this anon won't bitch about bakers
cause anon doesn't bake
I bought a makita drill at the local hardware 199.00
same exact item my friend bought at depot for 169.99 giving me shit he saved 30 bux
few months later we were working in the same building and I picked up his Makita and it was markedly lighter. Full pound or more.
returning to stores to investigate. The pallets at homo depot say "PRODUCED FOR HOME DEPOT STORES" so all the same looking boxed items are NOT THE SAME. They are cheaper versions for the slave stores to trick you into buying.
few years ago
never forgot tho
notable stupid ideas
A Tesla battery continues to burn at one of Queenslandโs first large-scale battery storage sites
it catches fire
can not easily be extinguished
so put thousands of them together
smartest guy in the world?
exact same model and all
completely different
it is never a salew
it is a manipulation with inferior product
most people would never notice the diff
tomorrow anon
go to the "nicest" affluent area where you live and find a local harware
buy whatever 2 or 3 hundred dollar tool you want.
drive immediately to any despot and buy the same exact current model make exact same tool.
It will be less money.
Take them both home and compare for say a month at least.
report back.
looking forward to it. ty