Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19771521   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Did you see it coming?

All those big [patriot] hero's who turned out to be Traitors?

What is Your Track Record?

What makes you think your current position is correct?


These little bitches do not even wish to debate the drops at this point

they have no fight left in them…

alll tuckered out…

all they have is their asshole opinions and a few cherry picked pieces of a drop

Its fucking pathetic and yet there they are… arms all crossed, chests all puffed out

Like an enemy that knows he is going to die on this hill…


and rightly so…

prophetic even…

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19771538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Such a role model though

die a sad martyrs death…




Just tell anon what show you want anon to break down for you and it will be done.

That's right… it is easy.

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.19771581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is true!

and then you have yer smart stupid who got their degree's from /pol/

you got yer known knowns

unknown knowns

known unknowns

unknown unknowns

and yer P = PAYSEUR's because 100% of the Truth would put 99% of the shills into a hospital

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.19771605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1609 >>1771

Now… note what they note

note what they post

note who they post

note how they post it

see pattern

note pattern



Now… probe to find what hurts them

note what hurts them

note who hurts them

note how they reply to the pain

see pattern

note pattern



Now… choose to disrupt the flow of mis and dis information OR make your own plan of attack with whatever it is that you know hurts them and that they wish to ignore…

Rinse and Repeat


Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 12:53 p.m. No.19771609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1653


Jun 21, 2018 1:35:10 AM EDT 1584

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 97de56 No. 1842740

Jun 21, 2018 1:28:40 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 97de56 No. 1842655

Jun 21, 2018 1:23:16 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 2b6cd5 No. 1842592



for (you) VIPanon


Jan 20, 2017

June 20, 2018

Exactly 17 months.

Do you believe in coincidences?

God bless you all.



We told you proofs were going to be important very soon.


Be ready.


We thank you for your service.




May 16, 2018 2:49:07 PM EDT 1384

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e No. 1432972

May 16, 2018 2:47:55 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 47ba70 No. 1432956

May 16, 2018 2:45:50 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e No. 1432932

Follow the pen.

Already written?

Letters left visible to match.






NEW EYES joining the fight Q!


Those with an agenda to silence will fail.

Pain coming.


Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:01 p.m. No.19771653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1682


So you see.

There was no such thing as Spam until their shills became a liability…

Until their shills got beat down and exposed

[They] are scared out of their minds right now…

and they are trapped in their entrenched positions!

its true!



Lottaprayinggoing on!

Lotta old bibles being cracked open!

You better believe it!

and they are praying that all this Q shit is not fucking real!


Its true!


its true!


Anon tries to describe the winning on this level yet words fail anon

its true!


utterly devastating!



anon invites you to come along!

read the drops…

read them again!




come find anon

there must be something you are missing because you should be so comfy right about now, fam :D

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:05 p.m. No.19771674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1747




Aug 28, 2018 1:16:41 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6da085 No. 2762796

Was 'NAZIsm' ever truly destroyed?

Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?

One finger attached to a hand?

Did ANTIFA organically form?

Flag design coincidence?

Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?

Global power struggle.

There is a price we will not pay.

There is a point beyond which they must not advance.

We, the PEOPLE.



Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?

One finger attached to a hand?


Hitler was a Roman Catholic

A Roman Catholic Jesuit "Journalist" named Bernhard Stempfle wrote parts of Mein Kampf and editted the book.

Berhard Stempfle checks all the boxes as Hitler's Handler.

Hitler praised Ignatious Loyola and the Jesuit Order.

The Vatican signed the Reichkonkordat(Treaty) with the Nazi Party in 1933.

The Reichkonkordat is still in force today.

The Vatican and the CeyeA helped many Nazi's escape.


If Hitler and Nazism is but a Finger, the Hand is the Roman Catholic Church

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:16 p.m. No.19771736   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nov 12, 2020 9:32:39 PM EST 4950

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 53ce5e No. 11617856


NOTHING can stop what is coming.




Oct 31, 2020 6:44:04 PM EDT 4944

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a19e8d No. 11379902

Are you ready to finish what we started?

'NOTHING can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.



Oct 15, 2020 2:11:46 PM EDT 4874

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 07ac09 No. 11086408

Would you like to send anything else on over during the House Intel Committee hearing?

NOTHING can stop this.



