Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 5:17 p.m. No.19591973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977 >>1996 >>2162 >>2601

Rebel News’ Ezra Levant appears in court to appeal fine over marketing for anti-Trudeau book


"Never before has a Canadian author been investigated, interrogated and fined for a political book."


Rebel News' Ezra Levant found himself in court yet again on Thursday, this time defending freedom of speech after the federal government targeted him over a book he wrote prior to the 2019 election that was critical of Justin Trudeau.


The Libranos, which was published just days before the campaign kicked off, dove into allegations of corruption in the Liberal Party, and featured a cover image of the prime minister and his cabinet in the style of the Sopranos.


During the election period, Levant and Rebel News distributed lawn signs promoting the book. Elections Canada alleged that the signs amounted to "third party election advertising," and argued that since the media company had not registered as such, it was in violation of official policies.


Levant countered that claim by stating, "It's not a political campaign plan; it's a journalistic campaign plan. Our competitors aren't the Liberals. Our competitors are the Media Party."


He highlighted the fact that numerous other books about Trudeau were published around the same time and had gone unpunished, however Elections Canada said his book was different because there was reason to believe it would not have been released had a contest not been called.


A July 2021 review by Elections Canada Commissioner Yves Côté determined that Levant and Rebel News had violated the Act by failing to include a message of authorization on the lawn signs, and failing to register as a third party. Côté ordered Levant to pay a $3,000 fine, however he refused, and the matter was then taken to court.

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 5:20 p.m. No.19591986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1995 >>1999 >>2152 >>2162 >>2601

Canadian police SHUT DOWN 1 Million March 4 Children speech by Meghan Murphy after far-left trans activists attack the stage


“The trans activist terrorists won."


Attendees of a parental rights gathering led by the 1 Million March 4 Children group were forced to vacate after a group of pro-trans activists rushed the state during an ongoing address delivered by women’s and parental rights activist Meghan Murphy, leading police to shut Murphy’s speech down entirely.


Shortly after the occurrence, which took place in Victoria at one of many 1 Million March 4 Children events that were held Wednesday, Murphy posted on X: “The trans activist terrorists won. They rushed the stage and the cops had to shut down the entire event half way through my speech because it was too dangerous for us to continue.”


She added, “You ramped up hate and put us in danger @JustinTrudeau @KasariGovender @cupenat @Dave_Eby @KenSimCity. Protect women, children, and families in Canada!”


Another user shared a clip that appeared to show a pro-trans activist being arrested after the alleged stage rush.


In the clip, a police officer can be seen angrily telling an event attendee, “Now, I will pull the plug… I will pull the plug… turn it off, or I’m walking over there right now! Right now!”


“Here’s the clip from the TRA rushing the stage,” the user wrote in a post along with the video. “I kinda feel like that cop just wanted to stop you all from speaking. Maybe I’m wrong…”


Murphy responded to the clip, “He was freaked out and they were unprepared to deal with the protesters. Which they should have been.”


1 Million March 4 Children is an advocacy group that protests against the indoctrination of children in schools, especially as it pertains to pushing LGBT agendas upon students.


Canada’s CBC has made no effort to hide its bias when reporting on the matter; the state-funded outlet claimed that “critics and researchers” say that “parental rights” is a “misnomer” as it does not “address the concerns of LGBTQ parents or parents of LGBTQ children.”


Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a point to “condemn” the apparent “hate” of “Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia” on the same day that 1 Million March 4 Children held its rallies.

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19592017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Smoke ‘n mirrors budget: forests and koalas are great but logging and money are better!


NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey ignored pleas for further funding for the Natural Resources Commission. Did he put at risk the monitoring of deforestation and koala protection?


In June this year, the NSW Government rejected renewing funding for the Forest Management Improvement Program (FMIP) which essentially monitored state approved native forestry operations (CIFOA), and federal regional forest agreements. The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) was charged with responsibility for the program by the Gladys Berejiklian government.


The NRC was charged with developing and overseeing twenty-year monitoring, evaluation and reporting plans for CIFOA and Regional Forest Agreements. The below graph of the role played by NRC demonstrates the extensive scope of the program.


The CIFOA requires that the effectiveness of its conditions and the extent to which its objectives and outcomes are achieved are continually monitored.


In a previous interview, Todd Maher, acting Executive Director of the Commission, advised of government resistance:


“Funding for the cross-tenure Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program ceased in FY22. Further funding was requested but not secured. The CIFOA monitoring program continues. Funding allocated to this program ceases in FY23. The Commission is seeking to secure further funding for this program.”


In the FMIP final report, the following statement is made:


“We strongly recommend that forest monitoring begins as soon as possible, especially of priority species and including those most at risk from climate change and fire regime changes, as identified above. Adequate and ongoing resourcing of forest monitoring is needed to provide continuous data streams and best-practice data management, analysis and reporting mechanisms.”


When asked how the state native forestry operations would be monitored if the September budget failed to restore funding, Maher advised that the responsibilities would be “split up between agencies’ using their current budgets”. These agencies are likely to be staffed from the Forestry Corporation of NSW, Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Department of Primary Industries and the Department of Planning and Environment.


The Forestry Corporation drives the forestry industry, using out-of-date scientific research to support its operations, rejecting any attempts to upgrade species declared endangered by the federal and state governments. This, combined with insufficient attention to compliance, cross-agency efforts and future monitoring, is seen as unacceptable by many scientists and ecologists.


No attempt has been made to include provisions requiring protection from climate change impacts or wildfires in the CIFOA.

