Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 9:32 p.m. No.19846672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6815 >>6822 >>7094 >>7213 >>7299

Naomi Wolf Joins WarRoom To Give An Update On Dr. Fauci Corruption. He was exposed for experimenting in the US on the Wuhan virus in 2018 when it was banned, by Obama Admin!


(I hear angels and souls singing, especially the souls tortured by Fauci and his ilk, getting the final judgement!Including elemental life of Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines and Salamanders, (earth, air, water and fire elementals==animals)




May God Almighty in the full power of Justice punish Fauci for the WW death he himself is responsible for, just because he hates Trump and all mankind! Do you see how utterly sick and power hungry they are to control all mankind and the earth?


PS: Do Not Forget Deborah Birx, she is the same evil genetic structurethat Fauci is made from. She just had enough sense to run back to Africa to continue her money making endeavor, after Bidan stole the election. She went back to the fake research on HIV and Aids, which they created by injecting the natives with it there!


Remember this anons and the Angels of Judgement from the Throne of God: Fauci and Birx are responsible for the HIV AIDS created by GHWBush, and the drugs and injections thatcaused millions and millions of deaths around the World and still are in African and Asian country.


Never forget, Fauci was a willing Satanic Evil Angel of Death, in every drug, vaccine, injection and pro Pharma decision he made since 1989! Mengele was a nothing compared to Fauci, only if, reincarnation is untrue!


I know this a rant but Fauci stirs the absolute fire of God’s Justice and Judgement in me.

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 9:52 p.m. No.19846722   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I love President Trump, his logic and foresight is outstanding, but he does know and is running the playbook!


It’s quite amazing those that hid in the shadows for four to six years, are willingly revealing their betrayal to America, the people and Trump!Their arrogance knows no bounds.


Thats how out of touch politicians are in DC and in our states!


Like Bannon and Bongino say constantly, “they really hate you!” Now they can’t fake anything


The Great Awakening is accelerating at a speed we have never seen before and its going on all over the World including the EU!


EU and World Anons congrats and report back, I’ve only been reading some articles of Germany and a number of countries there, have conservatives winning, including Asia. Africa etc. throwing off their European and other masters for 100s of years.


WWG1WGA and that means WW

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 10:09 p.m. No.19846764   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The most unbelievable thing is these republicans saw how Pelosi, Jeffries and the Dems betrayed McCarthy and these assholes don’t understand how Dems are picking them off one by one with the slim majority of Reps, to steal the majority. I guess reps believe “I pinky swear” to protect you! Is true.

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 10:43 p.m. No.19846827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6910

>>19846766. What is the effect of Saturn going direct


In the cosmic dance of the planets, Saturn, the ringed giant, plays a significant role. Astrologers believe that the movement of Saturn, particularly its transition from retrograde to direct, can influence the lives of people belonging to different zodiac signs. In this article, we'll explore the effects of Saturn turning 'direct' from 'retrograde' on individuals of all zodiac signs.


Understanding Saturn's Retrograde and Direct Motion


Before delving into the effects, it's essential to comprehend what Saturn's retrograde and direct motions signify. From Earth's perspective, Saturn appears to travel backward in its orbit when it is in retrograde motion. This period is often associated with introspection and reevaluation. On the other hand, when Saturn goes direct, it resumes its forward motion, signifying progress and action….


How to Make the Most of Saturn Turning Direct

Saturn turning direct is a time to take action and to move forward on our goals. It is also a time to be responsible and to commit to our responsibilities.

Here are some tips for making the most of Saturn turning direct:

Set attainable goals: Since Saturn is a practical planet, it's critical to establish attainable goals that you can accomplish with perseverance and hard effort.

Divide your objectives: Move towards your goals in smaller & more achievable steps. This will help your goals appear less daunting and more doable.

Make an action plan: After breaking your goals down into manageable steps, make a plan of action outlining how you're going to get there.

Take action consistently:Saturn rewards discipline and hard work. Take action on your goals consistently, even if it is just in small steps.

