"Bolsonaro indicted for 2014 remarks against PT congresswoman"
meanwhile in Brazil, the dictatorship uses the courts to go after the ex president.
"Bolsonaro indicted for 2014 remarks against PT congresswoman"
meanwhile in Brazil, the dictatorship uses the courts to go after the ex president.
right now the forest service and national parks are often effectively ways for very wealthy land owners, who abutt those properties, to receive free roads and water and utilities without having high taxes.
Dept of Commerce owns properties in VERY wealthy towns and provides all kinds of freebees.
Vermont is a good example.
your country and now
if you are authentic you should be praying to God, and not to the people here.
think for yourself.
take care of yourself
get over your hurt
live through it.
be a survivor
help other people
stop looking for sugar daddies.
if you really need help you won't find it here.
go to your local food kitchen and start to pitch in.
talk to your spiritual advisor.
stop being a fame fag here.
one day last week he said he was about to take an overdose of mushrooms. I told him to beware and perhaps reconsider.
and after that his story kept getting more and more ridiculous.
I posted stuff about how to get over a bad trip, to no response.
I tend to agree with you that it's a bit.
but in case it's not I pretend that he needs firm advice.
if it were me and I'd taken too much . . . too fast . . . I'd not be here glooming but trying to wait it out through diversion, like playing minetest or video games, or looking at picture books, or walk through videos of foreign cities. I'd try to learn a new language. I'd sit in a church.
I remember when I finally arrived at " tis far better to not do them than to do them " them being the stuff that he claimed he did and that I was having a much better time when I didn't.
I gave that all up but . . . perhaps he really is an idiot youngster who took too much and killed his ego and now realized it was there for a purpose.
ah, but you're probably right. He's bad-trip crybaby dispair cat.
funny thing is if you have a bad trip you don't have to tell anyone adn no one even needs to know that you're tripping.
most Vermonters aren't like that.
there are towns in Vermont that are fully owned by rich families.
it's a "I got mine, fuck you" environment in a lot of areas.
but for the most part Vermonters are friendly.
my friends sister had The Byrds Turn Turn Turn and we would play the 45 at 78 so it really would turn turn turn.
I was going to say Who's Next
Going Mobile and
won't get fooled again.
Rush is a good choice.
also 4th track of Dark side of the Moon with Eclipse and Brain Damage
Basketball Jones on 45!
(Daves not Here on the flip side).
I didn't know what the term 'jones' meant at the time.