Cleon Peterson btfo
yep. just like you!
Dr. Jan
vid is grainy but there's blood all over the ice after they try to get him up
they should always have to wear them
best smokingpeepee imitation yet
you can't gas PEOPLE with FLEA PELLETS
there's no reason anyone in Hitler's shoes would do that, even if they wanted to exterminate jews
which he didn't. Would've saved a lot of lives.
lots of videos on bitchute you click play and nothing happens, they just buffer
he was intentionally being a nigger but I dont think he wanted to kill the other guy. He wanted to kick him in the chest and lost control. reckless enough to charge with murder IMO
you don't need to watch the whole game and memorize their bios to form an opinion
you can 'hide post' when you're done with it
if Israel needs money they can just print it
first click the triangle
glad to help you read what you want to read, if the faggot BVs erase it
wym? just click pause and it does.
hiding a post isnt filtering, it's taking out a vid you already saw. wont affect any other posts.
I'd try a different browser and if it still does it, just open tora3's in new tab
if BV wasn't being a jew you could refresh and not lose anything
it's always been like that