Anonymous ID: 3eea11 Oct. 29, 2023, 7:47 a.m. No.19823711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3729 >>3734 >>3736

>>19822337 pb

>>19822364 pb

>>19822380 pb

>>19822364 pb

He's a Brit.

london 2012 Olympic (cf "Gods) ritual,

featured Batman / Robin running across a floor covered in newsprint (cf "fake news")

Ritual for Olympics; 2012

This Batman-connect to Matt Perry /Chandler could be deliberate?

(Never saw that Batman movie '22; one before it was creepy enough; with Batman dying? or Fake Deathed?

"Gotham" looks like NYC.)


The Batman could be coms? ya think?


Matt Perry's Dad is "John Bennett" isn't that a coincidence?

"Perry" ? Like John Perry?

P.S. Perry-s are also ancestors of the very Chandlers of which RayChan is likely a scion of; (L.A. Times family)

just sayn.

John Godolphin Perry was a spy for UK who scoped out energy sources in the Middle East, (WW1 era) and created / promoted a few cults - included Subud, the one that connects with Barry Soeto "Obama."

That "John Bennett" was an occultist who sometimes spelt his name "Benet" i.e. John Benet; Jon Benet.

Isn't there a Subud connect to the Jon Benet case?

Godolphin Bennet was known / reputed to torture people among the population where he was stationed;

Looks like the Batman coms were predictive programming used by UK elite at the 2012 London Olympic Games ritual.

As they showed the "Magic Bus," commandeered by Russel Brand, to be absorbed by a giant Octupus that mirrored the Union Jack on the flooring, they also had Batman - Robin newsprint bit.

Vogue lady with the coms on her dress and striking necklaces (always wears dark sunglasses!) hosted Biden fundraiser in Greenwich Village NYC recently, is Brit.

She was the model for the evil boss in the movie "Devil Wears Prada."

Wall St. Journal long time editor, also Brit.

Does Maggie get her 4am coms and $$$ for her childrens' trust funds from London?


For how long has British crown been sending their spies and trying to re-appropriate our Country?

What do they use?

Perry Mason? James Mason?

The power the "STARS" ( and "Royaly") have over the peoples' minds is incalculable.

The celluloid virtual heroes are eternal. They never die, they never age.

(though they might fade, like ancient Kings?)


That's why the "person" (means mask) can be replaced to be played by someone else - since it's the star archtype / Player, that holds the power for the public?


>>19823308 pb

owned by London. Palestine owned by the Brits. "British Zionists"

Anonymous ID: 3eea11 Oct. 29, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.19823763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4169


"Jack Smith" works for the Hague Court - which no longer has power over USA.

The outfit he wears shows he apart from "our" Judicial system, such that it is (British Crown; Bar)


What if he wears a wig; Will that give it away?

Is he even licensed to practice law in any State of the Union.

Is that why he's doing his work from D.C. when more appropriately it would've been Florida (as the jurisdiction where he should've brought the case(s). Maybe he can't?)


I don't see a dick there, do you?

Anonymous ID: 3eea11 Oct. 29, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.19824006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4169


"Jack Smith" Jewish?

He resembles Schiffed.

I think they re related.

Take the beard off Jack, and you'll see (can't find the image right now)

Have they said Trump hates Black Americans since the crooked low IQ DA has been trying to frame him and ruin his life?

People already believe he hates Blacks; That was some sucessfulness in their Propaganda.

Now they are moving to Jews, even though DJT supports Israel and Jews.

Makes a lot of sense /s/

YAHOOare yahoo's what can you expect.

Maybe they'll get their asses sued too, when the time comes.

Defamation, Libel

Anonymous ID: 3eea11 Oct. 29, 2023, 9:18 a.m. No.19824169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4174 >>4187 >>4205


forgot the picrel.

picrel pickle related.


"Song of Dick"

It's B.I.S. top Pickle Factory.


"Schiff" and "Smith" are gay Pickles (is that the only kind?)

Aren't in the catagory of "Jews"

for our purposes

Only MuhJew Propagandists, like YAHOO "NEWS" would claim they were Jewish.

And now the fake news conflates "New World Order" i.e. Global Fascism with "It's da Jews"

They do that on purpose.



"Subud" is Barry "Obama" background. Dad was Cult Leader, Subud. Or so it appears.