Anonymous ID: a6e83e Oct. 30, 2023, 11:38 p.m. No.19835221   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5223 >>5224 >>5258


>>19831368 pb

>Define SPAM on This Board



The classic definition of spam is unsolicited bulk messages, that is, messages sent to multiple recipients who did not ask for them.

The problems caused by spam are due to the combination of the unsolicited and bulk aspects; the quantity of unwanted messages swamps messaging systems and drowns out the messages that recipients do want.


The name comes from an old Monty Python skit in which actors in a movie lot canteen dressed in Viking costumes chant spam, Spam, SPAM so loudly and repeatedly as to drown out everything else.


The original impetus for spam was advertising. Some spam also does non-commercial advertisingโ€ฆ[such as religious or political spam].




It's either the exact same posts or very similar repeated over and over again. Can be either within OR between threads.

Often the repetition becomes a flood (as in "flood the zone" technique from event 201).

Senders seek to flood the breads with messages that are mostly unwanted for reasons like these:

  • straight out advertising of products (commercial spam)

  • promoting an agenda that diverges significantly from Q's

  • interference with the ability of anons to post (like mass blitzkrieg attacks)

  • interference with the ability of anons to exchange ideas or do diggs (red text block)

  • intention to systematically attack specific anons (8kun admins, board admins/reporters/bakers/any others)

  • intention to trash the place for no good reason (hardcore pron/fetish/bizarre, gore, crotch shots, nonsense text, satanic images)

  • intention to endanger the board by deliberately posting illegal, subversive or other material suspicious to authorities (CP, borderline CP, violence, public officials dox, "MAGA Patriots" provocations)


The attention paid by admins depends on the intensity and effect of the spam. Aim is not to totally eliminate spam. It's to keep it from swamping the breads.