Be patient:Saturn is a slow-moving planet, so it is important to be patient and to trust that you will achieve your goals with hard work and dedication.


The effects of Saturn turning 'direct' from 'retrograde' can vary for individuals based on their zodiac signs. It's a period of transition and change, offering opportunities for growth and development in various aspects of life.

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 10:51 p.m. No.19846850   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some are still out there, but the threats are overwhelming. Maybe he’s only involved because its democrats or he’s at the end if his term. At least he made a legal decision (we hope)

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 11:11 p.m. No.19846931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6935


You and we know its true, decisions were made, it was the first time in charge, got advice from assholes, that will never happen again. Fool me once cost a lot, it will not happen again!

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 11:23 p.m. No.19846965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Okey dokey! I didn’t write it.I’m just kind of wondering why is he concerned about “astrology” interpreted by star gazers?



For other uses, see Zoroaster (disambiguation).

"Zarathustra" redirects here. For other uses, see Zarathustra (disambiguation).

Zoroaster,[a] also known as Zarathustra,[b] is regarded as the spiritual founder of Zoroastrianism.He is said to have been an Iranian prophet who founded a religious movement that challenged the existing traditions of ancient Iranian religion, and inaugurated a movement that eventually became a staple religion in ancient Iran. He was a native speaker of Avestan and lived in the eastern part of the Iranian plateau, but his exact birthplace is uncertain.He founded the first documented monotheistic religionin the world and also had an impact on Plato, Pythagoras, and the Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.[2][3][4]



There is little scholarly consensus on when he lived.[5] Some scholars, using linguistic and socio-cultural evidence, suggest a dating to somewhere in the second millennium BC. Other scholars date him to the 7th and 6th centuries BC as a near-contemporary of Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great.[6][7][8][9][10][11] Zoroastrianism eventually became the official state religion of ancient Iran—particularly during the era of the Achaemenid Empire—and its distant subdivisions from around the 6th century BC until the 7th century AD, when the religion itself began to decline following the Arab-Muslim conquest of Iran.[12] Zoroaster is credited with authorship of the Gathas as well as the Yasna Haptanghaiti, a series of hymns composed in his native Avestan dialect that comprise the core of Zoroastrian thinking. Little is known about Zoroaster; most of his life is known only from these scant texts.[2] By any modern standard of historiography, no evidence can place him into a fixed period and the historicization surrounding him may be a part of a trend from before the 10th century AD that historicizes legends and myths.[13]…

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 11:36 p.m. No.19847001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19846910.Got it

Zoroaster has also been described as a sorcerer-astrologer– the creator of both magic and astrology. Deriving from that image, and reinforcing it, was a "mass of literature" attributed to him and that circulated the Mediterranean world from the 3rd century BC to the end of antiquity and beyond.[95][96]


The language of that literature was predominantly Greek, though at one stage or another various parts of it passed through Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic or Latin. Its ethos and cultural matrix was likewise Hellenistic, and "the ascription of literature to sources beyond that political, cultural and temporal framework represents a bid for authority and a fount of legitimizing "alien wisdom". Zoroaster and the magi did not compose it, but their names sanctioned it."[95] The attributions to "exotic" names (not restricted to magians) conferred an "authority of a remote and revelatory wisdom."[97]


Among the named works attributed to "Zoroaster" is a treatise On Nature (Peri physeos), which appears to have originally constituted four volumes (i.e. papyrus rolls). The framework is a retelling of Plato's Myth of Er, with Zoroaster taking the place of the original hero. While Porphyry imagined Pythagoras listening to Zoroaster's discourse, On Nature has the sun in middle position, which was how it was understood in the 3rd century. In contrast, Plato's 4th-century BC version had the sun in second place above the moon. Colotes accused Plato of plagiarizing Zoroaster,[98][99] and Heraclides Ponticus wrote a text titled Zoroaster based on his perception of "Zoroastrian" philosophy, in order to express his disagreement with Plato on natural philosophy.[100] With respect to substance and content in On Nature only two facts are known: that it was crammed with astrological speculations, and that Necessity (Ananké) was mentioned by name and that she was in the air.[citation needed]


