this is a no dumb area
no dumbing allowed
pack your bags, everyone, elon is taking us on an ego trip
You know the thing, the thing! You know how they do.. like chameleons and they infiltrate everything and he is trying to hide under our cloak.
Anons are the fukken leading edge of cool as fuck.
waitin on some type of rf
signal to trigger the second part of the bioweapon n people are thinking this could be when. If so it will release the stuff inside the nanolipids and I'm thinking create a pandemic where people croak and this is the part of their plan where they wanted to bring in fema camps for us n martial law and military going door to door to do forced injections. Trump said we won't comply n joe said even if already vaxxed everyone will have no choice n will have to be vaxxed.
Anon is going where the phone drops the calls due to no signal for miles.
full lockdown supposed to be by end of oct
I think same, why would they do it on a day where everyone is expecting it, but … I rather have the info and then go from there.