futile effort from Iran … Biden's cabinet is full of Sayanim … otoh, so was Trump's
[D]ECLAS coming?
>The State of NY layer it all out today if you would have listened. He exaggerated his property value to pocket over a billion( with a B) dollars fraudulently
that's not a grift … one could possibly argue that Trump's various donation schemes are grifting but those won't amount to over a billion
>I think he is the only president that donated his pay check also.
he donated more than one paycheck …
also JFK and Hoover
>who's "qanon"
basically , you are a Qanoner if you pretend not to know what QAnon means
Gold will end the FED. Especially when it's gone.
Is P Pope or Payseur and who the hell is "Payseur"?
>Thank you for your digging on B.I.S.
it's certainly an original conspiracy theory, does it involve the Rofshilds and the Red Shoe Club and the Black Eye Cabal?
those guys should have tried to look more like that Eps guy who had the perfect MAGA style and body habitus