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 5:40 p.m. No.19592084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162 >>2601

WATCH: “I Think He’s Getting Preferential Treatment Because I Believe He’s Working With Our Government” – Rep. Eli Crane Reveals Why He Thinks Ray Epps Only Charged With One Misdemeanor After He Was CAUGHT ON VIDEO Urging Violence on J6

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 5:42 p.m. No.19592091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162 >>2601

Wisconsin Republicans Introduce 15 Articles of Impeachment Against Elections Administrator Meagan Wolfe


Wisconsin Republicans introduced 15 articles of impeachment against Meagan Wolfe, the Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, citing allegations of maladministration in office and potential violations of election laws.


The allegations include Wolfe promoting and encouraging illegal alterations of absentee ballot applications during the administration of the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin. The law makes clear that absentee voting, in contrast to in-person voting, is regarded as a privilege rather than a right.


Here is a list of the 15 Articles of Impeachment in the 23 page report:


This latest proposal comes a week after Wisconsin Republicans in the state Senate voted to fire Wolfe from her job.


Democrats want Wolfe to remain the elections administrator, which tells you everything you need to know.


Via the House Republicans: Administrator Meagan Wolfe’s impeachment is warranted due to her maladministration during her tenure as the Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, as evidenced by the 15 issues outlined in the attached resolution. Administrator Wolfe has chosen to challenge her removal by the Senate in court, despite clear statutory provisions (15.61(1)(b)1) for her removal. This impeachment is proposed to save taxpayer funds and reaffirm the legislature’s authority to remove an administrator who has failed to adhere to existing statutes.

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 5:53 p.m. No.19592147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2154 >>2162 >>2163 >>2601

Third IRS Agent Says Joe Biden’s DOJ Blocked David Weiss from Charging Hunter


IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf told the House Ways and Means Committee on September 12 that the DOJ’s tax division opposed charging Hunter Biden during a June 2022 meeting with IRS officials and Weiss.


“DOJ Tax would have to authorize charges prior to David Weiss recommending an indictment or prosecution,” Batdorf said in a transcribed interview, the Washington Examiner reported.


“So, I mean, my understanding is that, I mean, he can’t make that decision without DOJ Tax authorization,” Batdorf, who was IRS agent whistleblower Gary Shapley’s senior in the IRS chain of command, said.


Notes from Shapley show he quoted Weiss as saying he was “not the deciding person” on charging Hunter Biden with tax, gun, and FARA violations.

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 6 p.m. No.19592185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leftist Mayor Calls 911 On Peaceful Petitioners - Describes Them As "Far Right Wing"


It is no secret that blue state politicians have been growing more extreme each passing year. Given a taste of ultimate authority during the covid lockdowns, they now seem to operate on the assumption that this is how society will function from now on – Unilateral authority with no checks and balances based on arbitrary proclamations rather than constitutional law.


As the old saying goes, if you want to test a person's character, give them power. Democrats assumed far reaching powers during the pandemic scare, and they have revealed their true natures. This reality also extends to their behavior regarding “trans rights”, which they believe allows them to restrict individual speech, violate women's privacy rights and erase the right of parents to be informed of school interactions with their children.


It may be opposition to the school trans indoctrination problem in particular that compelled leftist Mayor Janice Deccio of Yakima, Washington to call 911 on Sept. 3rd, outraged by the presence of conservative petitioners collecting signatures at a local Walmart to stop schools from hiding information from parents, among other actions. In June of this year, Deccio proclaimed the entire month as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual, Aromantic, Queer, Two-Spirit, Non-Binary, and Intersex Pride Month" in Yakima, during a city council organized event.


Deccio claims she was simply informed by her constituents of “far right wing petitioners” at Walmart “harassing” shoppers, and that she was not aware of what they were specifically collecting signatures for. Petitioners held signs listing their goals, making her assertion less believable.

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 6:12 p.m. No.19592267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SEE IT: Reporter asks Zelensky, "President Zelenskyy, are you confident that Congress is gonna support your efforts to get this supplemental aid? Did you get any assurances?", Biden responds, "There's no alternative." WATCH

Anonymous ID: 335142 Sept. 21, 2023, 6:24 p.m. No.19592358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2601

Pentagon to continue Ukraine-related activity even if there's a government shutdown


The possibility of a government shutdown currently looms in the U.S., but the Department of Defense will continue carrying out Ukraine-related activities even if there is a lapse in government appropriations, Defense Department spokesperson Chris Sherwood informed Politico.


"Operation Atlantic Resolve is an excepted activity under a government lapse in appropriations," Sherwood said, according to the outlet.


Politico reported that this means America's activities, such as training of Ukrainian troops and shipping armaments to the war-torn Eastern European nation, would continue in the event of a U.S. government shutdown.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with President Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday.


The Ukrainian leader has also met with U.S. lawmakers during his trip to America.


The U.S. has already shelled out billions of dollars' worth of aid to Ukraine as that country defends itself against a brutal Russian invasion, and there is broad bipartisan consensus in favor of providing even more U.S. assistance.


"American support for Ukraine is not charity. It's an investment in our own direct interests – not least because degrading Russia's military power helps to deter our primary strategic adversary, China," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, said in a statement.


"If you can't support Ukraine right now, that's un-American and you're not standing up for democracy," Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania said in as statement, according to The Hill. "The people of Ukraine had the courage to stand up and fight an evil empire, but now Republicans in the House do not even have the guts to have their back and support them. This is totally despicable."


But not all lawmakers are gung-ho about continuing to provide U.S. support for Ukraine.


Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has said that he will not consent to expedited passage of any spending measure that supplies additional U.S. assistance to Ukraine.


"When will the aid requests end? When will the war end? Can someone explain what victory in Ukraine looks like?" Paul asked. "With no clear end in sight, it looks increasingly like Ukraine will be yet another endless quagmire funded by the American taxpayer."


GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has declared, "I will not vote for any funding bill that sends one penny to Ukraine."