Anonymous ID: b57a6c Sept. 20, 2023, 9:03 a.m. No.19582781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3054 >>3369

The carbon foot print.


We have all heard this term “we have to remove the carbon footprint to save the earth”.


This terminology is very simple when you think about it. Let’s do an experiment.


Everybody, breathe in and taste the cool crisp taste of air, oxygen. Now exhale the carbon.


Now look at your house plant a peace Lilly and watch it breath in carbon and exhale air, oxygen. GOD made this earth to be in harmony.


The carbon footprint (they) want to remove and exterminate is (you) the people…


The green new deal, the climate change, we have to save the earth bullshit, is just that. BULLSHIT!!!!


You patriots that are good at writing and explaining things need to show the people this, and show these facts to the politicians that push this bullshit…


This is from wickpidea. But do your on research on carbon. Our earth is just fine. It’s the communists-deepstate-globalists that we have to worry about..


I have faith in all you Annons, patriots, to wake the people up…


May GOD bless you all and keep you and yours safe.


Biological role


Carbon dioxide is an end product of cellular respiration in organisms that obtain energy by breaking down sugars, fats and amino acids with oxygen as part of their metabolism. This includes all plants, algae and animals and aerobic fungi and bacteria. In vertebrates, the carbon dioxide travels in the blood from the body's tissues to the skin (e.g., amphibians) or the gills (e.g., fish), from where it dissolves in the water, or to the lungs from where it is exhaled. During active photosynthesis, plants can absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than they release in respiration.


Carbon fixation is a biochemical process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is incorporated by plants, algae and (cyanobacteria) into energy-rich organic molecules such as glucose, thus creating their own food by photosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water to produce sugars from which other organic compounds can be constructed, and oxygen is produced as a by-product.