Anonymous ID: bdad8a Sept. 20, 2023, 8:41 p.m. No.19586913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7040 >>7182 >>7294 >>7402 >>7511

UK intelligence spun 2013 Syria chemical attack, leaked docs show


US officials suppressed internal assessments that Al Qaeda’s Syrian wing had an “advanced” sarin production cell even as the US publicly blamed the Assad government for a 2013 chemical weapons attack, a report reveals.

Leaked documents obtained by The Grayzone show a shadowy British intelligence contractor helped sell the story that Assad was responsible – and nearly triggered Western intervention.


On September 13, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) appraisal detailing the chemical weapons arsenal possessed by the Al Qaeda-aligned Syrian armed opposition group known as Jabhat al-Nusra. The document claims the terror group acquired the ability to produce sarin through Saudi Arabia and Turkey, both sponsors of the Syrian proxy war, and was attempting to achieve “large scale production” of the highly toxic nerve agent. The memo lamented that al-Nusra’s “relative freedom of operation” in the country meant its “[chemical weapons] aspirations will be difficult to disrupt in the future.”


The disclosures raise serious questions about the infamous 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, including whether the estimated 280 to 1700 people killed were in fact massacred by al-Nusra, and not Syrian loyalist forces. The revelations also cast significant doubt on claims that the government of Bashar Al-Assad was responsible for other alleged chemical attacks during the Syrian crisis.


As Hersh notes, the incident in Ghouta nearly triggered Western military intervention in Syria, which likely would have resembled the NATO operation which led to the destruction of Libya two years earlier. It would’ve been a war based on deceit comparable to the false claims that precipitated the illegal US invasion of Iraq in 2003.


The role of British intelligence in attempting to escalate the conflict has been overlooked to this point. Now, never-before-seen official documents obtained by The Grayzone illustrate the crucial role UK intelligence played in the failed push to launch a NATO invasion of Syria.

‘High confidence’ intelligence assessment fails


While the Obama White House claimed to possess incontrovertible proof that the Syrian government was responsible for the attack in Ghouta, it stubbornly refused to disclose any. By contrast, communications intercepted by German spies suggested Assad neither ordered nor had any knowledge of the attack. Meanwhile, “multiple” US officials told AP that intelligence implicating Syrian forces was “not a slam dunk.”


The choice of wording was widely understood to be a deliberate reference to then-CIA Director George Tenet’s insistence that intelligence showed Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in 2002. Apparently, American spies did not want to be blamed for triggering an invasion on false pretenses this time around.


The DIA’s internal assessment explicitly states that Al-Nusra maintained sarin production facilities, describing the “al-Nusrah Front associated sarin production cell” as “the most advanced sarin plot since al-Qaida’s pre 9/11 effort.”


According to Hersh, the report in question never reached the White House. An anonymous senior intelligence official reportedly told the journalist that in the name of “political expediency,” evidence implicating al-Nusra was deliberately withheld from President Obama, who repeatedly insisted that no such proof existed:


“We do not believe that, given the delivery systems, using rockets, that the opposition could have carried out these attacks. We have concluded that the Syrian government in fact carried these out.”

Anonymous ID: bdad8a Sept. 20, 2023, 8:48 p.m. No.19586930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6967 >>7040 >>7182 >>7294 >>7402 >>7511

‘Bonkers’: AEC boss unleashes on ‘tinfoil hat wearing’ conspiracy theorists


The Australian Electoral Commissioner has unleashed over “tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” spreading misinformation over the Voice referendum.


Australian Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers has unleashed over “tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” online spreading misinformation over the Voice referendum and revealed some social media giants are failing to take action over threats against staff.


At a briefing outlining the build up to voting day on October 14, the veteran election czar said while the number of people engaging in the behaviour was “tiny”, some of the rhetoric was concerning.


“And without wishing to blow this up into a big event and take on the internet, some of the stuff we’ve seen is tinfoil hat wearing, bonkers, mad conspiracies,” he said.


Mr Rogers singled out claims the AEC was using US-style voting machines which it did not use or was going to “erase” votes.


“We don’t use voting machines,” he said.


Mr Rogers said some of the threats online against staff were “a disgrace”.


“We’ve seen higher levels of abuse, I would use the term vitriol, online,” he said.


“This is the first social media referendum in Australia‘s history.”


He said there were ongoing negotiations with social media to take down misinformation promptly but it wasn’t always successful.


The AEC revealed that total enrolment for the referendum is at 17,676,347 people or 97.7 per cent of eligible Australians.


Youth enrolment stands at 91.4 per cent and Indigenous Australians is at 94.1 per cent.


The AEC is also working with emergency management authorities over contingency arrangements in the event of bushfires.


“We will be going the extra mile to ensure that all Australians have access to voting,” Mr Rogers said.


Mr Rogers has previously raised concerns that the tone of some of the online commentary was “aggressive”.


“It worries me greatly,” Mr Rogers said.


“We’re adapting our own social media footprint and the way in which we engage with individuals.


“There’s no point going down a rabbit hole when you know that someone is deliberately trying to take you down.”


Mr Rogers said he welcomed the recent federal court decision on the issue of “ticks and crosses”.


Controversy erupted in August when Mr Rogers confirmed the AEC would follow decades of precedent and count ticks as yes votes but crosses as informal.


Justice Steven Rares ruled in favour of the AEC this week explaining that cross is used “both as a means of selecting one of two or more choices and as indicating a negative choice” and is therefore “inherently ambiguous”.


“Unlike a cross, which has more than one signification, either approval or disapproval … the tick approves or selects the affirmative as the voter’s answer,” he said.