Oct 09, 2020 7:03:33 PM EDT 4845

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 67e0eb No. 11004505

Roger that, Madam Secretary.

[C] = classified [State]

Clinton Foundation [+Soros, journalist(s) dir, Africa, SA, SAPs, China, Russia, U1, Hussein dir, Benghazi, MB, CIA assets, crimes against humanity, ……] [route _Huma cc Weiner backup]?

NOTHING is ever truly deleted.

Threats, blackmail, and bribes.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/06/2018 16:16:21 ID:8chan/patriotsfight: 422 2442

History is being made.

You are the saviors of mankind.

Nothing will stop what is coming.




POTUS is our savior. Q #111

US Military = savior of mankind. Q #114

You are the saviors of mankind. Q #2442

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:17 p.m. No.19771738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1749

Eric Trump OVERJOYED By Special Gift From Q-anon Mar 20, 2022

Eric Trump was presented a huge, insane painting by 'Q' at the ReAwaken America Tour in San Marcos. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.


In San Marcos, Gen. Flynn Gets Surfboard, Eric Trump Accepts ‘Q’ Painting of Father

March 11, 2022


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.342 📁 2347

Oct 5 2018 12:53:48 (EST)📁

Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:18 p.m. No.19771745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1788

Admiral Michael S. Rogers, U.S. Navy Was the 17th Director of the NSA 3821

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 1 Feb 2020 - 12:41:11 PM

Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?📁


Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:21 p.m. No.19771771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1779 >>1783


Jun 21, 2018 1:35:10 AM EDT 1584

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 97de56 No. 1842740

Jun 21, 2018 1:28:40 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 97de56 No. 1842655

Jun 21, 2018 1:23:16 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 2b6cd5 No. 1842592



for (you) VIPanon


Jan 20, 2017

June 20, 2018

Exactly 17 months.

Do you believe in coincidences?

God bless you all.



We told you proofs were going to be important very soon.


Be ready.


We thank you for your service.




May 16, 2018 2:49:07 PM EDT 1384

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e No. 1432972

May 16, 2018 2:47:55 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 47ba70 No. 1432956

May 16, 2018 2:45:50 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: a8f52e No. 1432932

Follow the pen.

Already written?

Letters left visible to match.






NEW EYES joining the fight Q!


Those with an agenda to silence will fail.

Pain coming.




Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.19771788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


but my Q influencer guru said!!!



Nov 02, 2017 7:03:36 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No. 147679416

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (LESS THAN 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

Operators never divulge.

Alice & Wonderland.




Dec 01, 2017 12:38:08 AM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: fbc52d No. 17474

LESS THAN 10 can confirm me.

DOITQ - coincidence

Twitter retweet - coincidence

Twitter keywords - coincidence

Pics - coincidence

Meant only for you.

God bless.





Feb 11, 2018 2:47:56 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5bc869 No. 339123

Think BDT NYC ‘attempt’ & Barlow.

Not stated for verification of credibility.

Why are we still here given foreknowledge of events?

No FBI investigation into this?

Impossible to locate?


Who are we talking to?

Since Clown takedown of black_ops loc/public exposure what has changed here?

Expand your thinking.

This is not a game.



Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.19771792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1800 >>1802


Aug 01, 2018 2:06:23 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5cec6e No. 2393006

Aug 01, 2018 1:57:39 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b56ba3 No. 2392766



Who is the one person who can answer?







Nov 10, 2018 12:44:56 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 443

The 'Scaramucci' Play

Temp hire to remove embedded 'untrustworthy' staffers?



Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted.

Think Whitaker.


WH [optics] must remain stable.

[Many] did not leave by choice.

[Save-Face] and promote MAGA or [be exposed].


Attacks occur from all directions.

Logical thinking.

Why attack a movement simply, by design, asking people to think for themselves?


Why are the biggest news co's in the world continuing to attack this movement?





[SWAMP] contains RED & BLUE.





Mar 29, 2019 5:23:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f29653 No. 5966972

Mar 29, 2019 5:04:14 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c53abd No. 5966583

Mar 29, 2019 4:58:21 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 76aef5 No. 5966470



When you see something that’s outrageous: before latching onto it you must first understand this is open to anyone. Posts are made to try and attribute the most outlandish and unrelated things to our work … intended to support the narrative that we are loons and discourage others from joining us. Use this tool to help spot this deception: and type the exact text of a given subject and you will see it posted thousands of times. We aren’t idiots and don’t repeat a topic 24x7.