Pliny the Elder names Zoroaster as the inventor of magic (Natural History 30.2.3). "However, a principle of the division of labor appears to have spared Zoroaster most of the responsibility for introducing the dark arts to the Greek and Roman worlds." That "dubious honor" went to the "fabulous magus, Ostanes, to whom most of the pseudepigraphic magical literature was attributed."[101] Although Pliny calls him the inventor of magic, the Roman does not provide a "magician's persona" for him.[101] Moreover, the little "magical" teaching that is ascribed to Zoroaster is actually very late, with the very earliest example being from the 14th century.[102]


Association with astrology according to Roger Beck, were based on his Babylonian origin, and Zoroaster's Greek name was identified at first with star-worshiping (astrothytes, 'star sacrificer") and, with the Zo-, even as the 'living' star.[103][verification needed] Later, an even more elaborate mythoetymology evolved: Zoroaster died by the living (zo-) flux (ro-) of fire from the star (astr-) which he himself had invoked, and even, that the stars killed him in revenge for having been restrained by him.[103][verification needed]


Pythagoreans considered the mathematicians to have studied with Zoroaster in Babylonia.[105] Lydus, in On the Months, attributes the creation of the seven-day week to "the Babylonians in the circle of Zoroaster and Hystaspes," and who did so because there were seven planets.[106] Lucian of Samosata, in Mennipus 6, reports deciding to journey to Babylon "to ask one of the magi, Zoroaster's disciples and successors," for their opinion.[107]


While the division along the lines of Zoroaster/astrology and Ostanes/magic is an "oversimplification, the descriptions do at least indicate what the works are not"; they were not expressions of Zoroastrian doctrine, they were not even expressions of what the Greeks and Romans "imagined the doctrines of Zoroastrianism to have been".[97]


Another work circulating under the name of "Zoroaster" was the Asteroskopita (or Apotelesmatika), and which ran to five volumes (i.e. papyrus rolls). The title and fragments suggest that it was an astrological handbook, "albeit a very varied one, for the making of predictions."[97] A third text attributed to Zoroaster is

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 1, 2023, 11:57 p.m. No.19847061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They’ve got to be doing this intentionally to look incompetent

1 Nov, 2023 23:23

Pentagon’s ICBM test ends in ‘anomaly’

The test launch of a Minuteman III missile still “provided vital data,” the US military insisted


A disarmed test missile had to be destroyed in flight because of a problem, the US Air Force said on Wednesday evening, offering no details about what happened.


The Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was “safely terminated” at 12:06am Pacific time, “due to an anomaly during a test launch from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California,” said the Air Force Global Strike Command.


According to the US military, the missile nevertheless provided “vital data” and that the command “learns lessons from every test launch,” so it can ensure the “continued reliability and accuracy” of the Minuteman III.


The command said it would form a Launch Analysis Group to investigate the cause of the anomaly, which will include representatives of the 377th Test and Evaluation Group, the 576th Flight Test Squadron, the Space Launch Delta 30 Safety Office and the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, among others.


Wednesday’s test was announced by Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder in Tuesday’s press briefing, as a way to demonstrate the “redundancy and reliability of our strategic-deterrence system while sending a visible message of assurance to allies.”


Last year, Washington canceled or postponed at least two ICBM tests, citing concerns about potential “misunderstandings” with Russia and China.


First deployed in 1970, the Minuteman III is the key system in the ground-based leg of the US nuclear triad. It is scheduled to be replaced by the LGM-35A Sentinel starting in 2029, though Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told US lawmakers earlier this year that it will be a“challenge” to have the new missile ready in time.


The Air Force is “committed to ensuring Minuteman III remains a viable deterrent” until the Sentinel is fully deployed “in the mid-2030s,” the Global Strike Command said.


