Soros is an old man
Probably does whatever his Prostate allows him to.
Soros is an old man
Probably does whatever his Prostate allows him to.
> censorship (except cp, gore)
No Censorship except the usual censorship is how you don't change the game.
Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech or of the Press
Widows are orphans are a Masonic specialty.
They always save the virgins for themselves, the women to sell, and the men to enslave or outright kill…for purity of thought.
Mana from heaven = Breast Milk?
Eyes front!
Close your eye now.
If you're in favor of the motion, open one eye.
First we count the heads
Then we will count the eyes
Trust me to count correctly…
No looking around!
The "secret" ballot is sacred.
Virus = hybrid/synthetic mold/fungus
To Renig on a deal is to Welch.
Welch's Grape Juice
For those who Welched on The Deal?