed bearded stranger are sniffing your nickels next to your hole land border


>>>>>>>>need loans for starving other big nosed elderly liars


>>>>>>>hole land border packed with starvingelderly liars needs your loans


>>>>>>starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border almost died frum fudgepacker


>>>>>fudgepacker almost wiped out all the starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border


>>>>ever since candelstick stolen starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border have cired bout lickin peepee in dark plz halp


>>>fugepacker wrecked peepee lickin candelstick mansion when starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried


>>fudgepacker wrecked starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried all night long and now starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried kant stap tankin bout fudgepacker


>and tahn second fudgepacker destory starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried all GAHY AF like french

starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried >>19541117


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>big nosed bearded stranger are sniffing your nickels next to your hole land border >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>need loans for starving other big nosed elderly liars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hole land border packed with starvingelderly liars needs your loans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border almost died frum fudgepacker >>>>>>>>>>>>>fudgepacker almost wiped out all the starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border >>>>>>>>>>>>ever since candelstick stolen starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border have cired bout lickin peepee in dark plz halp >>>>>>>>>>>fugepacker wrecked peepee lickin candelstick mansion when starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried >>>>>>>>>>fudgepacker wrecked starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried all night long and now starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried kant stap tankin bout fudgepacker >>>>>>>>>and tahn second fudgepacker destory starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried all GAHY AF like french >>>>>>>>starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples >>>>>>>big thick roman fudgepackers were so close togahter in hole land when starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples >>>>>>really big thick roman fudgepacker were rubbin hole land togather when starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples ruined >>>>>starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples were on fire when big thick roman fudgepackers ruined it and not called back >>>>roman fudgepacker fire ruined it not called back for starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples >>>fudge temple so wrecked by big thick roman fudgepacker starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples knows it is a juw now >>big thick roman fudgepacker packed first temple all GAHY AF and tahn other temple got packed and starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples whine >and tahn starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples needed niggGAHY in hole land

starvingelderly liars needs your loans in hole land border cried after both fudgepacker destroy both temples to rent niggGAHY

Anonymous ID: b6ed88 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.19571890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Follow on X and hit notification bell for Trump Truths notifications

Anonymous ID: 58bf43 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19571891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913

>>19571863 (pb)

>What were the Nazis actually?


the actual question should be:



Nuremberg was a show trial, pure BS.

You get 3000 psychotic Einsatzgruppen, who murdered tons of people in Eastern Europe including Jewish people.


You would expect that every single one of them would get a trial, but that didn't happen.


They went from town to town and simply killed civilians left + right.

Why would you not prosecute that?


Also why were the ones funding Hitler not prosecuted (Wall Street, Bush family etc.)?


Funding the enemy should be high treason, but nothing happened. Why?


Why were ultra rich German families not prosecuted either, despite being directly involved in forced labor, that cost tons of people their lives.


Judges not getting executed either.

Their excuse "well muh it was le law"


But at the same time they blamed regular Joe Germans. How does this make any sense?


…unless it was all a play…

Anonymous ID: 305330 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:37 a.m. No.19571901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1904 >>1928

>>19571876 (lb)

Are they testing for "drug use"?

What ALL are those swabs looking for?


Glycerin based soap will set off an "explosives detector" at the airport

Glycerine is glycerine, to the machine.

Nitroglycerine = concentrated soap

Wash with the wrong product and get pulled over by the TSA


So, how many things will "set off" the fake nose swab test besides Papaya?

Anonymous ID: 20b6ad Sept. 18, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.19571906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Macias: AG Ken Paxton Will Mostly Be Indicted With A Federal Grand Jury Before The End of The Year. He thinks the FBI, the Feds and Garland will seek retributionTwo weeks ago they called Vasser to testify before a grand jury. Now it comes out the FBI had this complaint and info from Ryan Vasser for three years but never brought him into the Grand Jury! Buckle up anons, they will do to Paxton what they are doing to Trump!




House attorney team gets whistleblower to clarify “took no evidence” statement

Sept. 8, 2023 at 2:08 p.m.

A whistleblower’s comment that he and his associates “took no evidence” when they reported Ken Paxton to the FBI in 2020 has become an early flashpoint in the suspended attorney general’s impeachment trial.


While the comment Thursday fromRyan Vassar, the former deputy attorney general for legal counsel, set off jubilation among Paxton supporters, it also prompted a House lawyer, Rusty Hardin, to coach Vassar through a clarification Friday. Vassar testified he meant physical evidence, and Hardin asserted that Vassar going to the FBI was inherently a form of evidence because he was a witness to a potential crime.


Vassar was among the top Paxton aides who went to the FBI three years ago to share concerns that Paxton was abusing his office to help Nate Paul, an Austin real estate investor and Paxton campaign donor. The articles of impeachment accuse Paxton of going to extraordinary lengths to help Paul investigate his perceived enemies as his businesses were floundering. Read more here.


