Turbo Cancer Explodes World Wide
But it's not the thing they made everyone take
Turbo Cancer Explodes World Wide
But it's not the thing they made everyone take
What an Odd thing to Say….
Why would she associate being ABC to Sexual Battery of a Child?
Clearly she's Transphobic
" The Legislature finds that a person who commits a sexual battery upon, or in an attempt to commit sexual battery injures the sexual organs of, a person less than 12 years of age"
They've got the Power
She's Super Transphobic
>forced injections.
Ahhh, but you see… They never -Forced- anyone to take it
It was just a Strong Recommendation with Punishments & Penalities
There I Was
With an Army of Frogs
At the End of the World
On a mission from God
Shitposting to Save the Realm
Groceries for a 5 Family unit in Canada
Has Gone from $600/mth to $2500/mth
& Gas has Tripled
Interest Rates hit 8% and will be double digits by next year
Want to Buy a Car? Unless it's Electric you gonna have to wait 6mths to a year for it to come in
Trudeau has got to Go
Rothschild's motto too