empty boxes as props…I need more weed KEK this is hilarious.
if those were full of paper no way those noodle arms could lift those boxes that high.
man I wish bugs bunny cartoons were real and an anvil could fall on a persons head.
he is so scared.
he had to calm him down because he was having that big of a conniption.
no you stupid chink because Warner bros does not own donald duck.
I hope YEE refuses to give back power. Will see later today.
Ratkin is a sack of shit. He is intentionally misleading by saying this is the impeachment this is just to see if there is enough evidence to actually bring charges. I hate that sack of shit and when he dies it will be a nice day.
Gerhardt is the reason no one trusts the law or the legal system anymore. The fucking hypocrisy thinking that this has not already been done to Trump.
yeah they got a hard on for him today, I think that might tie into Hunters case against him with the laptop ,perhaps to set a perjury trap. I am not sure who the other person they are crying about is.
Connolly just said what they are doing. Look here not there.
Connolly keeps saying Hunter Biden instead of Kushner. Stupid old fuck.
she is hoping her ninja skill are working so no one sees her behind that geriatric puss bag
while listening to politicians the Bloodhound Gang song, I hope you die, plays in my head.
still too early to pull that as a national narrative it is building though. I check in on Timcast some nights and they are starting to get where anons were years ago questioning this stuff, so not too much longer before open calling out the entire judicial system.
Damn the democraps are retarded
Krishnamoorthisringallingadingdong…Thinks that schooled people. They are so fucking stupid.
All it did was post the truth. and now he is going after Turley for polygamy comments as a lawyer. Stupid fucking smelly poo.
holy shit the poo has shit on his lip
it came out when he was flipping out at the end. That was pure seethe at the end.
DONG aka KEVIN kek
dont think that name has ever come up before like it has today.
they are spinning what he has said hard to get to that point. He is being where a rational normie should be at this point of the movie.
be a bigger retard it is ok. Sorry you can not understand what is happening, or why Turley is saying what he is. So shut the fuck up you stupid nigger.
yes but what happens if control is not relinquished.