I don’t shut up
and when I look at you
I throw up
I don’t shut up
and when I look at you
I throw up
If you didn’t feel threatened by us, your dumbass wouldn’t be here posting gore you retarded mother fucker with serious mental problems. God loves everyone but you, kmao. I spit on you, you stupid bastard.
If we weren’t a threat, God forsaken dumbasses like you wouldn’t be here.
God doesn’t love you. Kmfao
Gorefag is scared to die.
My daddy is bigger than your daddy
Did u forget some of us may have daddies?
My bad .. by wrong I meant something deeply wrong with you to where you’re damaged somehow? I mean, normal people don’t post gore ever night as if they had no fucking life n there was something deeply wrong with them type thing.. not u though, I’m sure you’re perfectly Kemal n coping with life just fine. I’m sure you are happy inside.
Perfectly normal (you)
You’re absolutely fine n completely lovable, I’m sure of it. I can tell by what u say and how you post gore. I’d be really proud of myself too if I were you. I’d feel like a total winner.
I’m just a very simple person n hardly have a pot to piss in but I do have one n I’m thankful for it. I’m just a drop in the ocean. I mind my own business n hardly ever talk to anyone irl.
I come here for reasons I don’t need to splain to other Anons. There seems to only be a smol handful of us left here. Summer Anons bolted when they seen’t Biden “win.” So if u think about it, we’re a tiny drop in the ocean too, as far as QR to world pop ratio. There’s a whole world out there with all kinds of things to do and experience, but daaaayum, here they are and they fight us hard!! Kek. We even get gorefag’s futile attempts. When shtf Anons can mind filter the carnage due to gorefags diligence.