Could anyone explain what is illegal about either of these two pictures? Is it because they are over the target? Two words rattling around in your glownigger shillfaggot heads 24/7?
From the second you wake up to the split second before you fall asleep (if you're lucky enough faggot) there will only be two words rattling around in that empty skull of yours.
>everyrone filters you.
If every Jabrone filters me, why are you replying retard faggot? IP hop some more.
Two words.
If I had no effect, you wouldn't dedicate 100% of your posts with countless IPs spanning 20-22 hours a day minimum 7 days a week. you wouldn't have replied thousands of times desperately trying to save your image.
Every reply you make shows just how big of an effect I have on your fragile ego.
You can stop spamming now buddy.