— Patrick Svitek


Whistleblower Ryan Vassar revealed during testimony Friday morning that=the attorney general’s office kept a “blacklist” of reporters whom they “handled differently than other reporters.”Vassar testified that Dallas Morning News reporter Lauren McGaughy, who has covered the attorney general’s office for a decade, was on that list.


The revelation came during the cross examination of Vassar, the former deputy attorney general for legal counsel, continued into a second day on Friday. Paxton defense attorney Mitch Little directed the witness to specific group text messages where they discussed McGaughy’s coverage of the office as they reported Paxton’s activity to the FBI. The group text also included messages that criticized new lawyers in the office who were hired as the whistleblowers were fired or resigned after they reported Paxton’s allegedly illegal activity to the FBI.

— Kate McGee

Anonymous ID: 112a8d Sept. 18, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.19571907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19571877 (lb)

Yeah, I made him watch the storming of New Caprica, explaining that the Pegasus was left behind to protect the remaining civilians in the fleet, as a preface. When he heard Adama go, "Then, that's it. It's been an honor" and it panned out showing the Bucket getting it's ass kicked, I turned to look at him and he was crying. As SOON as he saw the main batteries of the Pegasus, though, he screamed out "YES!" Unfortunately, seeing the Pegasus sacrifice herself to save humanity, was still too much for him. He didn't want to watch the series. I'm kinda grateful for that. Even I had a hard time with Galactica breaking her back on that final jump.

Anonymous ID: ce5bf2 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.19571912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1924 >>1925 >>1934 >>1936

So let me get this straight…

A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…(someone made that habben)

Stealth jet then discapears…stealthy like,


It may have had a stealthy crash, but we don't know 'cause was a stealthy crash.


Assuming it did crash, there was stealthy bangs & smoke & debris…


If it didn't crash (still flying on stealth fuel?) then it's gonna NOT turn up at a stealthy Servo on a stealthy airstrip.


Can some one just flick da switch remotely on this and UN-Stealth it? then we would know where it was.


or are we about to go with the Aliens took it story in msm?


BS the airforce don't know what happened…

But I thinks I got it… yea, it was the f'n Ruskies again (unless the plane was vaxed I 'spose, then it could be "suddenly dead" (but still invisible.


Am I on point on this?

Anonymous ID: 3f6eb5 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.19571917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1946


>>19571743 LB



Anyone know what intersection this is? Looking around at the lodges in Nashville and haven't found one that looks like this one.

Anonymous ID: 3f9c25 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:43 a.m. No.19571920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>1944 >>1951 >>1957 >>1959




Anons we have misspellings!



I brought 58 HOSTAGES home from many different countries, including North Korea, and I never paid anything. They all understood they MUST LET THESE PROPLE COME HOME! Toward the end, it got so that countries didn’t even start the conversation asking for money, because they knew they would not get it. Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN. Our grossly incompetent “leader,” Crooked Joe Biden, gave 6 BILLION DOLLARS for 5 people. Iran gave ZERO for 5. He’s Dumb as a ROCK!

11:35am ET

Anonymous ID: 1d0938 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:46 a.m. No.19571923   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Propolis or bee glue is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the beehive.

Anonymous ID: c08d31 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.19571927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1930

Update on the F35. Anon has a contact that worked on the F35 project. Anon reached out for comment from said contact. Here is what they told me:


>They are not supposed to fly once the pilot ejects


>So it should be really close to the location where the pilot ejected


>When the seat comes out the programming goes with it


>It erases all of the data on the aircraft and basically "declassifies" it to nothing


>The transponder must have been off

Anonymous ID: 58bf43 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.19571928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1937


the invasive quick tests had a cancer causing substance on it, which is not a problem for single tests, but they demanded to test at least once daily, or even multiple times, for weeks.


If you do that, the daily allowed dosage is way lower and if I remember correctly, in these non-stop testing cases even one test is too much for a child.


Look upEthylenoxide (EO)


(EO wait a moment, executive order, maybe time to re-read drops)


Anyway, there are basically 2 methods of sterilizing such tests. EO is the cheap one, but you can't get rid of it all, which means some of the EO goes into the patient.

There is also a way of radiation, but that's more expensive, and thus it's almost always not used.


If the test has "EO" in big letters on it, it's that poison and you shouldn't do these invasive tests.


There were non-invasive tests, that didn't have these problems, and they were even cheaper, but hospitals typically did not get these, despite that not really making sense.


Of course that's assuming that what's written on the box is actually in the box.


PCR test - no clue, maybe pure bullshit. Maybe they test for something else.

Anonymous ID: 58bf43 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19571937   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>PCR test - no clue, maybe pure bullshit. Maybe they test for something else.


Or maybe they wanted to put something INTO the body.

