Anonymous ID: aec8b2 Q Research General #24036: Retaliation - 'Horizon' active Edition Sept. 18, 2023, 8:27 a.m. No.19571865   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: aec8b2 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.19571869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#24035 >>19570717

>>19570735 The Clinton Global Initiative will announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits…

>>19570838 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>19570854, >>19570860, >>19570861 anons opine on 45's comment on Biden leading us into “World War Two” if re-elected

>>19570870 More Hospitals Across the US Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates


>>19570907 Russell Brand: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military…

>>19570967 Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

baker change

>>19570895, >>19571482, >>19571494, >>19571686, >>19571720, >>19571763 AF Seeks Help From Public Finding Missing F-35 Jet

>>19571023, >>19571118, >>19571242, >>19571254, >>19571277, >>19571324, >>19571341 Trump celebrates Paxton impeachment acquittal

>>19571039 Tony Buzbee Discusses Background of Sham Impeachment Effort Against AG Ken Paxton

>>19571047 Hunter Biden is suing the IRS.

>>19571064 Kamala Harris Lectures on Racist Criminal Justice System After She Kept Black Men in Prison

>>19571093, >>19571104 Schumer’s First AI Conference Sets Goal of 2024 Election, With Big Tech Embracing Govt Regulation

>>19571105, >>19571174, >>19571207 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

>>19571137 Full Interview Between President Trump and NBC Narrative Engineer Kristen Welker

>>19571151 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/18/2023

>>19571219, >>19571234 A DC Cornerstone Issue That Must Be Understood – This Isn’t What You Learned on Schoolhouse Rock

>>19571233, >>19571261 Tim Ballard stepped down OUR started new trafficking org w/new partner named Jessica Munoz?

>>19571330 Joint Press Statement for the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

>>19571397, >>19571503 Iran prisoner swap live updates: Officials say Americans have flown out of Tehran

>>19571412 The Morning Briefing: Biden's Border Blow-Up Is the Mess That Just Gets Messier

>>19571420 Police: Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing, mother found dead by homicide near a creek

>>19571493 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 18, 2023

>>19571599 African nation denies claims of coup attempt

>>19571612 Kennedy Space Center post office closing after 58 years of postmarks

>>19571671 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols w/out flinching

>>19571743 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician

>>19571801, >>19571802 @elonmusk: Artificial intelligence discussion with PM Netanyahu in an hour

>>19571818 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press at the United Nations General Assembly - 11:15 AM

>>19571855 #24035



>>19569897, >>19570346 War is the only way for Pence (Cap 0:17)

>>19569910, >>19570032, >>19569936 Man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Cap 2:15)

>>19569912, >>19570306, >>19569954, >>19569992, >>19569995, >>19570463, >>19570476 US military is asking public to help find $80 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that has gone missing

>>19569939 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: So very honored that this song, TRUMP WON by Natasha Owens, became so successful!

>>19569956 Rep. Boebert raises Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor

>>19569999 Two random dudes walking outside during Trump's interview at Bedminster

>>19570017, >>19570035 LAST YEAR: Lockheed Martin cloud-based network will replace the computer-based logistics system in all its F-35 fighter jets by 2022 end

>>19570040 A Ferro Max train is headed to the U.S. packed with illegals

>>19570046 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The United Autoworkers are being sold down the “drain” with this all Electric Car SCAM.

>>19570053, >>19570075 "When I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis"

>>19570214 Multiple of Russell Brand’s Ex-Girlfriends Confirmed They Were Pressured By The Rape Squad To Create False Accusations

>>19570253 Ivanka Trump's secret trip to Maui to give meals to families devastated by wildfires

>>19570313 PF reports: Ukrainian Military Airbus flying from Krakow, Poland back to Ukraine

>>19570340 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Fatally Shot in Ambush Attack in Palmdale, CA - Manhunt Underway

>>19570377 Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’

>>19570389 German comedian Carolin Kebekus, shapeshift eyes multiple times (Cap 0:25)

>>19570559, >>19570570 Pennsylvania judge rules Trump has presidential immunity, cannot be sued over statements on 2020 election fraud

>>19570677 Who controls the corrupt NCGOP?