Wednesday’s test comes amid a push for the expansion and modernization of the US nuclear arsenal, which critics have said comes without regard for the cost.

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 2, 2023, 12:09 a.m. No.19847110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7213 >>7299

1 Nov, 2023 07:22

Ukraine’s top security official threatens Zelensky critics

Aleksey Danilov has urged action against anonymous sources cited in a scathing Time article


Anonymous senior Ukrainian officials who told Time magazine they do not share President Vladimir Zelensky’s vision of a military victory over Russia must be identified and ousted, the secretary of the national security council, Aleksey Danilov, told local media on Tuesday.


Danilov expressed outrage with the Time article, which was published on Monday, stating that it was playing into Russia’s hands. The fact that the outlet granted anonymity to some of its sources – a normal practice that allows officials to discuss problems candidly, “raises many questions,” according to him.


“If you … do not believe that our country can achieve victory, you have no right to be near our president,”Danilov declared.


He suggested that the anonymous sources inflicted harm on Ukraine before stating: “I believe our security agencies should give an answer to the question who those anonymous people are.”


Ukrainian people questioning Kiev’s official line have been previously labeled “pro-Russian”and punished in various ways, including through criminal prosecution.


The Time article described Zelensky’s belief in a battlefield victory over Russia as “immovable, verging on the messianic.”


“He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides was quoted as saying. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”


The president’s “stubbornness” has prevented Kiev from even considering a diplomatic resolution of the crisis, the outlet said. The failure of Western donors to provide even more weapons to Ukraine than they did makes Zelensky feel “betrayed” by them, another insider revealed.


Danilov questioned the credentials of the quoted individuals, stating that Zelensky has no formal aides and only has a single female personal assistant. He urged Time’s author, Simon Shuster, to “stop using anonymous speech, because it’s a very, very sensitive issue for our nation.”(KEK all Ukraine does is proliferate anonymous rumors hourly, whats good for the goose is good for the gander!)


“The Russian Federation has the only way to defeat us, that is internal destabilization,” he added.


Moscow has called the Ukraine conflict an element of the US proxy war against Russia, in which the neighboring country is used as a “battering ram.” Washington allegedly derailed a negotiated truce in the early weeks of the hostilities, which would have made Ukraine a neutral nation not allowed to host any foreign military infrastructure or join military blocs in exchange for international security guarantees.


(Ukraine will never admit they lost and are bully losers. I think TIME made up the whole story by orders. Paranoia much? These people are insane orso high on crack that they have no ability to STFU)

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 2, 2023, 12:18 a.m. No.19847136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7173

1 Nov, 2023 05:14

Biden threatens to veto Israel aid package

The US president will reject the spending bill unless it also includes assistance for Ukraine, the White House has warned


US President Joe Biden will refuse to sign a Republican-backed military aid package for Israel if it does not include billions in funding for Ukraine, according to the White House’s budget office.


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a statement on Tuesday dissecting the Republican proposal, saying it “inserts partisanship into support for Israel” and fails to devote resources for Kiev in its conflict with Russia.


“Congress has consistently worked in a bipartisan manner to provide security assistance to Israel, and this bill threatens to unnecessarily undermine that longstanding approach,” the office said, adding that “bifurcating Israel security assistance from the other priorities in the national security supplemental will have global consequences.”


Republicans in Congress put forward a $14 billion aid package for Israel on Monday, calling to slash funds set aside for the Internal Revenue Service under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, and to omit security assistance to Ukraine, among other cuts. Newly appointed GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson has stated he would like to “bifurcate” aid for Israel and Ukraine, going directly against the White House’s plan to link the two issues.


The OMB went on to state that the Republican bill “is bad for Israel, the Middle East region, and for our own national security,” but added that the White House would continue to work with lawmakers to find a compromise.