They don’t contribute to any active discussion, regardless of the gravity of the news. They also have much higher post counts, usually over 15. This is viewed as disrespectful to other anons, as there are limits on each thread to the number of replies.

Thus these ruses are easy to spot.


The most common are hateful towards a given group or what we call “slides” where it’s intended to distract from major news. These are entirely planted, and users are paid to do so. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they get paid to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can prevent something like this, when anyone can post anonymously, is a huge leap. We are busy with current events and research and filter them or ignore it. This isn’t one of your safe spaces, so if you can’t discern the difference, you shouldn’t be here.


Thanks For Playing, Come Again





yes, agree.


See the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS made.

This makes shills visible.


(shills attacking this post are butthurt much, very effective post, anon!)


Attacks increasing?

Context of drops mislabeled and used?

Select orgs/journalists dropping controversial info as attempt to label as whole, screenshooting, then writing articles on drops they themselves wrote?

Highlight of corrupt PAC = deflect by PAC = point to former members as method to shield?

We are being bombarded for a reason.

Look for keywords to be repeated by many (controller & coordinated roll out).




Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:26 p.m. No.19771795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1800


Mar 29, 2019 5:25:10 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f29653 No. 5967016

Mar 29, 2019 5:23:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f29653 No. 5966972

Mar 29, 2019 5:04:14 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c53abd No. 5966583


yes, agree.


See the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS made.

This makes shills visible.


(shills attacking this post are butthurt much, very effective post, anon!)


Attacks increasing?

Context of drops mislabeled and used?

Select orgs/journalists dropping controversial info as attempt to label as whole, screenshooting, then writing articles on drops they themselves wrote?

Highlight of corrupt PAC = deflect by PAC = point to former members as method to shield?

We are being bombarded for a reason.

Look for keywords to be repeated by many (controller & coordinated roll out).





When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.19771826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and the rules of posting ettiquette went right out the window so fuck them, fuck posting ettiquette and [PAIN] BITCHES

They had entire teams in here so NO they do not need to "SPAM" to fucking SPAM

Split breads, delete notes, self nom entire muh joo shilling breads…

No rules


Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.19771828   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X

>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto



>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed

Please sign out clearly when ebaking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


'''Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan 8kun'''

Former Board Owner Fast Jack is a Neo Nazi

Former Board Volunteer and Baker OSS is a Neo Nazi

Former Baker and OSS acolyte Animefagbaker is a Neo Nazi

OSS and Animefag were open about their Nazi tendencies yet one had to lurk into admin boards to find Fast Jack expressing his Nazi hatred of The Jewish Race via muh joo "kike, fucking kikes, all kikes should die" etc etc.

Neither Jim nor Codemonkey ever expressed having any Problems or Concerns with this Fact. In fact, Laughter was the common response.

Notable: most of the time Annie nom'med most of this anons shit so Annie may have been a friendly plant. It's hard to tell so guess we will find out in the end.

Notable: Little shill bitches just love to pretend that their muh joo shilling is why SPAM now… kek



Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes order from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.



MUH JOO bots ran on 50-75 posts per bread.

MUH JOO shill team 6 ran the Kitchen most of the time.

MUH JOO bakers loved P = Payseur, Inthematrixxx MG SHOW > Karli Bonne > Steve Bannon > Alex Jones > Jack Posobiec > Flynn et al.

MUH JOO bakers would let anything ANTI POPE FRANCIS in notes but they would fight fiercly to keep out any true criticism of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Francis must be the Fall Guy.

MUH JOO bakers had to be pinned down in order for them to note the Vatican atrocities that were being exposed daily.

Q had to step in and Q these hard articles as these "Bakers" would flatly refuse. Split the bread, delete notes et al. they did everything in their power to stop the flow of Information.

Q Drop #4799 is one of these Drops. Read it. Anon was fighting with OSS late one night when Q Q'ed anon. MJ Fakers refused to note Pompeo's trip to the Vatican. Q saw it. Q knows…

Right when POTUS was blaming "CHINA WUHAN" daily for the Virus, these clowns were trying to hide and obscure the Fact that the Vatican had and was renewing a Condordat with China.


What does MUH JOO mean?

