Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 5:01 p.m. No.19634914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4941

>>19634777 ob




it's a "he"?


there's no official consensus for what q researchers believe.

If it's so ridiculous why would it disturb anybody?

and what are the evidences?

Biden's a pedo, That at least half confirms Pizzagate. Zelensky just made a creepy witch his ambassador.

There's evidence, it's only delusionary to those who are sheltered by the FakeNews, who hate Trump and America


There's evidence.

They keep repeating it on TV and I think it will lead to a "Streisand effect"

"Who do I have to blow, to find out who I have to blow" Obama to Comey or Comey to Obama?

Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 5:06 p.m. No.19634941   🗄️.is 🔗kun


all lb

More Abramawitch.

Bidan and their crew are acting irrational.

Adolf was also known as an occultist (and an incest pedo , like the Bidens)

What is the point of what they do?

Connect the dots!

Wut's so "far-fetched"?

Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 5:16 p.m. No.19634997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226


"you're the problem, shill"


attacking anti-Biden memes



You're the stupid ego game.

"It's well known"

no it's not, newfag.


Making no sense, must be a new AI


This is false.

must be a team.


The Jew-haters have a objection to circumcision. If you're not Jewish, you are very stupid to go along with it - like the people who get the clot-shot just because they are told to.

It's less than a fetish to speak about it.

You belong on twit.

maybe they will hire you as a censor. If you're not already working there?


you make stooopid posts.


you're a crack -up. Attempt your mind control somewhere else.

Must be in consort with the Jew Haters.

"Keep your eyes this or that way"

Tell yourself that?

You sound like you have a problem with it.

"pluck out your eye if it does something wrong"

(only do that if you're not AI)

AI's are blind.

Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 5:32 p.m. No.19635106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5122


shills gonna shill

shills will swarm

that's what they are paid for.


as if we don't see them

who cares if anyone Ihops


only the shill "care."



Jim Watson, thank you for the free speech place; helps us see who our enemies are; among many other things.

You're appreciated.

Let the Dogs Bark. So wut.


You're gift of free speech allows us to answer them back.


Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 5:46 p.m. No.19635200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5319


go back to reddit or whatever.

Sorry for being impatient.

I assume you've never been around for gorefag?

Also, the purpose of the images, in case you missed it, would be to inform people - rather than purience.

many anons who work here have studied this for a long time; just sayn'

The snowflakes are the people. "Oh it hurts my feelings." "Don't talk about that. It's too negative"

It's weird. The whole "baby" phenomenon needs to be unpacked. It's cause so many people lacked a real father.

? Something to do with changes in testosterone levels.


So people who've been here a while have adapted to reality, of what is going on in the world.

That's the purpose of news.

It's not to shut your eyes.

Back in the (illegal and engineered) War in Vietnam days, Networks put footage of what was going on, on TV.

That was going to end the war; when people saw it.

So they stopped covering it.

Same with the Pizza material.

If mass media covered it, it would end.

Our job is to be a news source; to discuss and reveal material that the mainstream covers-up.

Sorry if you missed that point.

If you're a newfag and not a shill nor an AI; "Welcome"


You might ask how anons keep their bearings with all the negative material; that in itself is a talent.

Could be from humor?

We're told, people who really know what's going on with this, can't sleep at night.

So, on second thought, I respect your emotional response.

However that doesn't raise it to the level of "needs to be censored"

Not here. Maybe some other place? Facebook?

Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.19635344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5363 >>5414



"Informatin Control is the top priority of the Modern Military"

without info, you have nothing

What is more important

knowledge or money?

What has the money sent to Ukraine done for them?

The people supposed to be doing the investigations and reporting; FBI And FAKENEWS are AWOL

Go talk to them about what it means to "sit on your ass"

They are sitting on a bunch of laptops and material that was ordered by the POTUS to be declassified and released to the public, as we type away here.

Go ask them what they hell they are doing!

Anonymous ID: f5811b Sept. 29, 2023, 6:39 p.m. No.19635594   🗄️.is 🔗kun


City Hall is on a hill

Courthouse is behind and down a hill though.

Courthouse is near some low lying areas.

They're planning to cheat this november. Just declared that no poll inspectors can look at absentee nor at mail-in ballots., nor touch them, etc.

big long letter. I'm getting copies. Stay tuned.

people need to know what's going on

It's all a shame.

Life could be so beautiful without these psychopath mafiosa.