Anonymous ID: 819aae Sept. 20, 2023, 8:13 p.m. No.19586818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How much has [bigpharma] been deliberately concealing with rotten data?

How frequently do medical doctors fail to report negative reactions to pharmaceutical products? (99.???%)

What are we too ashamed to talk about?

What is the historical relationship between gynecology & psychiatry?

Why do medical doctors routinely (and aggressively) push the birth control pill on adolescent girls for a wide range of symptoms, even if she does not request or require it as a contraceptive?

Why do gynecologists routinely prescribe the birth control pill as a panacea for all manner of female maladies and frequently even refuse to offer any other treatment methods?

What hormonal changes are triggered in the gen. pop. as a result of mass medication with the birth control pill?

What were the purposes of Operation Paperclip?

Why do different specializations in medicine fail to share their data?

What health trends (crises) in the female population have been deliberately concealed over the past 50 years?

What health trends (crises) in the male population have been deliberately concealed over the past 50 years?

How many people are concealing concerning symptoms because they are embarassed or don't know who to ask for help?

How many people have had their symptoms ignored or dismissed by medical doctors?

What can consumer data show us that the population can't tell us and the "experts" won't tell us?

Anonymous ID: 819aae Sept. 20, 2023, 8:30 p.m. No.19586876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6946


Sorry, Anon.

The zombie apocalypse is, unfortunately, quite far advanced; the remaining humans are few & far between. Most have had their minds devoured by the machine.

However I have hope that the remaining survivors who are yet capable of more than reruns will band together to spark a new round of inquiry.

Anonymous ID: 819aae Sept. 20, 2023, 9:12 p.m. No.19587030   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It's hard to read because it was handwritten.

>Here are screencaps from that letter. Hopefully, Anons can help with the reading of the letter.


Here's the first page, line by line; mostly pure narcissism, it gets into money matters later in the letter. But it's late so maybe I'll try to get back here tomorrow with the rest of the transcription.


April 1/59

Dearest Mary: Here I am back from

India, Hong Kong + Japan -

The 6th International Conference at New

Delhi was considered a huge success,

Mainly because the Prime Minister J.

Nehru opened the Conference + gave

a splendid speech, also the Health +

Welfare Minister was present to give

his support + that of his Organization

to the Movement - I was escorted* to the

platform by Mr. Nehru - (friendly* was I)

hundreds of cameras snapped our faces

so down in history goes the great event.

While I left a sick bed to go to India I sent


*best guess