Anonymous ID: 3f07e4 Oct. 28, 2023, 10:08 a.m. No.19818009   🗄️.is 🔗kun



President Trump:


This is the definition of biased: unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something..


Put in an appeal to dismiss the case based on the judge being "biased". "Judgment not withstanding the verdict" gives a judge the ability to override a case in the rare instance that the jury did not follow the courts order as to what to judge on and rule on the facts that he knows based upon the law. His sentiment was that juries sometimes get it wrong he wants to save everyone time, and deny you a jury based upon "Judgment not withstanding the verdict"

  1. He is being biased against any and all juries, by claiming any and all juries will get any and all verdicts wrong; his unfair prejudging a jury is biased.

  2. He has violated your civil rights by denying you your 6th Amendment right to a fair trial by way of an impartial jury and assuming that job.

  3. He cannot sue of behalf of private financial institutions as "The People of NY", he has committed fraud because "The People of NY" were never financially affected by the transactions between you and the banks, we did not lose or gain a penny regarding those transactions; they were private not public. Because he already fined you, he has committed fraud. Not only did he do that but because he took away your business certificates and the right to do business in NY, which he lost on appeal, he has committed "Repeated Fraud{.