Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: The Gold Act of 1900 and the Market Crash of 1907-setting the stage for the creation of the Federal Reserve
For those interested in historical market events and also because everyone has been calling for one-which makes it less likely to occur in the way it is being presented everywhere-the short interest and ‘bot trading can keep it going up until the decision is made to drop it.
Scroll down to post 140771 to learn about the above. Many things written about 1929 and the subsequent ones after but many don’t know the set up to create the Federal Reserve….it certainly wasn’t just the Jekyll Island meeting. There was a consolidation starting in 1906 and culminating in 1907 with another market event. It is an easy to read and lighthearted take on it but the source material is included.
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