Anonymous ID: 56d692 Oct. 20, 2023, 7:37 a.m. No.19769737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19768726 pb

Nobody hid anything 9/11 attack related from the FBI; That's just stoopid.

They're turning on each other; pointing fingers…




if common researchers knew about it almost immediately?

FBI IN CHARGE of the investigation?.

Don't make me laugh.

Biden followers and Trump haters are the only ones stupid enough to believe the CIA fucking news report "whistleblower,"

Sure it is /s/


They must be "shitting bricks" ?

All their dirty laundry in full view.



Alleged Hijackers were absent from the passenger lists.

Nothing around this event added up; much like the Las Vegas op of many years later, in more recent "history"

Less than two years later, from the Sept 2001 attack their entire silly story was IN REALITY DEBUNKED, (not their stupid "debunked" label, as in an empty tag they put on things that really are true, but which they don't want the sheeples to believe.)


An image of alleged surveillance camera capture at airport which showed the alleged suicider (only a photo of one man was released) surfaced MANY YEARS LATER only.


FBI were the chief "Investigators" Actuallly "INCESTIGATORS," yet

23 years later, it's

"but but but the CIA fooled us"


No, just No.


Could that be true?

Is Mueller CIA?

Is the FBI CIA?

(The FBI brass did have some low ranking little guys following the patsy. One high ranker, "John O'Neill" allegedly died at the attack itself, after being "let go" or quitting, "since my hands are tied" then getting a job as chief-of-security at the Twin Tower Trade Center first day of O'Neill's new job was the day of the attack

His body was never found.. )


(So there's that?

cf "The Big Wedding" Sander Hicks. who's Dad is World Bank exec. tracked the fake FBI ( or under foul command?) following / tracking, HANDLING the fake suicide bombers in his book "The Big Wedding")


Clever "out" when masses of people are calling for the dissolution of the FBI?

"but the CIA tricked us"


but implausible to the extreme


Wut . They used the fake passport (s) they found at the site of the attack in NYC for trial(s), (such as they are), of the alleged terrorists?

So think… They didn't know this BS was planted evidence?


NO just no.

turn yourselves in, guys.

Just go kill yourselves.

The more they scramble and back-pedal, the more obvious.

They 're just calling attention to themselves.

This is why any attempt to questions, usually reaches a wall, because if they are public, immediately there's a "can of worms" opening up for them.

One question leads to another and another and another. and soon it's

"Pop Goes the Weasel"

They're so arrogant they never bothered to have a consistent story.

They figured Propaganda would take care of the lapses.

This is why they can't "stand" one free thinker, one person free from censorship. And why they are now "going full fascist"

Their crimes are too easy to expose, and once the public loses trust in the stories, only a very small push to their BS narratives, and "CRASH"

All falls down.

Their narratives are way too weak to stand scrutiny.


"Debunking conspiracy theorists"
