Anonymous ID: 051675 Nov. 2, 2023, 1:32 a.m. No.19847253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299

China Sends Fleet to Build Antarctic Research Station

by Albee Zhang and Ryan Woo Reuters November 1, 2023


BEIJING, Nov 1 (Reuters) – Two Chinese icebreaker research vessels and a cargo ship set sail on Wednesday for the Antarctic with more than 460 personnel on board to help complete construction of China’s fifth station on the world’s southernmost continent.


China’s biggest flotilla of research vessels deployed to the Antarctic will focus on building the station on the rocky, windswept Inexpressible Island near the Ross Sea, a deep Southern Ocean bay named after a 19th century British explorer.


Work on the first Chinese station in the Pacific sector began in 2018. It will be used to conduct research on the region’s environment, state television reported.


China has four research stations in the Antarctic built from 1985 to 2014. A U.S.-based think tank estimated the fifth could be finished next year.


The facility is expected to include an observatory with a satellite ground station, and should help China “fill in a major gap” in its ability to access the continent, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in a report this year.


The station is also well situated to collect signals intelligence over Australia and New Zealand and telemetry data on rockets launched from Australia’s new Arnhem Space Centre, it said.


China rejects suggestions that its stations would be used for espionage.


The two icebreakers, Xuelong 1 and Xuelong 2, the name means “Snow Dragon” in Chinese, set sail from Shanghai with mostly personnel and logistics supplies on board.


The cargo ship “Tianhui,” or “Divine Blessings,” taking construction material for the station, set off from the eastern port of Zhangjiagang.


The five-month mission will include a survey on the impact of climate change.


The two icebreakers will also conduct environmental surveys in the Prydez Bay, the Astronaut Sea in southeast Antarctic, and in the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea in the west.


The mission, China’s 40th to the Antarctic, will also cooperate with countries including the United States, Britain, and Russia on logistics supply, state media said.

Anonymous ID: 051675 Nov. 2, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.19847281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7288

Sugar Piles Up at Brazilian Ports Amid Global Shortage

By Dayanne Sousa and Isis Almeida (Bloomberg) — November 1, 2023


The world needs sugar from top producer Brazil more than ever to help ease global shortages. Congestion at key ports means the country can’t ship it fast enough.


More than a decade after port logjams plagued Latin America’s biggest economy — sending sugar prices rallying — logistics are being stretched to their maximum again. Approximately 70 vessels are waiting some 20 days to load over 3 million tons of sugar in the country, shipping agency SA Commodities said. That’s equivalent to a month of exports.


To make matters worse, a fire at Paranagua, Brazil’s second-biggest port, has shut down a terminal and impacted operations at another facility. And all of that is happening just as a drought in the Amazon region is rerouting grain shipments from northern ports, increasing competition with sugar in the southeast.


“This is the first time in years that Brazil tested its maximum logistics capacity,” said Ricardo Carvalho, commercial director at BP Bunge Bioenergia SA, a joint venture between the British oil major and one of the largest crop traders.


Bumper soy and corn crops have coincided with sugar production that’s expected to hit a record this year. While bigger crops should in theory help ease global sugar shortages that have already sent prices to their highest since 2011, a repeat of last decade’s logjams is keeping the world undersupplied.


Poor crops and the threat of export restrictions in India and Thailand have already put raw sugar futures traded in New York on track for a fifth year of gains, the longest winning streak since 1989. With global inventories expected to fall to their lowest level in 13 years, the world is again relying on Brazil to meet growing demand.


“The dependence that the world is creating on Brazilian sugar is frightening,” Mauro Angelo, chief executive officer of Alvean, the world’s largest sugar trader, said in an interview in Sao Paulo last week. The company is controlled by Brazilian producer Copersucar SA.


For many sugar traders, it’s feeling like the early 2010s all over again. Brazil faced severe logjams back then, followed by a fire in the port of Santos that disrupted loadings. Competition with grain exports was also strong, only easing when a wave of logistic investments in the country’s north started operating.


But unlike then, conditions now paint an uncertain future. With high interest rates and rising construction costs, relief for sugar markets may only come with a new terminal in Santos. Cofco International Ltd. is expected to start operating the facility in 2025, said Marcelo de Andrade, managing director of soft commodities at the trading unit of China’s largest food company.


“The world needs sugar. Brazil has sugar, but can’t ship it, so prices have to rise,” de Andrade saidin Sao Paulo last week. “How long will the party last? Until Cofco’s terminal starts.”


But even then, the pressure would ease for only about two to three years, before Brazil’s total agricultural production grows enough to stretch capacity again, Alvean’s Angelo said.


For now, the tight logistics has put the sugar markets in alert mode.


The Amazon drought means that about 1 million tons of grains that would normally travel in barges through the region is being directed to ports in the southeast, according to Carvalho of BP Bunge. While water levels have been improving after reaching historical lows, sugar logistics should remain under pressure.


Brazil will start harvesting its new soybean crop later this year, and many terminals that are now shipping sugar will flip to the oilseed next year. Others will stop for annual maintenance.


Many are already struggling with heavy rainfall, which prevents terminals from loading sugar at the risk of ruining the product.


“The current record sugar crop is testing the limits of the tight port logistics particularly in Santos,” Thierry Songeur, a general manager at Paris-based trader Sucres et Denrees SA. “The market is vulnerable to the weather news, with heavy and long lasting rains likely to trigger a bullish move.”


Saturday’s fire at a conveyor belt servicing the CAP Terminal at Paranagua only adds further pressure to a strained market. While the nearby Bunge Ltd. facility is expected to return to full operations this week or early next week at the latest, it’s unclear how long CAP will be offline.



Anonymous ID: 051675 Nov. 2, 2023, 3:23 a.m. No.19847455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7471



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>>19847253 China Sends Fleet to Build Antarctic Research Station