Anonymous ID: 225e65 Sept. 21, 2023, 8:26 p.m. No.19593164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3308

>>19592956 Updated text


Line by line transcription of Margaret Sanger fundraising letter to Mary Lasker, 1st April 1959



  • Hard to decipher, most probably meaning

[ ] Transcription note


April 1/59

Dearest Mary: Here I am back from

India, Hong Kong + Japan -

The 6th International Conference at New

Delhi was considered a huge success,

Mainly because the Prime Minister J.

Nehru opened the Conference + gave

a splendid speech, also the Health +

Welfare Minister was present to give

his support + that of his Organization

to the Movement - I was escorted* to the

platform by Mr. Nehru - (friendly* was I)

hundreds of cameras snapped our faces

so down in history goes the great event.

While I left a sick bed to go to India I sent


Page 2


Jonathan my Administrative Asst on

ahead to take my place in case I

could not get there. He remained after

I left + attended the PP Conference in

Singapore + has returned with notes +

reports on Everything -

You Mary dear are the one who gave

me this splendid supporter + helper -

The $5000.00 which paid toward his Salary

is now about spent - I want very much

to keep him on until August in order to

Select + compile all the letters + material

I have - for the Library of Congress +

the personal things for Smith College library

It will take about $1800.00, or* close to $2000.00

for him to complete this job while I am

in Japan from May 21 to July 1 -

Big P…..? [undeciphered] firm* about 80 of them are ready

to give their e…? [undeciphered] B.C informat* + ask me

to help them get started.


Page 3

If your foundation Mary dear could

contribute $1800 or $2000.00 for Jonathan

to remain + do this job while I am away

I can go ^Japan [inserted above line] to help with an easy mind.

I hesitate to ask you to contribute

this needed sum but the last of

my begging letters is this, I am no

longer President - just "Founder +

President Emeritus" - for life -

If you can contribute again to

the Brush* Foundation for this purpose

Be sure to say it is for my [underscored twice] use or

suggestions + I'll thank you ..? [undeciphered] + free


Anonymous ID: 225e65 Sept. 21, 2023, 8:46 p.m. No.19593308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3320


I am putting this together with the originals in a graphic right now, if Anons have any guesses about the last 3 missing words (bottom of page 2, bottom of page 3) I can add them in.