A MUH JOO shill is someone who believes or pretends to believe that the Jewish race and/or religion is responsible for most if not all atrocities ever committed.

A MUH JOO shill believes Hitler was a pretty cool dude.

A MUH JOO shill believes Palestine is the good guy in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill does not like to consider radical islam Iran as the potential main agitator in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill desires to believe that no matter all the power in Europe that the Bauer Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) subdued Europe via Banking. No really.

A MUH JOO shill believes that it was easy to see that it was the JOO this whole time and that does not bother them at all… that is was "easy to see".

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:33 p.m. No.19771829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

making more sense now?




>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X

>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto



>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed

Please sign out clearly when ebaking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


'''Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan 8kun'''

Former Board Owner Fast Jack is a Neo Nazi

Former Board Volunteer and Baker OSS is a Neo Nazi

Former Baker and OSS acolyte Animefagbaker is a Neo Nazi

OSS and Animefag were open about their Nazi tendencies yet one had to lurk into admin boards to find Fast Jack expressing his Nazi hatred of The Jewish Race via muh joo "kike, fucking kikes, all kikes should die" etc etc.

Neither Jim nor Codemonkey ever expressed having any Problems or Concerns with this Fact. In fact, Laughter was the common response.

Notable: most of the time Annie nom'med most of this anons shit so Annie may have been a friendly plant. It's hard to tell so guess we will find out in the end.

Notable: Little shill bitches just love to pretend that their muh joo shilling is why SPAM now… kek



Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes order from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.



MUH JOO bots ran on 50-75 posts per bread.

MUH JOO shill team 6 ran the Kitchen most of the time.

MUH JOO bakers loved P = Payseur, Inthematrixxx MG SHOW > Karli Bonne > Steve Bannon > Alex Jones > Jack Posobiec > Flynn et al.

MUH JOO bakers would let anything ANTI POPE FRANCIS in notes but they would fight fiercly to keep out any true criticism of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Francis must be the Fall Guy.

MUH JOO bakers had to be pinned down in order for them to note the Vatican atrocities that were being exposed daily.

Q had to step in and Q these hard articles as these "Bakers" would flatly refuse. Split the bread, delete notes et al. they did everything in their power to stop the flow of Information.

Q Drop #4799 is one of these Drops. Read it. Anon was fighting with OSS late one night when Q Q'ed anon. MJ Fakers refused to note Pompeo's trip to the Vatican. Q saw it. Q knows…

Right when POTUS was blaming "CHINA WUHAN" daily for the Virus, these clowns were trying to hide and obscure the Fact that the Vatican had and was renewing a Condordat with China.


What does MUH JOO mean?

A MUH JOO shill is someone who believes or pretends to believe that the Jewish race and/or religion is responsible for most if not all atrocities ever committed.

A MUH JOO shill believes Hitler was a pretty cool dude.

A MUH JOO shill believes Palestine is the good guy in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill does not like to consider radical islam Iran as the potential main agitator in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill desires to believe that no matter all the power in Europe that the Bauer Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) subdued Europe via Banking. No really.

A MUH JOO shill believes that it was easy to see that it was the JOO this whole time and that does not bother them at all… that is was "easy to see".

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:33 p.m. No.19771833   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19583430, >>19737197 SPAM will be removed BECAUSE IT IS HARMFUL NEW

>>19529404, >>19529416 How to clear a ghost ban/shadow ban in Twitter-X

>>19468079 Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto



>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

No muh joos or any other discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes, will be removed

Please sign out clearly when ebaking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


'''Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan 8kun'''

Former Board Owner Fast Jack is a Neo Nazi

Former Board Volunteer and Baker OSS is a Neo Nazi

Former Baker and OSS acolyte Animefagbaker is a Neo Nazi

OSS and Animefag were open about their Nazi tendencies yet one had to lurk into admin boards to find Fast Jack expressing his Nazi hatred of The Jewish Race via muh joo "kike, fucking kikes, all kikes should die" etc etc.

Neither Jim nor Codemonkey ever expressed having any Problems or Concerns with this Fact. In fact, Laughter was the common response.

Notable: most of the time Annie nom'med most of this anons shit so Annie may have been a friendly plant. It's hard to tell so guess we will find out in the end.

Notable: Little shill bitches just love to pretend that their muh joo shilling is why SPAM now… kek



Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes order from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.



