there aren't any anons here, are there?
there aren't any anons here, are there?
Funny sad: His entire life was dedicated to underestimating the agency and self-determination of black people. And that underestimation is exactly what killed him.
the temporary speaker can't really do anything more than what he did: call the recess until a new speaker is chosen.
The ICC is a bullshit UN court. EVERYONE should be immune from that retardation.
Satan, how many times are you going to do this? You really do think we're stupid, don't you?
That anon isn't the only one who sees what's going on, homo.
They do this all the time and it's not really an escalation. It's just kind of like "Hey, don't forget about us! We're bad, too!"
Iran isn't funding LH enough for them to make a real move and not lose the support of the local yokels.