If the wrong Fed supervisor rolls down there like "fuck you we're the Feds" to the wrong TX NG officer on the wrong day we're going to see a massacre of clowns. One shot is all it would take to raise all of South Texas. Even the Tejanos.
Anyone making or posting a meme containing Vin Diesel shall upon conviction be chemically castrated to preserve the intellectual purity of the American people.
Kek. How much money you got in the campaign fund fat ass? He must be a glutton for punishment as well.
The only trained and ready militia are veterans. There will be no time for organizing units or training drills. Untrained civilians will not survive the experience. When you see the DS and OIF/OEF vets stand to all at once, the Feds are going to have only three possible choices;
Stand and fight
Try to run or hunker down
Do a flip
The MIC has proven over and over that they cannot defeat a determined insurgency on thier home turf. If they couldn't defeat a bunch of stone-aged goat fuckers how are they going to defeat Americans fighting for their families and homes? Did the Afghans have f-15s and nukes? Or did they have a bunch shitty Paki surplus which itself was shitty old Russian surplus? The DS knows how that would end. RAND did a study years ago that told them their power will crumble the second they start killing civilians.
You ignore how badly outnumbered they are.
Infinity trips chek't
Why not both?
This shit right here is getting old. So, let me guess, you'd repeal the First Amendment based on your feelz towards other people's faith? That's fucking shallow and asinine. PS Most men don't need to be informed on the state of society. They live it.
He really is a stereotypical soap-opera second son of a rich man isn't he?
As I suspected. To fucking stupid to talk to.
Imagine if a rich, famous, connected man was openly fucking a woman 40 years younger than him. Why is when wamens do it, it's ok?
Anon only seeking snu snu. Wamens and plumbers. It's cheaper and less headache to pay them by the hour.
I didn't know they sold Astroglyde in 55 gal drums. Cuz that's what it would take.
I've been wearing kevlar to bed for years. I used to date a Puerto Rican.
First time? Slide attempts have been going on since the First Bread on 8chan. I've never seen a single hour without one in 5+ years.
If I told you (without sauce) that Trump masturbated daily with a cattle prod would you do it too?
There has been a writer's strike going on you know. Lots of hollyweird ha-ha hacks looking to pick up odd gigs to pay the bills.
I admire your commitment to masochism. I don't understand itโฆbut I admire it.
DeSantis can't draw more than 50 local party hacks and their Karen wives at an Iowa rally. The Donor Class is shifting their money to Nikki Haley. You're a retard.
keks quietly
Fuck. I thought it was.
Bezos reach-around to Fat Ass confirmed.
Understand their psych anon. They believe they still control narrative. Whoever wrote that headline hasn't had any interaction with real people in months. Kinda smells like AI.
Kek. That one's a keeper.
Right back at you anon. Love (no homo) and brotherhood.
I tried monitoring 149.200 using webSDR yesterday and didn't hear anything. The antenna was in Finland though.
Dubs chek't.