MUH JOO bots ran on 50-75 posts per bread.

MUH JOO shill team 6 ran the Kitchen most of the time.

MUH JOO bakers loved P = Payseur, Inthematrixxx MG SHOW > Karli Bonne > Steve Bannon > Alex Jones > Jack Posobiec > Flynn et al.

MUH JOO bakers would let anything ANTI POPE FRANCIS in notes but they would fight fiercly to keep out any true criticism of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Francis must be the Fall Guy.

MUH JOO bakers had to be pinned down in order for them to note the Vatican atrocities that were being exposed daily.

Q had to step in and Q these hard articles as these "Bakers" would flatly refuse. Split the bread, delete notes et al. they did everything in their power to stop the flow of Information.

Q Drop #4799 is one of these Drops. Read it. Anon was fighting with OSS late one night when Q Q'ed anon. MJ Fakers refused to note Pompeo's trip to the Vatican. Q saw it. Q knows…

Right when POTUS was blaming "CHINA WUHAN" daily for the Virus, these clowns were trying to hide and obscure the Fact that the Vatican had and was renewing a Condordat with China.


What does MUH JOO mean?

A MUH JOO shill is someone who believes or pretends to believe that the Jewish race and/or religion is responsible for most if not all atrocities ever committed.

A MUH JOO shill believes Hitler was a pretty cool dude.

A MUH JOO shill believes Palestine is the good guy in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill does not like to consider radical islam Iran as the potential main agitator in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill desires to believe that no matter all the power in Europe that the Bauer Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) subdued Europe via Banking. No really.

A MUH JOO shill believes that it was easy to see that it was the JOO this whole time and that does not bother them at all… that is was "easy to see".

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:35 p.m. No.19771838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

a motherfucker wouldnt have to talk about a subject 24/7 if the whole motherfucking gang of Q's little helpers where not VATICAN GATEKEEPERS THOUGH!

maybe a page of ANON global notables but you ain't about the fucking truth!


Every Idea is a Rough Draft until blood is being shed over it… Some Anon

Q research proudly presentsThe Global Notables Project Version 1.0

A collection of Q team, POTUS and Anon's greatest hits, best digs, hardest hitting decodes and other crazy coincidences from 2017 to 2023.


Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The '''"Nazi C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654'''.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.



Top 10 List"Friend or Foe?"

1: Alex Jones

2: General Flynn

3: Steve Bannon

4: Roger Stone

5: Jim Watkins

6: Tucker Carlson

7: Elon Musk

8: Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and minion Taylor Marshall

9: Jack Posobiec

10: Jeffey Pederson MG Show INTHEMATRIXXX

Disclaimer: Being on the above list does not mean that this player is a [Foe].

Being on the above list means that these players have made moves on the stage which make them appear and seem like Foes at least in the eyes of some Anons and/or Q per the drops.

If a player on the above list is actually a ]Friend[ attempting to appear as a [Foe], or is an actual [Foe], it is in the Interest of the Plan to highlight their actions either way.

Only Concernfags are concerned about Friendly Fire from Anons. Just like the MSM was terribly concerned about Patriots having "crazy theories" concerning 9-11.



Board History2018 to 2021

This section might not materialize as it is fairly damning to Past Board Owner, BV's, Bakers, Bakers Union, Midnight Riders, Grifters and Shills in general.

The 3 year timeline from 2018 to 2021 is an eye opening revelation for most seasoned Anons as well as for New Eyes.

It is difficult for Anon to truly "Tell the Tale" without the information learned from this segment of Board History yet when considering the first 3 years of Q research, everything makes sense.


Many Anons may have seen this information already yet per Q and the drops, and this is where Anon Wins bigly over the current defintion of SPAM and the CENSORSHIP going on here and now, New Eyes are joining the Fight ALL THE TIME.

And these New Eyes have not seen it. And again, per the drops, paraphrasing… '''"New Eyes, Be Ready. Those who seek to silence have an agenda PAIN."'''


More great subjects depending on you!

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:37 p.m. No.19771853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

you gonna cry, Karen?


Key QAnon booster admitted conspiracy isn’t real in January 6 testimony and blames George Soros

Congressional inquiry released transcript of interview with alleged QAnon founder - Wednesday 04 January 2023 20:02


The internet forum operator many believe to be behind the QAnon movement admitted to the January 6 congressional committee that the conspiracy isn’t real – while spreading a different conspiracy theory at the same time.

