>>>19841020 DIG: Is ice cream actually good for dementia?
if fhis is true, then probably so would be a spoonfull of sugar melting on your tounge. it's a cure for hiccups. place a spoonfull of granulated sugar on you tongue and it interrupts the impulses coming through your vagus nerve. stimulating the vagus nerve sends an "all clear" signal, or hard "relax" signal, throughout your body. stimulating the vagus nerve also sends the "all clear" signal the body needs whenever it's stuck in fight-or-flight mode, such as for all those with PTSD. ive found stretching your jaw out and stimulating the nerves around the ear canal stimulates the vagus nerve the best. it can be done on command and will help people with PTSD get through flashbacks within seconds or get out of PTSD altogether, if stimulated regularly.
we need more resesrch on this. theres not enough out there. doing this got me passed 33 years of PTSD