Though most Republicans vocally support additional aid to Israel amid its operation to eliminate Hamas in Gaza, support for Kiev has become contentious within the party. During recent negotiations to avert a government shutdown, the White House failed to secure billions in aid requested for Ukraine due to GOP opposition. Former House speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his position as a result of the controversy, after some rebel Republicans accused him of attempting to appease Democrats on stop-gap spending legislation.


While lawmakers passed a temporary funding bill to avoid a government shutdown earlier this month, they opted to drop Ukraine aid from the measure entirely, delaying the issue for a more complete spending package.


Pushing back on Republican complaints, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has argued that Ukraine would face defeat by Russia without American largesse, insisting Washington must not “pull the rug out from under them now.”


Despite some $50 billion in direct US military aid since February 2022, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky reportedly feels “betrayed”by Kiev’s Western partners as arms shipments have slowed down, his aides recently told Time magazine. “They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it,” the publication wrote, citing a member of Zelensky’s team.


(We All Be So Scared! Go Ahead! And FJB, thats what Israel will be chanting! The more you VETO, the more YOU lose!)

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 2, 2023, 12:31 a.m. No.19847170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

31 Oct, 2023 11:56

Zelensky’s chief of staff deletes link to scathing Time article – media

The magazine depicted the Ukrainian leader as unwilling to compromise and unable to stop corruption


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff, Andrey Yermak, has backtracked after promoting a Time magazine article that portrayed the leader as being overly stubborn and unable to control corruption.


Yermak’s Telegram account initially shared a link to the 3,700-word Time report on Monday, describing it as “a very important article,”according to screenshots shared by Ukrainian and Russian journalists. As of Tuesday, the message was no longer available.


Some commentators have suggested that whoever posted the link had failed to read the article first, and had assumed it was complementary of Zelensky.


Having previously been praised by Western journalists amid the conflict with Russia, Zelensky was painted in a less complimentary light by Ukrainian insiders quoted by Time, who described an “angry” individual with a record of political missteps.


“Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it,” the report said of the president, citing a longtime member of his team.


“He deludes himself,” another Zelensky aide told the magazine. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”


The president’s “stubbornness” prevents his government from even considering a negotiated peace with Russia, according to the article. Instead, Zelensky orders the military to push forward, even though some frontline commanders refuse direct orders from his office, it added. Furthermore, Ukrainian armed forces lack weapons and manpower, with the latter undermined by sluggish conscription efforts.


The mood among the population in Ukraine could change in the winter, when people are likely to experience regular blackouts again, one source close to Zelensky told the outlet.


“Last year people blamed the Russians. This time they’ll blame us for not doing enough to prepare,” he predicted.


Yermak contributed to the story, claiming that Ukrainian officials are “not out here living the high life.” The remark was mentioned in the context of Zelensky’s apparent failure to address corruption, as suggested by another presidential confidante.


“People are stealing like there’s no tomorrow,”a top presidential adviser told Time. It took Zelensky at least six months to fire then-Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov after the leader was alerted to graft in the department, although by that time “it was too late,” another source claimed. Western allies were “already aware” of a corruption scandal involving inflated procurement prices, as were frontline soldiers.


(If this isn’t a direct public message to Zelensky by the ACI nothing is!Z is obviously not hearing or listening. Lesson: when you go to bed with snakes, you wake up with snake bites or don’t wake up at all.)

Anonymous ID: 9bba00 Nov. 2, 2023, 12:56 a.m. No.19847202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7219 >>7223

Harnwell: Lindsey Graham Says The US Should Place “No Limit” On Civilian Casualties In Gaza




Look on the bright side — at least warmongering Zionist neocons like Lindsey Graham aren’t even pretending to represent regular taxpaying Americans anymore. Which I suppose is a plus.


That said,I’m still not sure how dragging the United States into WW3 via full-throated endorsement of the ethnic cleansing of “Palestinians” in Gaza advances the cause of actual Americans. (KEK)


I say this with great hesitation as a non-American — but US elected representatives’contempt for the interests of their own voters is simply astonishing.


(The insane faggot shows the world how insane he is!)