Anonymous ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.19686927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Like Israel needs 8 billion faggot mangina @$$hol when they're stocked to the hilt with faggot mangina @$$hol warfare?


>Imagine this is really gonna faggot mangina @$$hol anger the US faggot mangina @$$hol normies who are struggling faggot mangina @$$hol to live.


>Another 10% for the Big faggot mangina @$$hol Guy?


>>dark faggot mangina @$$hol to light faggot mangina @$$hol

Anonymous ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.19686956   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anonymous ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.19686987   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"Biden Administration"


>Mossad https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"Death to America" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Wars https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"The 6" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"6B Biden" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$




>"American Jews" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"6B Biden" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"Biden and Obama" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Netanyahu https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>#ApartheidIsrael https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Wars https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"We Are At War" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"The $6" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Bibi https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Apartheid https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Tehran https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>#TelAviv https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"Iron Dome" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"Abraham Accords" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"West Bank" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Jerusalem https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Zionist https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Lebanon https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Unprovoked https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Qatar https://twitfaggot mangina @$$




>Isreal https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"Yom Kippur War" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Gaza https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>"The IDF" https://twitfaggot mangina @$$


>Nimrod https://twitfaggot mangina @$$




>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun faggot mangina @$$hol

Anonymous ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19687047   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Israel faggot mangina @$$hol plans to return 5,000faggot mangina @$$hol reservists from Greecefaggot mangina @$$hol


> Jerusalem faggot mangina @$$holis steadily recruiting its militaryfaggot mangina @$$hol personnel from around faggot mangina @$$holthe world.


>Earlier, as part of the faggot mangina @$$holmobilization, ex-Prime Minister Bennett was drafted into the faggot mangina @$$holarmy

rabbijoshwantsitin**faggot mangina ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19687255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Main article: Vanity

Vainglory (Latin, vanagloria) is unjustified boasting. Pope Gregory viewed it as a form of pride, so he folded vainglory into pride for his listing of sins.[11] According to Aquinas, it is the progenitor of envy.[35]


The Latin term gloria roughly means boasting, although its English cognate glory has come to have an exclusively positive meaning. Historically, the term vain roughly meant futile (a meaning retained in the modern expression "in vain"), but had come to have the strong narcissistic undertones by the fourteenth century which it still retains today.[49]

rabbijoshwantsitin**faggot mangina ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19687262   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Confession patterns

According to a 2009 study by the Jesuit scholar Fr. Roberto Busa, the most common deadly sin confessed by men is lust and the most common deadly sin confessed by women is pride.[50] It was unclear whether these differences were due to the actual number of transgressions committed by each sex or whether differing views on what "counts" or should be confessed caused the observed pattern.

rabbijoshwantsitin**faggot mangina ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19687275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7283

Origin of the currently recognized seven deadly sins

These "evil thoughts" can be categorized as follows:[4]


physical (thoughts produced by the nutritive, sexual, and acquisitive appetites)

emotional (thoughts produced by depressive, irascible, or dismissive moods)

mental (thoughts produced by jealous/envious, boastful, or hubristic states of mind)

The fourth-century monk Evagrius Ponticus reduced the nine logismoi to eight, as follows:[5][6]


Γαστριμαργία (gastrimargia) gluttony

Πορνεία (porneia) prostitution, fornication

Φιλαργυρία (philargyria) avarice (greed)

Λύπη (lypē) sadness, rendered in the Philokalia as envy, sadness at another's good fortune

Ὀργή (orgē) wrath

Ἀκηδία (akēdia) acedia, rendered in the Philokalia as dejection

Κενοδοξία (kenodoxia) boasting

Ὑπερηφανία (hyperēphania) pride, sometimes rendered as self-overestimation, arrogance, or grandiosity[7]

Evagrius's list was translated into the Latin of Western Christianity in many writings of John Cassian,[8][9] thus becoming part of the Western tradition's spiritual pietas or Catholic devotions as follows:[4]


Gula (gluttony)

Luxuria/Fornicatio (lust, fornication)

Avaritia (avarice/greed)

Tristitia (sorrow/despair/despondency)

Ira (wrath)

Acedia (sloth)

Vanagloria (vain, glory)

Superbia (pride, hubris)

rabbijoshwantsitin**faggot mangina ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19687283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In AD 590, Pope Gregory I revised the list to form a more common list.[10] Gregory combined tristitia with acedia and vanagloria with superbia, adding envy, which is invidia in Latin.[11][12] Thomas Aquinas uses and defends Gregory's list in his Summa Theologica, although he calls them the "capital sins" because they are the head and form of all the other sins.[13] Christian denominations, such as the Anglican Communion,[14] Lutheran Church,[15] and Methodist Church,[16][17] still retain this list, and modern evangelists such as Billy Graham have explicated the seven deadly sins.[18]

rabbijoshwantsitin**faggot mangina ID: 6810da Oct. 7, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19687286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,

feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.