Anonymous ID: ce5bf2 Sept. 18, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.19571912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1924 >>1925 >>1934 >>1936

So let me get this straight…

A STEALTH plane ejects piolet…(someone made that habben)

Stealth jet then discapears…stealthy like,


It may have had a stealthy crash, but we don't know 'cause was a stealthy crash.


Assuming it did crash, there was stealthy bangs & smoke & debris…


If it didn't crash (still flying on stealth fuel?) then it's gonna NOT turn up at a stealthy Servo on a stealthy airstrip.


Can some one just flick da switch remotely on this and UN-Stealth it? then we would know where it was.


or are we about to go with the Aliens took it story in msm?


BS the airforce don't know what happened…

But I thinks I got it… yea, it was the f'n Ruskies again (unless the plane was vaxed I 'spose, then it could be "suddenly dead" (but still invisible.


Am I on point on this?