Anonymous ID: 2dc9be Oct. 29, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19824021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4034

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




I will be voting NO on all funding packages for the Ukraine war (as I have from the beginning) and now the Israel war.


We have had over 10 MILLION people illegally cross our border since Biden took office and we are over $33 TRILLION dollars in debt with many major problems afflicting Americans.


The United States government needs to focus on spending American’s hard earned tax dollars on our own country and needs to serve the American people NOT the rest of the world.


I voted YES on both resolutions condemning the attack on Ukraine and the attack on Israel however I will continue to vote NO on spending American’s hard earned tax dollars to fund wars defending foreign country’s borders while our own border is overrun and our own national security is at risk.


Also Ukraine and Israel are very different.


Ukraine is completely propped up by the US and continues to beg for more US tax dollars while Washington fights it’s proxy war with Russia and Israel is a strong thriving independent nation that prides itself on defending their own people.


Also, there is $3.8 billion dollars readily available to Israel in the Defense approps bill and the State and Foreign Ops bill, but Schumer and the Senate have not lifted a finger to pass those bills and Biden has not signed them into law.


Our Republican House majority and new Speaker Johnson should refuse any more funding bills until the Senate does it’s job and our border is secure.


We’ve done our job in the House and we must keep passing our remaining Approps bills.


The Democrat controlled Senate has passed ZERO percent of the budget, while the House has passed over 70% of the budget.


I’m tired of the games.


I’m tired of the lies.


I’m sick and tired and fed up with America LAST!!!