Anonymous ID: 8c3d69 Oct. 30, 2023, 5:19 a.m. No.19829808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9815 >>9821 >>9893 >>0034 >>0048 >>0221 >>0306 >>0381

This is the anon who calls earth a Global Human Livestock Plantation.


However,…it seems that 'the plan' has become more visible to anon over the past two weeks (kek!).


Basically, the US Military, multiple foreign allied militaries who are not the typical expected allies, Donald Trump, Q, anons, and Patriots worldwide are managing the elimination of the corporate ownership of nations, human and natural resources, history, and the projected narrative of what 'truth' and history is.


As a part of this transition, the UNITED STATES is one of multiple bankrupt and defunct corporate entities, with shadow, foreign ownership, that is being dissolved, leaving the Republic of the United States standing free and clear (circa 1878-ish rule of Constitutional Law).


This would be the end of the FEDERAL RESERVE SHITSTEM (and the global BIS), all corporate owned/registered nation-states, the United Nations, and all UNITED STATES agencies like the FDA, CDC, EPA, FCC, SEC, IRS, DEA, FBI, C_A, NSA, NRO, USDA, etc etc


And the STATE OF ISRAEL corp is milking the others to the last drop before it is exhausted and expired, bankrupt, and defunct tomorrow.


As this is happening, anons and our amplifiers are revealing long missed truths in plain sight, and connections often dismissed, ignored, or shushed for generations, which also have accurately, in part, illustrated the grand illusion that the world has been accepting as factual reality.


Along with other dark truths such as the organized (RICO) global human trafficking, harvesting, and ritual sacrifice elements of the management class, and the insidious manipulation of the human collective via the tools of politricks, religion, medea and pharmakeia at the highest levels for a very very long time.


What did anon miss? Surely a 'higher ranking anon' will correct a nigga, right?


It has been theHIGHEST OF HONORSto serve with you all.

To bring you information and perspective you deemed as 'notable'.

To be educated, corrected, and at times, slammed.

To craft a limitless comfort zone.

To become fearless.

To motivate and be motivated.

To laugh, to empower, and to also receive charge.

To share love.


To expose evil, deception, and trickery.

To be the STORM.

To serve the Creator in fellowship with you humble servants.

To be anon with you all.





journey well

Anonymous ID: 8c3d69 Oct. 30, 2023, 5:44 a.m. No.19829901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0025


and Oil


The unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves

28 August 2019


Oil and natural gas resources in the occupied Palestinian territory could generate hundreds of billions of dollars for development.

Geologists and resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to a recent UNCTAD study.


New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin are in the range of 122 trillion cubic foot while recoverable oil is estimated at 1.7 billion barrels, according to the study entitled “The Economic Cost of Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential.”


This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region and promote peace and cooperation among old belligerents, the study notes.


Palestinian oil and gas

These funds could finance socioeconomic development in the oPt as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


However, so far the Palestinian people have been prohibited from exploiting the oil and gas reserves in their own land and water to meet their energy needs and generate fiscal and export revenues.


This increases both the opportunity costs and the total costs borne by the Palestinian people as a result of occupation, the study states.


Assessing economic cost of occupation


In a number of UN General Assembly resolutions, UNCTAD has been asked to assess and report on the economic cost of occupation borne by the Palestinian people.


The study focuses on oil and natural gas due to their high value and critical importance in potentially meeting basic Palestinian needs for energy, and fiscal and export revenues.


It identifies and assesses existing and potential Palestinian oil and natural gas reserves that could be exploited.


Also critical are the new oil and natural gas finds in the Eastern Mediterranean that Israel has begun to exploit for its own benefit, while these resources may be considered shared resources, as the oil and natural gas exist in common pools.


“What could be a source of wealth and opportunities could prove disastrous if these common resources are exploited individually and exclusively, without due regard for international law and norms,” the study warns.


Costs enormous and escalating


Israel’s exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, including oil and natural gas, imposes on the Palestinian people enormous costs that escalate as the occupation remains in effect, the study cautions.


It highlights the peculiarities of oil and natural gas as non-renewable resources, arguing that current generations are not necessarily the only owners of these resources that straddle national borders and can thus be jointly owned by multiple states and generations.


It also recommends further detailed studies to clearly establish the Palestinian people’s right to their separate natural resources, as well as their rightful share in the common resources collectively owned by several neighbouring states in the region, including Israel.


The study comes ahead of the release of UNCTAD’s report on its assistance to the Palestinian people, slated for 10 September.

Anonymous ID: 8c3d69 Oct. 30, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19829978   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Founded MEGA Group, so yes.




Under the innocent headline, "Titans of Industry Join Forces To Work for Jewish Philanthropy," Wall Street Journal staff reporter Lisa Miller reported on an April 1998 gathering of some 20 Jewish billionaires, at the Manhattan apartment of hedge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt. That gathering involved some of the most powerful names in the Jewish lobby in America, starting with Edgar Bronfman, the chairman of the World Jewish Congress. Others included: Charles Bronfman, Edgar's brother and a top executive of the family's flagship Seagrams Corp.; Leslie Wexler of Limited, Inc.; Charles Schusterman, chairman of Samson Investment Co. of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff, a fabulously wealthy and powerful Baltimore real estate magnate; Laurence Tisch, chairman of Loews Corp.; Max Fisher, the Detroit oil magnate and Republican Party powerhouse; bagel magnate Max Lender; and Leonard Abramson, the founder of U.S. Healthcare.


According to the Journal account, the Mega Group was founded in 1991 by Wexler and Charles Bronfman, to add greater clout to the Israeli lobby, by establishing an informal, but all-powerful policymaking group, able to deploy billions of dollars in "charitable" funds for the maximum effect on U.S. policy toward Israel, the Mideast, and other issues of paramount importance to the Jewish megabillionaires.

Anonymous ID: 8c3d69 Oct. 30, 2023, 6:14 a.m. No.19830056   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>They are the inheritors of the Roman Empire.

same same


City of London


"Londinium, also known as Roman London, was the capital of Roman Britain during most of the period of Roman rule. Most twenty-first century historians think that it was originally a settlement established shortly after the Claudian invasion of Britain, on the current site of the City of London around 47–50 AD, but some defend an older view that the city originated in a defensive enclosure constructed during the Claudian invasion in 43 AD."


"The City of London, widely referred to simply as the City, is a city, ceremonial county and local government district[note 1] that contains the ancient centre, and constitutes, alongside Canary Wharf, the primary central business district (CBD) of London and one of the leading financial centres of the world. It constituted most of London from its settlement by the Romans in the 1st century AD to the Middle Ages, but the modern area named London has since grown far beyond the City of London boundary."