>>19570708 #24034


#24033 >>19569041

>>19569098 PF update

>>19569093 Donald Trump took ownership for his actions following the 2020 election

>>19569096 "In the Great Depression, homes were x3 the average salary. Now it's x8. A car was 46% of a salary.

>>19569119 End Times News

>>19569120 So the stealth works. Lost or laundered to Ukraine? Government loses F-35 somewhere in South Carolina After Pilot Ejects

>>19569122 Heartbeat law a terrible thing???

>>19569126 Obama Era Official Drops Bombshell About Biden White House! | Allen West Exclusive

>>19569133 CT: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Cle…

>>19569134 Classical Liberalism, CIA Libertarianism, & CIA Marxism w/ Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Show

>>19569174 Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot

>>19569180 Ukraine’s drone attacks on Crimea, Moscow thwarted

>>19569183 Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island

>>19569200 Florida GOP Drops Loyalty Oath, Giving Big Win To Trump Over DeSantis.

>>19569231 Newsom is eyeing a change to the United States Constitution, The amendment would enshrine a list of Democratic gun-control policy priorities into federal law.

>>19569239 “In the last 24 hours, the California legislature has passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and into government systems

>>19569243 The Left Will Devour Itself — Just Ask Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner

>>19569252 Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

>>19569253 Russian top spy reveals CIA contacts

>>19569264 Chinese Police Move in on Evergrande Firm, Detain Wealth Management Staff

>>19569273 Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery/loop capital???

>>19569277 ‘Prepare For a Long War’ – NATO Chief Issues Stark Warning

>>19569287 General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From?

>>19569312 Nashville elects Tennessee’s first openly transgender politician. Olivia Hill, 57, a military veteran

>>19569326 The Demons of Davos

>>19569352 2022 President Trump's 1776 Report

>>19569357, >>19569372 AT-6 Mid Air collision in the pattern following the AT-6 Gold Race.

>>19569364 trans-exclusionary radical feminist aka TERF's.Trans rights activists shout 'F**k the TERFs' as clash with radical feminist group hosting conference at San Francisco Hilton

>>19569380 Yale University student acquitted of rape SUES accuser for $110MILLION in defamation

>>19569394 GOP Neocon Senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham Send Letter to Joe Biden Begging for More US Missiles for Ukraine

>>19569405, >>19569421 2017 Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

>>19569438, >>19569591 Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

>>19569482 For some time, Trump has been systematically mispronouncing "True the Vote" as "True TO Vote"..

>>19569499, >>19569500, >>19569528 2014 [The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation]

>>19569509 Canada in crisis: gangs steal cars EVERY SIX MINUTES to ship overseas

>>19569514 The Biden Blitzkrieg Bop! 10 Red Flags Point To Looming Recession Under Bidenomics

>>19569547 Cure for Prion diseases exists in the GUT and BACTERIA

>>19569553, >>19569639, >>19569652, >>19569820, >>19569837 F-35 stealth fighter lost in mid-flight ‘mishap’/no crash, on autopilot

>>19569572 Timofey Bordachev: Here’s why events in Vladivostok prove that Russia has reached a new stage in its turn to the East

>>19569582 Australian workers extend gas strike

>>19569601, >>19569623 As a society, we continue to recklessly develop insanely dangerous experimental protocols without even flinching.

>>19569732 You Can’t Make This Up:Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold– ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’

>>19569748 The man who tried to assassinate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>19569849 #24033


Previously Collected

>>19567502 #24030-B, >>19568238 #24031, >>19569033 #24032

>>19565822 #24028, >>19566718 #24029, >>19567409 #24030-A

>>19563460 #24025, >>19564274 #24026, >>19565052 #24027

>>19561161 #24022-B, >>19561895 #24023, >>19562667 #24024


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