fuck off FBI
everyone hates you jew haters, black haters, murderer. liars. thieves. You are hated.
Hoover killed MLK
you are hated.
fuck off FBI
everyone hates you jew haters, black haters, murderer. liars. thieves. You are hated.
Hoover killed MLK
you are hated.
glow fags can't stop trying to stop a pepe meme
FIGUREs. dude is such a disgusting fraud. Did he kill himself and that's the replacement
All that money? What happened to his face? drug addict?
where in Maui?
wow. the bayou is not known for clean swamps?
you know it was you FBI
working with the bush family and bin ladin family and others.
wall st. journal is a bunch of British-controlled liars.
Oh So Social
fuck them.
can't believe a word.
What was more important? the equipment, the cash or the human trafficking?