It's weird that they said that it has to be used exactly under the brain.

Anonymous ID: 20b6ad Sept. 18, 2023, 8:50 a.m. No.19571939   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There are only two Sept 18 Q posts in 2018, no other posts in other years


Sep 18 2018



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.263 📁.png

Sep 18 2018 22:15:05 (EST)📁.png

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.259 📁

Sep 18 2018 15:50:14 (EST)

DnO-1l8W0AAyWmd.jpg-large.jpg ⬇


DnO-0lnXoAIccJc.jpg ⬇2145📁












Anonymous ID: 1d0938 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.19571942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The authorities on Monday were asking for the public’s help in finding an F-35 jet that disappeared after a U.S. Marine pilot used an emergency parachute to eject from it Sunday afternoon in North Charleston, S.C.

The pilot, who was unidentified, was in an F-35 from Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. He was taken to a local medical center and his condition was stable late Sunday, Jeremy Huggins, a spokesman for Joint Base Charleston, said.

It was unclear why the pilot needed to eject.

Based on the last-known position of the jet, an F-35B Lightning II, the base was focusing on an area around Lake Moultrie and Lake Marion, in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, Joint Base Charleston said late on Sunday, adding that it was seeking the public’s help.

The authorities asked anyone with information about the missing jet’s location to pass along tips.

The F-35B Lightning II is the variant used by the Marine Corps, a short-takeoff and vertical-landing version. Manufactured by Lockheed Martin, it completed its first combat strikes for the Marine Corps in Afghanistan in 2018.

The F-35’s Joint Strike Fighter program is the Department of Defense’s most expensive weapon system program, with estimates that it will cost nearly $1.7 trillion to buy, operate, and sustain the aircraft and systems over its lifetime, the Government Accountability Office said in a report released in May.

Anonymous ID: 5a2be1 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.19571946   🗄️.is 🔗kun



look near Demonbruen…?



Anonymous ID: a705c5 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.19571947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have never liked this back-stabbing psycho bitch and here is just another reason why.


Jenna Ellis – the Donald Trump lawyer who like the former president faces criminal charges regarding attempted election subversion in his defeat by Joe Biden in 2020 – says she will not vote for him in the future because he is a “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes.


“I simply can’t support him for elected office again,” Ellis said. “Why I have chosen to distance is because of that frankly malignant narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.”

Anonymous ID: 8083b8 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.19571953   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Deion Sanders: 'We're So Busy Lying, We Don't Even Recognize the Truth' in Society


I watched his game saturday nite. they didn't give up and found a way to win the game.

So many celebs were in attendance (theRock, rappers, etc.) trying to glom on to the message being brought.

Deion will end up being brought down by the woke mob if his platform gets too big. He is providing a positive message for youth.

Anonymous ID: dd75f7 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.19571955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1966

Audit the Audit goes to the greatest lengths possible to find every allowance and rationale to explain away the disgusting premise of modern day LEOs Statutes, Codes, Policies, Procedures, Mandates, Court Precedents and Findings… (stopping short of any discussion about Third Amendment)…


So when ATA hands out bad grades to crappie Cops, i really hope those still addicted to sucking Blue Cock try to take some notice.

Anonymous ID: 20b6ad Sept. 18, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.19571960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russ Vought: The DC Cartels’ Current CR Deal Fails To Address The Weaponization Of Government

Freedom Caucus is involved on this!

They still do not honor MAGA and they think we won’t know!



Anonymous ID: 8083b8 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.19571967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tommy Tuberville: They Don’t Care About Military Readiness, They Just Want to Fund Abortions


Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-AL, called out Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, this week, accusing him of playing politics over a controversial pro-abortion Department of Defense policy rather than truly looking out for the well-being of the military.


For months, Schumer has been a harsh critic of Tuberville’s holds on military promotions. Tuberville started holding back Biden administration nominees in February in protest of the new DoD policy that uses taxpayer money to fund abortions in the armed forces. In May, Schumer claimed Tuberville’s pro-life stand-off with the administration is “reckless, unprecedented, harmful to our military’s readiness, and sends the wrong message to our partners and allies.”


However, as Tuberville told The Daily Signal Thursday, he believes a recent X (formerly known as Twitter) post from Schumer proves that he is “all talk.”


Schumer published the post Thursday afternoon. “This Senate has confirmed over 140 judges—including 36 Circuit Court Judges, 104 District Court Judges, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, the historic nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court!” the leading Democratic senator wrote. “And we will continue the work to advance more of [President Biden’s] highly qualified nominees.”


“He is bragging about how many judges he has confirmed while refusing to bring a single military nomination to the floor,” Tuberville commented. “If he was really concerned about readiness, he would call a vote today.”


gotta admit, POTUS was right about supporting him. I wasn't a fan, but doing this he has earned my respect.

Anonymous ID: 3f6eb5 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.19571968   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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