“QAnon is manufactured by the left-wing media, and it’s probably put out mostly by a company called Media Matters, which is, I believe, funded by a man named George Soros,”

Jim Watkins, founder of the 8kun messageboard where Q first took off, told the Capitol riot inquiry, according to interview transcripts of a June 2022 conversation released on Tuesday.

“It’s manufactured,” he added. “It’s not anything to do with my website. I’ve used the term a couple times, and that’s before I realized what it even was.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Mr Watkins offered a revisionist take on January 6 itself, calling the Capitol riot a “beautiful, wonderful, peaceful and patriotic” gathering.


"Who controls Soros?" using only two drops.

Only two drops and Anon invites any Anon to attempt to disprove this very simple decode.

Yet these drops and the decodes were just too hard for the likes of Jim Watkins.

'''These drops are so hard to understand that INTHEMATRIXXX MG SHOW claim to fame is P = Payseur!'''

A book, written by an Alex Jones Associate, Author for several White Supremicist Neo Nazi Groups, Multiple Felon, uses an Alias "Fritz Springmeier", actual name Viktor Schoof, titled "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

A book that "C_A TEAM 6" found in OBL/UBL Cave and then went on a C_A MSM Media blitz to make sure as many people as possible saw that "Don't you dare read this top secret book that OBL was reading!" piece of disinformation.


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:39 p.m. No.19771868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yes yes! Karen gonna cry!!

You don't like being grabbed by the Pussy, Karen?


Of Course the QAnon Guy Blamed QAnon on George Soros

In sworn testimony before the Jan. 6 committee, Jim Watkins claimed QAnon was invented by George Soros and Media Matters. 04 January 2023, 11:05am


Jim Watkins, who helped facilitate the rise of QAnon to become a violent conspiracy movement that has infected large parts of the Republican Party, told the Jan. 6 committee that in fact,QAnon was invented by George Soros.

The transcript of Watkins’ June 2022 interview with the committee was published on Tuesday evening and reveals that the founder of 8kun, the platform where the anonymous leader of QAnon posted thousands of messages,

not only denied being behind QAnon but went one step further and claimed it was nothing more than a fiction created by the left to stifle independent thought.

“QAnon is manufactured by the left-wing media, and it’s probably put out mostly by a company called Media Matters, which is, I believe, funded by a man named George Soros,”

Watkins said in testimony that was given under the penalty of perjury. “It’s manufactured. It’s not anything to do with my website. I’ve used the term a couple times, and that’s before I realized what it even was.”

Watkins claimed to the committee’s investigators that Soros and Media Matters colluded to invent the QAnon movement in order to ”make it a boogeyman” because “they don’t like people thinking for themselves.”


"Who controls Soros?" using only two drops.

Only two drops and Anon invites any Anon to attempt to disprove this very simple decode.

Yet these drops and the decodes were just too hard for the likes of Jim Watkins.

'''These drops are so hard to understand that INTHEMATRIXXX MG SHOW claim to fame is P = Payseur!'''

A book, written by an Alex Jones Associate, Author for several White Supremicist Neo Nazi Groups, Multiple Felon, uses an Alias "Fritz Springmeier", actual name Viktor Schoof, titled "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

A book that "C_A TEAM 6" found in OBL/UBL Cave and then went on a C_A MSM Media blitz to make sure as many people as possible saw that "Don't you dare read this top secret book that OBL was reading!" piece of disinformation.


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.19771873   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Must be close to over now huh, Snookems?


Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.




May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.



Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19771880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1889


A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22 and asked for my opinion.

I don’t see anyone else talking about this, so I will.

First, General Flynn is 100% correct:

• Our military abides by the US Constitution

• Our military acts on the…

Oct 17


General Mike Flynn@GenFlynn

Here’s my take on Q…

I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice.

What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION).

The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense.

I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not).

Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water.

And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process…note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred).

Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22).

I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me.

Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly.

But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible.

God bless



1:13 AM · Oct 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 1b0177 Oct. 20, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.19771896   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Apr 03, 2018 9:18:12 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No. 885486

Apr 03, 2018 9:15:43 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: fce0d6 No. 885429




Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.